Suicide rate jumps for young girls

Published by admin on Sun, 2011-11-20 20:02

11-year olds will receive free birth control pills at school!

My Comment: Doesn’t this tell it all? What more do the sleeping Moms and Dads need to hear in order to storm the school board meetings in furious protest? I would like to know what race are these 11 to 14 year old girls who are “turning up pregnant?” But we will not be given that; all girl children will be told they can get the pills. The boys, of course, know it too, and will convince the immature girls to get the pills so they can have sex with them.

This is where our multiracial society has taken us. It is a sick society, with incompatible people being forced to live under the same rules and laws, which are needed only by some. There was a time when Maine was a clean, white, conservative state; is it now leading the nation into decadence? (Katelyn Kampf, recently in the news, is located in Maine, too.)

Sex is sold to our/your children at every turn. The sex industry is run by Jews, just as most every other industry today. Like everything else, it’s growing worse. If this latest outrage goes down without too much complaint, what can be next? Houses of Prostitution for pre-teens?


Suicide rate jumps for girls of puberty age

Although overall suicide rates among young people fell by nearly 30 percent since 1990, one "dramatic and huge" increase is drawing concern from health officials: the suicide rate among pre-teen and young teen girls, those aged 10 to 14, rose 76 percent from 2003 to 2004.

While in 2003, 56 girls in that age group committed suicide, the number rose to 94 in 2004. Overall, the rate is still relatively low, representing less than one suicide per 100,000 population.

Health officials say they are puzzled by the increase and are watching to see if it is a trend or just a "blip."

The report also revealed other concerning statistics about suicide in U.S. young people, such as:

·         Suicide rates among girls aged 15 to 19 rose 32 percent; suicides among males in that age group rose 9 percent.

·         There were 4,599 suicides among young people in 2004.

·         In 2004, suicide was the third-leading cause of death among young people (car crashes and homicides were first and second, respectively).

·         Males commit suicide more often than females (males accounted for three-quarters of all teen suicides)

·         The most common suicide method in 2004 was hanging and suffocation (in 1990, it was guns).

The CDC is recommending that health officials focus suicide prevention programs on girls aged 10 to 19 and boys aged 15 to 19.

Warning signs of potential suicidal behavior include alcohol and drug use, family dysfunction, and relationship problems.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention MMWR Weekly September 7, 2007, 56(35);905-908 

My Comment: Why the big increase? Why do more of our girls find life so difficult they choose to give up on it?  I would say it’s the pressure to grow up too quickly and make too many choices in an overly permissive, judaized society. But these have always been stressful years for girls because so many changes are taking place – physical and social. It’s just that now our daughters are being pushed to think and act like a “teen” several years before they should. And to break free from caring parental control.

However, if the current educational and medical establishments start “counseling” your daughters beginning at age 10 (as the CDC recommends), this could be even worse for them. It’s important that white parents stay close to their children during this time of major life-changes and keep a watchful eye on their behavior. Don’t let the “authorities” take charge.

Here are some reasons given by Dr. Mercola of

Too Much TV. Television ads are a powerful tool to manipulate and deceive, and to introduce you children to unhealthy foods and trends.

A vast increase in off-label psychiatric drugs for kids. Did you know any kids who were taking mind-altering medications when you were a kid? Neither did I. Ask your kids the same question, and you’ll likely get a different answer. Ironically, the very same drugs that health officials prescribe to depressed kids (antidepressants) can actually increase their risk of suicide.

A decline in the social fabric of society. Many kids are growing up in single-parent households, or families with working parents, and may have to grow up much sooner than they’re emotionally ready for.

Increasing toxins in the environment and food supply. Estimates show most Americans have somewhere between 400 and 800 chemicals stored in their bodies. Exposure to environmental toxins from your air, water and food supply has been linked to depression, attention deficit disorder, schizophrenia, and a lessened ability to handle stress.

No outlet for their negative emotions. Kids learn by example, and it may be that many of these kids were never taught how to release their sadness, stress, or other negative emotions.

My advice would be to take the time to really talk to and listen to your kids. Sometimes the difference between feeling helpless and feeling hope is just knowing that someone cares.

And from a practical nutrition perspective, I would certainly make sure that your children are getting enough omega-3 fats from krill oil in their diets. This nutrient has been found time and time again to help reduce depression, and there’s a good chance that many kids are not getting nearly enough of it.

Meanwhile, I’d encourage your kids to get outside and play!

A little bit of exercise and fresh air can do wonders for mental health (yours too!), and is a major improvement over sitting inside focused on video games or TV.


Puberty at 8? Higher Risk for Breast Cancer

Girls in the United States are reaching puberty at very early ages, increasing their risk of breast cancer, social problems, and emotional problems.

While the biological signs of female puberty -- menstruation, breast development, and growth of pubic and underarm hair -- typically occurred around 13 years of age or older just decades ago, today girls as young as 8 are increasingly showing these signs.

African-American girls are particularly vulnerable to early puberty.

Aside from the social and emotional implications, early puberty exposes girls to more estrogen, which increases their risk of breast cancer because the disease thrives on estrogen.

According to biologist Sandra Steingraber, the author of the report titled "The Falling Age of Puberty in U.S. Girls: What We Know, What We Need to Know," "The data indicates that if you get your first period before age 12, your risk of breast cancer is 50 percent higher than if you get it at age 16."

"For every year we could delay a girl's first menstrual period,” she says, “we could prevent thousands of breast cancers."

Theories behind what is causing the early-puberty trend abound, but the actual causes are not known. Potential causes noted in the paper include:

·                     Rising childhood obesity rates and inactivity

·                     Formula-feeding of infants

·                     Excessive TV viewing and media use

·                     Family stress

·                     Exposure to environmental chemicals

Early puberty is likely an “ecological disorder,” according to Steingraber, that’s being caused by a number of environmental factors.

The Breast Cancer Fund, “The Falling Age of Puberty in U.S. Girls: What We Know, What We Need to Know”

Chicago Tribune September 16, 2007

My Comment:  One can easily see in our integrated elementary schools the earlier physical maturity of African-American girls. This is not ecological, but racial in origin. It creates a confusion of levels in the classroom and is most harmful to our slower-maturing white girls, who may try to mimic or be dominated by the black girls. Once again, indisputable racial differences make a case for racial separation.

