Heretics' Hour Podcast

The Heretics' Hour: The Question of Leadership

Published by admin on Tue, 2014-09-23 00:12

Sept. 22, 2014

Carolyn Yeager delves into the topic of leadership. What makes a leader and why don't we have one? Probably because a truly commanding leader is a rara avis who must have a number of outstanding qualities. Is Matt Hale the real thing? A close look at his legal briefs and lawsuits tells us quite a bit about him. 1hr59min. Highlights include:

  • U-Boat Commander Otto Weddigen and his "triple triumph" on Sept. 22, 1914;
  • The six necessary traits of a Leader, plus the intangible "Leadership Presence;"
  • Mathew Hale's life story and recent press releases reveal he has these traits to a marked degree;
  • Hale has protested his innocence from the beginning and the records bear it out;
  • Hale's legal rights as a prisoner have been largely denied him for 11 years of solitary confinement;
  • It's time for a widespread protest campaign in support of the Free Matt Hale movement because he is a leader we need.

Image: Adolf Hitler was a true leader with "Leadership Presence."

The Heretics' Hour: In Praise of My Ancestors

Published by carolyn on Tue, 2014-09-16 00:19

Sept. 15, 1914

Map the Kraichgau (outlined area) in Baden-Wüttemberg. Below the Kraichgau is the Black Forest. Enlarge

Carolyn Yeager discusses what she's learned about her own ancestry, and ties in matters of race, geography and marriage partners. 2hr4min.

  • The right of exclusion by race or ethnicity is denied us by today's post WWII NWO, which is a multi-national class rule;
  • Differences are more often a cause of conflict than they are a cause of enrichment or improvement;
  • Geographical location stamps itself into your being, especially when your ancestors have lived there for a long time;
  • Carolyn gives an overview of the relatively small area that her entire family line hails from;
  • The history of the Jews in the Kraichgau;
  • The Choice of a Mate by Anthony M. Ludovici and Carolyn's 2007 article based on it;
  • The NSDAP racial policy is the best that has been created and should be held up as an example to follow.

Sorry for the poor sound quality of this program - it was because of being forced to use "Direct Connect" instead of Skype. 

The Heretics' Hour: Is the choice between Fatherlands or White Nationalism?

Published by carolyn on Tue, 2014-09-09 00:28

Sept. 8, 2014

Enlarge map

Carolyn Yeager weighs in on a sensitive and controversial question that most avoid, namely: Can we change our allegiance from our national idenity to a White European superstate? Or a global organization for White Folk? Can "white" give us identity on it's own? Some highlights:

  • The wide range of racial groups in the "Greater White Europe" makes for a disparate group, not truly homogeneous;
  • You can't talk about race without bringing up IQ, which also varies widely throughout "Greater Europe";
  • National Socialist Germany put utmost importance on race, believing it was the key to everything;
  • Corruption in government is in proportion to the intelligence of the people - the lower the avg. IQ, the more the country runs on bribery and crime;
  • "Truth Movement" characters and so-called Nationalist would-be leaders who are habitual liars.

The Heretics' Hour: World War I Lies

Published by carolyn on Tue, 2014-08-26 00:23

August 25, 2014

Propaganda poster combining photography and drawing to emphasize religious symbology that projects the German soldier as the persecutor and despoiler of Christian women. Enlarge

Continuing with the theme of the 100th Anniversary of World War I (1914-2014), Carolyn Yeager focuses on the transparancy of the accusations of barbarism and drunkenness on the part of the German soldier in Belgium. In the second hour, who is telling the most lies in the current Ukraine war is discussed. Highlights include:

  • The theme of the Germans "descending from their past high culture to the level of barbarians" is repeatedly used by the Allies, thus the fire that destroyed much of the world-famous library at Louvain (Leuven) is played up;
  • Most of the stories recounting atrocities are by nameless people, and were later rebuked as false by authorities;
  • Gottlieb von Jagow, German minister of State, wrote that the fire broke out after explosion of a convoy of benzine, which was caused by shots fired during the battle with the illegal civilian shooters;
  • Photograph fakery, both in the form of false captions and in the more sinister creation of fake scenes, events, etc. are much more common than people realize - some examples given;
  • The suppression and/or ommision of parts of the content of diplomatic reports and/or telegram messages was common;
  • Of the nations, Russia was the most extreme in lying, followed by France;
  • The pro-Russian separatists in eastern Ukraine and the Putin govt. are using lies as a strategy, meaning they have no shame about it and don't really expect to be believed;
  • Bill Finck writes an article in which he compares the situation in today's Russia with the United States in the 1950's, when the undermining of the White majority began.


WWI Podcasts

The Heretics' Hour: Cole (again) - Treblinka and What happened to those Jews?

Published by carolyn on Tue, 2014-08-19 00:58

August 18, 2014

These are the speakers at the 13th IHR Conference in May, 2000. Standing (left to right): Glayde Whitney, Bradley Smith, John Sack, Robert Countess, Germar Rudolf, Charles Provan, Theodore O'Keefe, Ernst Zündel, Greg Raven and Jürgen Graf. Seated (left to right): Fredrick Toben, Robert Faurisson, Arthur Butz, Mark Weber and John Bennett. Not shown here are (former congressman) Pete McCloskey and David Irving. Of these, David Cole has now made major criticisms of Smith, Zündel, Graf, Faurisson and Toben, in addition to Carlo Mattogno.  Enlarge

Carolyn Yeager deconstructs the complaints David Cole levels against the better-known revisionists, and at the same time comments on the character of the Jew and their experience during the two World Wars.

  • The myth that every life is precious and irreplaceable does not fit with the way Nature works;
  • Traits of the alcoholic;
  • Cole's caustic disrespect, put-downs, and noxious attitude toward the revisionist community is so extreme it raises questions;
  • Cole's 1995 16-page letter of his Strufhof camp visit and his accusations against Robt. Faurisson;
  • It doesn't seem possible that an answer will ever be found to what happened to the majority of unknown Jews who make up the numbers in the "Korherr Report";
  • The story of "gas chambers" is brought forth to answer every question of missing Jews;
  • All Germans know that Jews are their deadly enemy and politically dangerous, even Wilhelm II, Germany's last Kaiser.

The Heretics' Hour: The Race to Derail Race

Published by carolyn on Tue, 2014-08-12 01:11

August 11, 2014

Carolyn Yeager examines the growing number of anti-racists in our ranks who promote an internationalist agenda while believing themselves, or pretending to be, innocent of such an intent.

  • Internationalism is in force whenever gaining the approval of the "other", the "outsider'" is uppermost in consideration;
  • Martin Gilbert and Wilhelm Marr are discussed;
  • Fritz Berg says Germans are united by a common culture, not racially, and "Racism is disgusting";
  • If the IHR lawsuit had never taken place, no matter who got the money, we would be better off today;
  • John de Nugent is a WN who "reaches out" to African-Americans and "all people of all races who suffer under Zionism';
  • When Veronica Clark tries to write history she proves she is not a historian;
  • A large part of those counted as foreign troops in the Waffen-SS divisions were Volksdeutsche (ethnic Germans) from east, west and south;
  • Clark's 2009 article titled "Hitler's Army: A Triumph for Diversity?" is a hodge-podge of fanciful speculation and mis-representation;
  • Carolyn sums up: We are losing on Race because of misunderstandings that grow in a mixed-race culture.

The Heretics' Hour: Europe commemorates WWI Centennial

Published by carolyn on Tue, 2014-08-05 00:50

August 4, 2014

Carolyn Yeager describes the speeches and comments by the current leaders of the countries that participated in World War 1:  Britain, Belgium, France, Russia and Germany/Austria. In the second hour, a report from Paul Hickman on the Ehrenmarsch for the victims of Bad Nenndorf in Germany and more on Adolf Hitler's Platterhof speech. Some highlights:

  • British Prime Minister David Cameron takes the prize for continuing to argue that a "great moral cause" was being fought for in the Great War;
  • Vladimir Putin also finds it impossible to find any fault with Russia in starting that war;
  • Reports show that armed troops of both France and Russia crossed the border into Germany on August 2, the day before Wilhelm II declared war on France;
  • NPD organizers of the Bad Nenndorf Memorial March want a plaque at the site to commemorate the Germans tortured there by the British;
  • Veronica Clark's comments at The White Network reveal her changing story and questionable sources;
  • An examination of the entire Platterhof speech shows that the racial question makes up only 1/12 of the content and contributes to the larger discussion of building up a stronger German Folk.

