ADL seeks pardon for Jewish "holocaust restitution expert" - follows Leo Frank pattern

Published by carolyn on Thu, 2015-09-17 18:41

Stephan Templ, headed for jail despite his Tribe's best efforts

The Jewish Forward reports that Austria's president DENIED a request from the Anti-Defamation League to pardon a Jewish journalist/author facing jail time in Austria for omitting to name his estranged aunt, who owned a share of the property, from his family's application for holocaust restitution.

Stephan Templ applied for restitution on his mother’s behalf in 2005. He was successful and his mother later managed to sell her share of the building for £870,000. [The property the Jews say belonged to them has so much sentimental value for them, doesn't it? They always immediately sell it.]

Andrew Srulevitch, ADL's assistant director for international affairs, sent the plea to nullify the prison sentence of Stephan Templ to Austrian President Heinz Fischer. The Austrian Supreme Court had in May rejected Templ's appeal of his April 2014 conviction of fraud against Austria. Though he was sentenced to three years in jail, it was later reduced to one year. But even one year is too much for the Jewish brotherhood, served by the ADL.

Another great video from Vincent Reynouard that traverses the language barrier

Published by carolyn on Wed, 2015-09-16 14:51

Orignal blueprint of Crema 2 in Auschwitz-Birkenau  enlarge

"Gas Chambers"of Auschwitz: an obvious hoax

by Vincent Reynouard

In 2008 the world press spoke of the "original plans of Auschwitz" discovered in Berlin, one of which showed a "gas chamber." In this video, I explain that it was a simple delousing chamber and I point out that in this room where Zyklon B was used extensively, the walls are stained with blue spots. But in the so-called homicidal or human-killing "gas chambers", there are no blue spots. This is a simple and clear proof that in these premises there was no mass killing with Zyklon B. I answer the objections that have been developed in the opposite camp against this argument.

Contents of the video:

Jews object to Dutch textbook that says Britain endorsed Zionism in 1917 for favorable Jewish bankers' loans

Published by carolyn on Tue, 2015-09-15 19:06

Theme Workbook – The Middle East,” which is published by ThiemeMeulenhoff and intended for students attending pre-university secondary education — the highest scholastic track in the Dutch education system for minors — has been labeled “anti-Semitic” by a pro-Israel association in the Netherlands, Likoed Nederland, which is named after Israel's ruling party, Likud.

The history book (pictured right enlarge) reads, on page 23:

“The British government was in urgent need of money during World War I. […] Jewish bankers were prepared to offer favorable loan terms if the government made a gesture toward the Jewish People,”

John Friend goes international

Published by carolyn on Tue, 2015-09-15 14:04

Did you know ?

There is a website named It's sponsored by The Coordination Forum for Countering Antisemitism (CFCA) that publishes in a variety of languages and claims to be creating a database of antisemitic incidents around the world. It's registered in Israel.

And that ...

John Friend is being featured on their front page as an “ex-city worker who runs an anti-Semitic website." It's so funny - they think his website is American Free Press. The story is here:

The Wehrmacht War Crimes Bureau, 1939-1945 - part 10

Published by carolyn on Mon, 2015-09-14 16:27

Sept. 14, 2015

Carolyn reads chapters 17 -“Feodosia”, 18 -“Grischino” and 19 -“Soviet Crimes against Non-Germans.” These chapters give further evidence of the Soviet policy of killing all Germans the Red Army was able to get it's hands on, plus adding sub-human mutilations such as cutting off body parts or killing with shovels and pickaxes. You will be horrified at some of the things you hear in this reading.

  • In Feodosia, 160 severely wounded German soldiers convalescing in hospitals were thrown out the windows and left to freeze to death by Red Army troops;
  • In Grischino (close to current Donetsk, Ukraine), nearly 600 Germans and their allies were murdered, mostly by shooting, plus the women first raped, when the Red Army temporarily reoccupied the town;
  • Spanish, Italian and Crimean soldiers received worse treatment from the Soviets than did the Germans, and thousands of interned Ukrainian and Baltic civilians were shot before the Soviets abandoned the locations. 58min

Image below: A few of the 160 hospitalized German soldiers who were thrown out of 2nd floor windows of hospitals in Feodosia by Red Army soldiers and then down a several meter high wall, where they were left to freeze. Some were carried to the Sea and left in the surf to freeze. The material at the upper left of the picture is iced-over snow. Enlarge (This is the only picture to be easily found from all the accounts in these three chapters. History pages and Google and Yahoo images wipe it all clean; they only want atrocities BY Germans, not against Germans or their allies.)

Tanstawful opts out, or is it cops out? Says tweets are enough.

Published by carolyn on Fri, 2015-09-11 14:48

After doing very little on his Age-of-Treason website during July and August, Tanstawful has produced a podcast telling his listeners that he is basically retiring from the White Nationalist struggle. The reason given is that his life and attitude have changed. He doesn't give any clues as to what that “change” is but does mention his job. Since he told me in late 2013 or early 2014 that his job was part-time, either he has changed that status, taken a second job, or this is simply a handy and impossible-to-refute excuse that anyone can give to “beg off” from things they don't want to do. I suspect he just doesn't feel he's getting enough psychological reward from it. Here is what he said [You can also listen to it on the player above]:

Anti-White Pope covers crucifix and bows to secular Jewess

Published by carolyn on Thu, 2015-09-10 19:30

Picture of the Day: Rivkah Would Not Bow

Israeli President Reuven Rivlin paid a visit to Pope Francis in Rome, accompanied by his personal secretary Rivkah – an Orthodox-Jewish woman. When a person usually greets the pope, they shake his hand and bow down. But when Rivkah’s turn came to greet the pope, she explained to him that for religious reasons she could not shake his hand, nor could she bow down since he was wearing a cross. The pope then covered his cross with his hand, and bowed down to her!

This is taking Christian humility too far! Picture and text come from this gloating Chabad Lubavitch website.

According to Paul Westman, who learned of this story from Michael Hoffman's website and who researched the event to check out it's accuracy (it's accurate), Rivka Ravitz, 39, is  the chief of staff to Israeli President Reuven Rivlin (the man standing in the photo nearby). She is an Orthodox Israeli Jew with 11 children that are presumably her own by birth--i.e., none adopted. She married early, at 18, and began having kids. You can learn more about her in an interesting 3.5-min. news story-style video posted on an Orthodox Jewish website.

Germans and Finns - Look to your opposition parties

Published by carolyn on Wed, 2015-09-09 11:18

From Reuters:

The right-wing opposition Alternative for Germany (AfD) party said on Monday Germany should shut its borders to asylum-seekers who want to enter via safe third countries, as well as reinstate border controls to stem a record influx of refugees.

The AfD, which is hovering between 3 and 4.5 percent in opinion polls, issued a proposed program that stipulates: "The right to apply for asylum in Germany should be revoked."

To "bring the asylum chaos under control", the AfD proposal said asylum seekers would have to apply in German embassies in their countries of origin or to EU or U.N. institutions. If war or other circumstances made that impossible, they would have to go to a German embassy in a neighboring country.

Any attempts to apply for asylum at German borders should be rejected and the people concerned refused entry, the AfD said. This is the illegal decision Angela Merkel made, to allow these foreign invaders to simply crash into Germany and she will allow many to remain. Where is the rule of Law?

Announcement on comments addition

Published by carolyn on Tue, 2015-09-08 17:41

I am adding the original comments to the program posts of the radio shows I did at The White Network when it was functioning. I have completed all the posts at Saturday Afternoon with Carolyn, and the few at Hitler's Table Talk so far. You will see it as “1 comment” because I am the one posting the entire group of comments, whether they be 8 or 50 or more. And you can now add a new comment of your own, if you like.

It is a time-consuming labor, but worth the effort to me. I want those who wrote comments to my shows to have them visible where people will actually see them. I will begin next on The Heretics' Hour, and end with The International Jew Study Hour. I'll just point out here that I produced 278 radio shows totaling 463 hours for The White Network. That contrasts to Tanstaafl's 97 radio shows totaling only 48.5 hours, meaning I did 10 times the program hours that he did! So what gave him the idea it belonged to him and he could shut it down?

Some of you might know that I tried to cooperate with Tanstaafl on making his TWN-archive complete, but he rudely refused my offer. Thereupon, I blocked his access to my audio programs and am in the process of making complete instead !


The White Network

New from Vincent Reynouard: Shoah - a story that is not believable

Published by carolyn on Mon, 2015-09-07 11:51

By Vincent Reynouard

Editorial: "Shoah: a story not credible

Here's the video synthesis that I promised you. In 47 minutes, I developed the revisionist arguments most impactful in my opinion.

Outline of the video

1) Simple administrative officials chose the method of extermination

  • - The choice of Zyklon B
  • - The ridiculous thesis of improvised massacre

2) A first lie from Georges Bensoussan, the historian, about the crematoria of Auschwitz

3) Crematoria 2 and 3: an absurd Construction

  • - Gas chambers in the basement: an illogicality
  • - 140-200 return trips of the elevator for a single gassing!
