
Declaration signed at Prague in advance of “Day of European Patriots” on Feb. 6

Published by carolyn on Sat, 2016-01-23 10:52

Prague, Czech Republic is the setting of the first International Press Conference attended by the various European representatives of PEGIDA (Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamization of the Occident). These pictures are taken from Lutz Bachmann's Facebook page, where you will find more plus some video of the event. 

This is the Declaration that was agreed upon and signed by representatives from all the countries attending. They are Germany, Austria, The Netherlands, Italy, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, Bulgaria, Estonia. A very professional job and a good start! Text is below.

Berlin Feds interfere with police work to protect African migrants from arrest

Published by carolyn on Fri, 2016-01-22 15:19

North Africans carry out numerous thefts against German citizens, especially women, everyday without consequence, since police are hamstrung by political correctness.

It's official! Under pressure from the Federal Government's Anti-Discrimination Agency, the police in North Rhine-Westphalia could not, last summer, call North Africans “North Africans.” They had to take back a warning of "mostly North African" young men in a police report. This is clear from an exchange of correspondence between the Authority and the Dortmund police headquarters.

Officials from NRW wanted to warn citizens about pickpockets in a public warning. In a press release dated 19 June 2015, the officials showed there was increased activity of "situations in which (mostly North African) young men ... did the “zoom dance” to selected victims, in order to distract them, and then stole their purse or mobile phone," it said in the press release.

Glut of Arab-African men ruining quality of life in Germany

Published by carolyn on Fri, 2016-01-22 13:23

The public indoor swimming pool in Bornheim where migrant men were temporarity banned for sexual harrassment of women, but have now been allowed to return.

Wherever migrants are living, they (wrongly) enjoy all the rights of citizens … and then some. Because they also get free food and lodging, plus an allowance for “spending money.” The young single men lounge about all day in public places with nothing to do. For public facilities like swimming pools, this is posing a problem.

Throughout Germany, there are complaints about the misconduct of asylum seekers in indoor pools. Indoor pool video surveillance cameras have even shown a man masterbating in the hot tub-spa in Zwickau.

Last week in Bornheim, a town in the liberal North Rhine-Wesfalia state, officials banned migrant men from the town swimming pool. The reason: sexual harassment of women and children.

Huge crowd at Dresden PEGIDA 1-18-16

Published by carolyn on Mon, 2016-01-18 13:04

Huge number of people fill the Marktplatz - great turnout!

PEGIDA Dresden Jan. 18, 2016

Watch livestream now (only first half due to technical problems):

See Enrico Schneider's great photos here

Live Ticker coverage (in German) at Epoch Times

 6:41 pm Though it is 4 degrees below zero, freezing cold in Dresden, the Neumarkt is full. On display are the usual posters and banners.

The speakers have been announced: Siegfried Däbritz, Tatjana Festerling, Helene from Chemnitz and a guest from Great Britain.

6:45 Siegfried Däbritz opened the rally. It starts with a response to an interview of Saxony Prime Minister Tillich. Actually it is a Tillich-bashing ...

Retarded Somali rapist gets 4 years therapy and speech training in Germany

Published by carolyn on Sun, 2016-01-17 12:19

It took six days at Herford Local Court (above) for the judges to reach a verdict against the 20-year-old Somali. Photo: Moritz Winde

In Herford, in NRW state, an 88-year-old woman was raped by a 20-year-old “refugee” from Somalia. The juvenile court considered the man to be “traumatized by the journey (migration), less gifted with delayed maturity, and completely lonely" … yet able to know right from wrong.

The very elderly woman, who was left bruised and hemorrhaging, was no doubt left traumatized too … but being a German, it's obviously considered she can take it (and even probably deserves it, as the thinking goes). I would like to think she was one of the supporters of Merkel's policies so that she actually did get what she deserved, but by the age of 88 one invariably has developed better sense. We all get more conservative as we get older. Thus I have great anger over the treatment of this woman.

The idiot Somali had been living in an emergency shelter in Bad Oeynhausen, from where he had repeatedly knocked on women's front doors, asking if they would have sex with him. In his own words, he was looking for a woman to marry so he could have the right to stay.

German opinion against Merkel/migrants is rising, but slowly

Published by carolyn on Fri, 2016-01-15 14:31

In case you wonder, this is the type of German that wants more refugees. Student Eric Hattke is spokesman for the network "Dresden for all."

For the first time, a majority of Germans say the country cannot manage the influx of asylum seekers, according to a poll by public broadcaster ZDF published today. Fifty-six percent say Chancellor Merkel is doing a poor job handling the refugee crisis, while 37 percent find the crisis manageable.

A vast majority of 70 percent of respondents expect crime to rise due to a large increase in refugees, compared to 62 percent in October. Only 27 percent do not expect crime to rise. Strenghening laws and procedures for deporting asylum seekers who commit crimes is supported by 73 percent .