Image: Depiction of the Battle of Doberdò, fought in August 1916 between the Italian and the Austro-Hungarian armies. Enlarge

The Heretics' Hour: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

Published by carolyn on Tue, 2014-07-29 00:16

July 28,2014

Carolyn Yeager discusses  Vladimir Putin (the Bad), Revisionist Robert Faurisson (the Good) and Revisionist David Cole (the Ugly), whose Treblinka theories  will be critiqued more carefully, using research of Juergen Graf, along with Thomas Kues and Carlo Mattogno (the Good). Some highlights:

  • Putin is lying about his government's connection with the MH17 disaster and will not get away with it;
  • Why have David Cole, Mark Weber and David Irving all regressed to embrace the "limited gassings" position?
  • Both Juergen Graf and Eric Hunt have answered David Cole's superficial criticism of them with ease and aplomb;
  • Treblinka was the smallest of the "Aktion Reinhardt" camps but allegedly gassed and burned to ashes the largest number of bodies - over 800,000 of them - without a crematorium!
  • Robert Faurisson investigated Treblinka in 1988 and discovered it was a wide-open place in 1942-43 that all local people knew about and could see everyday;
  • Faurisson's brilliant work has been the impetus for Revisionism's greatest advances, which forced the establishment to resort to the force of law.

Pictured: Book honoring Professor Robert Faurisson on his 75th birthday. (A Festschrift contains original contributions by the honored academic's close colleagues, and is typically published on the occasion of the honoree's retirement, sixtieth or sixty-fifth birthday, or other notable career anniversary.) Enlarge

The Heretics' Hour: Traitors and Misfits - Woodrow Wilson to David Cole

Published by carolyn on Tue, 2014-07-22 00:35

July 21, 2014

Carolyn Yeager covers a number of items, issues and individuals that have captured her attention this week, all related to the theme of traitors.

  • Documents reveal parties responsible for causing WWI;

  • Traitors at the Federal Reserve;

  • Putin in denial, shades of Katyn;

  • More on Albert Speer's jew-friendly "remorse";

  • David Cole-Stein can't avoid the scrutiny of Robert Faurisson.

Click image: French journalist says Woodrow Wilson and Raymond Poincare, shown here at Paris Peace Conference in 1919, were two of the three men most responsible for causing and prolonging WWI. The third was Tsar Nicholas II of Russia.

The Heretcs' Hour: Traitors and Misfits - The Cambridge Five

Published by carolyn on Tue, 2014-07-15 00:34

July 14, 2014

The Cambridge Five left to right: Anthony Blunt, Donald Maclean, Guy Burgess, Harold "Kim" Philby, John Cairncross

Five privileged young men of the British establishment are successfully recruited in the early 1930's while at Trinity College, Cambridge to seek careers in the Foreign Office and Military Intelligence for the purpose of passing sensitive information to Stalin's Soviet Union. Some highlights:

  • In the "misfit" category: two were homosexual, two (maybe three) were alcoholic, only two lived as married men;
  • They all remained productive on through the "Cold War" with Philby lasting the longest, until 1963;
  • Anthony Blunt, who was not as active, was outed in 1963 and confessed the following year, himself outing several others, for which he avoided prosecution;
  • British military intelligence did not want to advertise their weaknesses to the public, which benefitted Blunt and Cairncross;
  • Cairncross was able to pass decrypted commnication of the German High Command about the crucial battle of Kursk;
  • Philby was the most valuable of the five to the Soviet Union, but in the end he was not named a Hero of the SU, as Sorge was, only his image placed on a postage stamp. He died disappointed in the proletariat paradise.
