Race Hygiene

Adolf Hitler on The State, part 3 – Racial Hygiene and Physical Education

Published by carolyn on Wed, 2020-09-23 00:29

FROM MEIN KAMPF, SUMMARY OF CHAPTER TWO OF VOLUME TWO, pages 69-87 of the dual-translation. (See here for series introduction.)


2.10 - A folkish State should begin by raising marriage above the level of being a constant scandal to the race. […] In our present state of law and order, this brave, bourgeois-national world looks upon it as a crime to make procreation impossible for those who suffer with syphilis, tuberculosis, hereditary diseases, and also cripples and cretins. But the actual prevention of procreation among millions of our very best people is not considered an evil, nor does it offend against the noble morality of this social class, but rather encourages their short-sighted laziness.


Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf