Does Elie Wiesel Speak Hungarian?

Published by carolyn on Fri, 2013-03-22 06:28

By Carolyn Yeager

The answer might be:  Barely.  Or rudimentarily.

Elie Wiesel is known for putting big ones over on the American (and other English-speaking) people , so it is no surprise to us that he is also faking his knowledge of Hungarian. I had already noticed that on the rare occasions he is shown speaking that language, he doesn’t go beyond short phrases or even just one-or-two-word questions and answers. Not being linguistically gifted myself, I didn’t feel I could say much about it.

Image right: The pretentious Tom Lantos Human Rights Prize for 2010 was presented to the pretentious Elie Wiesel (shown with Lantos’ widow) in November 2010. [Photo by Babette Rittmeyer & Brittany Smith]  More about Tom Lantos below.

But now a Hungarian-American reader named John contacted me about the video “Elie Wiesel Goes Home.” He began by watching the short segment (2 min 29 sec) that is available on Youtube.  He noticed discrepancies right away.

Continue reading this article at Elie Wiesel Cons The World


Elie Wiesel

"The International Jew" Study Hour - Episode 39

Published by carolyn on Thu, 2013-03-21 15:46

March 21, 2013

Carolyn Yeager and Hadding Scott read and comment on Chapter 35,  "‘Jewish Rights’ Clash with American Rights.”

It is the Jews themselves that interject the religious element into the “Jewish Question.” Study of the record shows that the “rights” they demand can be summed up in the “right” to banish everything from their sight and hearing that even suggests Christianity or it’s Founder. Since 1906, with the creation of the American Jewish Committee, their demands increased in number and insistence. This chapter  details many of these demands, starting in 1899 and continuing to 1917, showing the large number of small points at which Jewish life conflicts with community life.

Note: We are using the Noontide Press publication of The International Jew — The World’s Foremost Problem which can be found online here as a pdf file.

The Heretics' Hour: Upholding Standards Within the Truth Community

Published by carolyn on Mon, 2013-03-18 19:51

March 18, 2013

Carolyn Yeager presents a number of topics, based loosely on the wisdom of upholding the highest standards:

  • Background on the writings by Leopold and Willy Wenger on;
  • Acknowledgment of the passing of a great warrior, Douglas Christie;
  • The psychological effect of donation giving, as discovered by Carolyn;
  • Unending demands of Jews for more rights, influence and power to determine who can be politically viable and who can’t;
  • Charles Krafft portrayed by Public Radio as possibly mentally ill or senile because of his purported “antisemitism;”
  • The amazing inability of modern day “forward-thinking intellectuals”  to deal with historical/holocaust revisionist thinking;
  • Beware of the Michael Ford translation of Mein Kampf, shown to be the work of an entrepreneur interested in money rather than a scholar interested in faithful representation;
  • Comparison of passages from various translations show the pitfalls of reading translations; thus the more familiarity one has with the language and author the better.

Image: German edition of Mein Kampf put out by the NSDAP, 1937. This very edition was given to me as a gift. The text is in a Gothic typeface – very typical of German texts in that day, but harder to read than good old Times Roman.

Saturday Afternoon: MacDonald and Tanstaafl on Auster and Jewish Influence

Published by carolyn on Sat, 2013-03-16 11:39

March 16, 2013

Prof. Kevin MacDonald, author of the famous trilogy on Jewish evolutionary strategy, and Blogger Tanstaafl of Age of Treason have both written about Jewish-turned-Christian Blogger Lawrence Auster (recent photo shown at right) and been written about by him in return. Look here for Tanstaafl.  In this program they consider:

  • Why Auster is someone worth writing about;
  • Comparing Auster to an Alan Dershowitz;
  • Jewish ethnocentricity as a biological trait or imperative vs an ideology;
  • How approval for the term “the Other” changes whether used by Jews or Whites;
  • Why Jews are so anti-White;
  • Can we afford to have Jews in White nations if we want them to remain White;
  • How to get over fear of being called names;
  • Dilemma of young, white males in today’s multicultural society;
  • And a few more things, too.