Furthermore, compared to 33 percent of respondents in October saying that refugees represent a threat to German culture and societal values, 42 percent now believe so. That compares to 52 percent of Germans who do not view refugees as a threat. [The people who say this do not care very much about or for German culture and societal values to begin with. Remember there are 5 million Turks in Germany, plus many other foreign peoples including Jews. -cy]

In related news:

Two law experts say Merkel acting outside the Constitution

Published by carolyn on Wed, 2016-01-13 21:55

Many asylum-seekers came to Germany at the invitation of Chancellor Merkel - as they saw it - and even carried her picture, hoping to win her help with their problems.

"Merkel's solo was an act of self-empowerment"

The former president of the Constitutional Court of North Rhine-Westphalia, Michael Bertrams has accused Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) of possible breach of the constitution in the refugee policy.
 "Going it alone has let hundreds of thousands of refugees into the country. That was very compassionate, but came with no apparent plan," Bertram writes in an article for the "Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger".

Merkel's approach raises the constitutional question of whether she had ever legitimized it. "In our representative democracy, all key decisions are - especially those with impact on the budget - in the hands of elected MPs," said Bertram, with regard to decisions of the Federal Constitutional Court on the requirement of parliamentary approval for the deployment of armed German troops abroad.

Suicide bomber who killed 10 German nationals was registered Syrian "refugee"

Published by carolyn on Wed, 2016-01-13 13:18

The bomber Nabil Fadli, registered in Istanbul as a refugee from Syria. This picture was published by the Turkish police on January 5.

The suicide bomber has been identified as 27-year-old Nabil Fadli, who entered Turkey from Syria as a refugee on January 5. Considering he didn't waste any time in killing some of the first Europeans he found, it's pretty clear that was what he came for.

Eleven tourists, 10 of them German, were killed and 15 wounded (7 of them German with 5 in intensive care). Chancellor Merkel offered condolences yesterday to the families of the dead without specifying Germans, but since the news broke that the bomber was a registered Syrian asylum-seeker it has fallen entirely to Interior Minister Thomas de Maiziere (CDU) to be Germany's spokesman on the matter. He traveled to Istanbul and called the tragedy “an attack against humanity,” playing down the German loss and emphasizing the close relations between the two countries.  In fact, he said Germans should not stop visiting their close ally Turkey because tourism must not be depressed.

Why Madam Merkel is enabling rape culture in Germany

Published by carolyn on Tue, 2016-01-12 12:10

The new protest sign in Germany after the mass sexual assauts and thefts by asylum-seekers in Cologne on New Year's Eve. Merkel's Interior and Justice ministers object to the message.

A Rape Culture that has existed in Scandinavia and England for a long time already, has now been invited into Germany. A rape culture is exactly correlated to the arrival of men from African and Middle East Muslim countries in the guise of refugees, migrants, asylum-seekers and so on. The CDU (Merkels ruling party), the SPD (Merkel's coalition-partner party) and the CSU (Merlel's sister party), say that Germany MUST accept all refugees because of some agreement Germany signed with the UN back when the world was a different place than it is now. Interestingly, some other European nations don't feel the need to slavishly follow that so-called UN agreement on refugees. 

The real reason for “multiculturalism” going full-steam ahead in these days is to hold down competing parties to the right. The Right-Wing is the evil to be avoided at all costs—even at the cost of young German women and children. Yes indeed, they are thrown to the wolves, so to speak, sacrificed for the greater good of preventing the emergence of any politics tinged with love of nation and ancestry. Racism is the number one evil to be trounced down. That means German women of all ages must be at the mercy of foreign rapists—that is really what it comes down to.

Pegida goes to Leipzig today - Watch Livestream

Published by carolyn on Mon, 2016-01-11 10:38


RT coverage:

First Anniversary Birthday celebration for LEGIDA today!

Dresden PEGIDA will be in Leipzig to help them celebrate. No demonstration in Dresden today.

Leipzig Antifa and pro-refugee groups are very extreme and mean. They will be out in force. Remember the riot they caused on December 12, 2015.

Scheduled speakers: Markus Johnke, Tatjana Festerling, Lutz Bachmann, Siegfried Däbritz, the Swiss Edigenosse Ignatz Bearth, Michael Viehmann and the speaker Helene from Chemnitz. (Festerling talked about the Cologne sex scandal)

The weather is rainy and cold - many wet umbrellas. As it turned out, there was no confrontation with the Antifa, the over 2000  police presence kept them confined. I would call the rally a big success because so many more people turned out than ever before in Leipzig. They appeared to me to be a younger crowd than in Dresden, mostly male.

Take a look at this outrageously biased report in DW. It ends with "the culprits [in Cologne] were said to have been of North African or Middle Eastern in appearance", when the police have already long established they were!  Lying Press, for sure.

Below : Three views of the large crowd at Legida 1st anniversary demo which was relegated by the city to a large parking lot. They went on their march after the main speakers were finished, with tons of police protection. Only two more short speeches when they returned.