Calls from Rick, Stuart, Patty and Rodney added to the program in the 2nd hour. Carolyn apologizes for her telephone foible and for missing the program’s ending … again.

The Anschluss of Austria

Published by carolyn on Thu, 2013-03-14 20:06

This report comes from a family chronicle that describes events during the so-called "Nazi era" as we experienced it. It is a testimony to great idealism and sacrifice for an Idea which filled us then. Today, most people see things in a very different light ...

The great hope:  the German Reich

By Willy Wenger

copyright 2013 Wilhelm Wenger and Carolyn Yeager

Translated from the German by Hasso Castrup

Eisenerzer Alps, January 1938

We got through the winter of 1937 well. We often traveled to our skiing places. I was usually in the company of my schoolmates; Mandi Holzer was always there. Poldi [Willy's older brother Leopold whom he called Bibi-cy] preferred the higher regions of Vordernberg auf den Polster (a popular ski resort, easy to reach from Leoben).

At the tender age of 12 there is a lot one doesn’t understand, but it still always aroused our interest when older students gathered during breaks at school and discussed the situation at that time. Again and again we were talking about Germany, for us a promised land flowing with milk and honey. While in Austria we still had a very modest standard of living, it seemed to go better and better in Germany. And that was thanks to one man: Adolf Hitler. One spoke of him as a god, who had pulled Germany out of the sump after the shameful Treaty of Versailles. Gradually Hitler brought back former German territories. And all this without bloodshed. It actually seemed as if there really was to be "no more war!"

"The International Jew" Study Hour - Episode 38

Published by carolyn on Thu, 2013-03-14 16:13

March 14, 2013

Hadding Scott and Carolyn Yeager read and comment on Chapter 34, The Jewish Demand for “Rights” in America.”

The final paragraphs of Chapter 33 lead us right into Chapter 34, which spells out very clearly that the Jews did not lack rights in the United States, but were from the beginning cloaking their voracious hunger for more power in the guise of “minority rights for Jews.” Some of their demands were:

  • Unrestricted Jewish immigration into the US;
  • A drive to forbid the word “Christ” in public announcements and Christmas celebrations in schools;
  • Removal from libraries of classics that weren’t flattering to Jews;
  • Removal from office or prosecution of all public persons who criticize the Jewish race;
  • The official recognition of Jewish holidays and the Jewish Sabbath.

Image:  Louis Marshall (left) and Cyrus Adler were two of the American Jewish Committee founders in 1906, who also created the American Jewish Relief Committee in 1914. The former became chairman, the latter campaign chairman. At the Paris Peace Conference of 1919, they played a significant role in securing Jewish minority rights within the nations newly carved out of the old empires.

Note: We are using the Noontide Press publication of The International Jew — The World’s Foremost Problem which can be found online here as a pdf file.

Shoabloger should be on your reading list

Published by carolyn on Thu, 2013-03-14 07:53

A fantastic new website makes holocaust-revisionist works available in English and Polish that have not previously been translated into those languages. is currently featuring "The Forbidden Truth" (Die verbotene Wahrheit), a 34-page brochure covering the important questions about the so-called 'Holocaust' divided into 12 chapters. So far, two chapters are published: Atrocity Propaganda and "The miraculous transformation of historical truth."

The image above is featured with The Forbidden Truth and includes the following text:

A huge Holocaust memorial, the size of two football fields, which occupies the center of Berlin, has been built despite empty coffers and against the will of the people.

The 2751 concrete pillars symbolize the desperate attempt to cement a highly questionable account of history, and to avoid any rational discussion. Doubts about the official version of the Holocaust are being suppressed under threat of draconian penalties.

Previous entries have been writings by French revisionist Vincent Reynouard which had not been available in English. Now they are!

Put this site on your favorites list and remember to check it often. We need more of this important work translated into more languages. More and more. That's the idea.

Why doesn't Elie Wiesel Sue Me for Libel?

Published by carolyn on Wed, 2013-03-13 15:14

By Carolyn Yeager

Have you ever wondered that? I sure have. If the website Elie Wiesel Cons The World is telling lies about him, it would be the natural thing to do. In the same vein, if Elie Wiesel has the number A7713 tattooed on his arm, as he says he does, it would be very easy to show it to the world and put me out of business. It is inexplicable that he doesn’t do it if he could. The only logical conclusion is that he can’t … because he doesn’t.

Not only does Elie Wiesel not sue me, he doesn’t go after Nikolaus Grüner either, who called him a liar before I did. Grüner did try to sue Elie Wiesel, though, but was prevented from doing so by the courts and legal systems that protect Wiesel according to Zionist orders.

I’m told the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum closely follows this blog. I have said many negative things about the museum, too. For instance, that it is a criminal conspiracy to  defraud the American people — certainly to defraud the American taxpayers out of fifty or so million dollars a year.  I have accused the USHMM of blatant lying, of perpetuating false information even after it knows it is false, of creating an atmosphere of hate against anyone Jews don’t like. And, yes, of being totally run by Jews for Jewish interests — not the interests of history — very similar to the OSI (Office of Special Investigations) in it’s disreputable and downright illegal tactics.

Continue reading this article at Elie Wiesel Cons The World

The Days of Our Revolution

Published by carolyn on Tue, 2013-03-12 08:14

From Leopold Wenger's Trip Diary

The Days of Our Revolution

copyright 2013 Wilhelm Wenger and Carolyn Yeager

Translated from the German by Hasso Castrup

Following are the stirring events that took place in Leoben, Styria from February 12 through March 20, 1938, preparatory to the Anchluss (Austria becoming part of the German Reich) as recorded at the time by 16 year-old Hitler Youth member Leopold Wenger. Courtesy of Willy Wenger. -cy

12 February 1938  On our old campsite, at our cabin on Kraubatheck, there was for quite a long time already plans for a Hitler Youth camp again and it was scheduled to open this evening ... and as our term vacations were ending on 16 February, we were to spend four full days. Everything was already prepared and the food was already up there. I apologized that I could not come before Sunday because we had to sit in the police prison of Leoben and Wurschitz - 12 hours for a bicycle offense. (The fine was too expensive for us, therefore I had to endure the sentence). These 12 hours felt like an eternity. We were there together with all kinds of criminals: One of them told us that recently a Nazi was sitting there too, was then sent on to the district court but first he hid his revolver, cartridges and a swastika armband with the stamp of Donawitz in a wastebasket. One of the crooks found it and, with pleasure, handed it to the police.

Below: Our cabin in Schladnitzgraben; Right: Illegal Hitler Youth meet for skiing.

Group picture of Leoben illegal Hitler Youth, Feburary 1938

The Heretics' Hour: 75th anniversary of Austrian annexation with the German Reich

Published by carolyn on Mon, 2013-03-11 19:25

March 11, 2013

Three-quarters of a century have passed since 1938, but it seems only a short time ago in many ways. The Anschluss, in which the German-Austrian people gave up their independent republic to become a part of the far more prosperous and dynamic German Third Reich, was an event of great joyousness and great hope. That hope was not disappointed, as their society was recharged by new investment in their dormant factories and other projects,  and their economy got moving again. However, the powerful Left media and academia insist on portraying it as a time of moral darkness and tyranny simply because a small minority of Jews were negatively affected. The Jewish question is greatly overplayed in the whole story of Austria after the Anschluss. Some highlights of the program:

  • Poll conducted by mainstream Austrian newspaper reveals a 61% approval for a “strong leader”  and 54% think the “Nazi" Party would receive support today;
  • Vienna Philharmonic under attack (again) for having too many National Socialist party members in its orchestra during the 1938-45 period under conductor Wilhelm Furtwaengler, and firing all of 13 musicians for being Jewish;
  • The mystery of the “replacement”  ring of honor given to (“war criminal”) Baldur von Schirach in 1966 by the Philharmonic is considered “solved” just in time for the anniversary;
  • A similar attack by Prof. Rathkolb on Herbert von Karajan, another brilliant “Nazi” conductor whose early writings “prove” he was always racist and antisemitic;
  • “Witness to the Anschluss” read from the Wilhelm L. Kriessmann Archive.

Image: Hitler speaks to a massive crowd in the Heldenplatz (Heroes’ Square) in Vienna on March 15, 1938.
