NSU victims' families continue to play the "Holocaust" theme
By Carolyn Yeager
What is the "Holocaust" theme? To make the Germans feel guilty! The media coverage of the NSU trial since the court in Munich reconvened in September after their month-long summer holiday seems to have dried up. I just found this article at Deutsche Welle from Oct. 1, 2013, from which I have liberally quoted.
Ismail Yozgat, father of Halit Yozgat who was murdered in his Internet cafe in Kassel in 2006, puts on a great show of emotion, Turkish-style, as he talks about his son.
Family members are now testifying in the Munich court and being given every consideration and opportunity to express their feelings. For instance, the father of slain Halit Yozgat calculatedly used his testimony to give an emotional account of how he found his 21-year-old son dead in his Internet cafe 7 years ago. He even went as far as to get out of his seat and lie down on the courtroom floor to demonstrate the position in which he found his son.
"Why did they kill my son?" He asked the courtroom, his voice choked by tears.
Then he looked towards the five accused and, addressing them directly asked: "What gave you the right to do this?"
They could just as well have asked back: What gave you the right to come here to Germany, to bring your son and family here? But of course, that is not allowed. Instead, they sat silently, impassively looking at him.
Above: Yozgat wears the poster around his neck as he is surrounded by family on the right and the President of the Federal Republic Joachim Gauck standing respectfully on left. This picture clearly contrasts the difference between the German type with the Turkish type. Picture at right shows Ismail at his table with the poster draped down the front.
Before the court proceedings began, he had taken a poster with the face of his son as a young child, which he had been wearing around his neck, and hung it on the front of the table where he was sitting.
His wife, wearing headscarf, appealed the next day directly to Beate Zschäpe, saying "Please explain these events," and that "she never slept" anymore. [They want Zschäpe to go on the witness stand. -cy]
Yozgat is calling for the renaming of a street in Kassel after his son -- Dutch Street, where his son grew up and opened his tiny business. At the end of his testimony, he again appealed for Höllandisch street to be renamed Halit street. The poster demands that the street becomes Halit street or "I want my son back."
There is quite a bit of this type of demand from all 8 immigrant victims' families -- that they should be memorialized in Germany far beyond what a simple murder victim would normally be. The political "left," both elected representatives and activists, are eager to potray them as martyrs in their great cause of racially-mixing German society.
This Turkish family, like all of them, are treated as special, valued guests of honor, while Germans are treated with hostility and, in the case of these four, found guilty before their trial barely gets underway. For instance, Deutsche Welle writes:
Halit Yozgat, who died on April 6, 2006, was the ninth victim in a series of murders carried out by Uwe Mundlos and Uwe Böhnhardt, both members of the extreme right-wing group National Socialist Underground.
That these two are the perpetrators has not yet been proven but is constantly reaffirmed to the German people via the media and by the words and actions of German officials.
Federal Agent just happens to be in cafe at time of murder
Entrance to Yozgat's Internet Cafe - where it catered to other Muslim immigrants. These "businesses" are limited to exchanges among their own people, thus do nothing to add to the German economy, as pointed out by Thilo Sarrazin in his best-selling book,"Deutschland schafft sich ab."
On the same day, another witness testified: Andreas T., a former agent with the Office for the Protection of the Constitution in the central state of Hesse, where Kassel is located.
He testified that he was in a booth in the Internet cafe visiting a chat room at the time Yozgat was murdered. However, he said he neither saw nor heard anything at the time, and only learned of the murder in the newspaper.
He has previously said that he had been in the internet cafe not on the Thursday when the murder occurred, but on the previous Wednesday. Under questioning from the presiding judge, Andreas T. denied having initially said he wasn't on the premises at the time of the murder because he wanted to avoid being involved in the case. He said he just had his dates and times confused.
Halit Yozgat was killed with two shots to the head.
Place for teens to view porn
Diagram from Der Spiegel of the interior of the Internet cafe at the time of the murder in 2006.
According to a news story in Der Spiegel published on Sept. 4, 2012, five customers were in the Internet cafe at the time of the murder. Among them were two boys, age 14 and 16, who were "surfing porn websites."
A pregnant woman with her 3-year old daughter was in a telephone room talking with her brother in Turkey. Faiz H., an Iraqi, was at another phone booth only a few meters from the front desk where Halit Yozgat (green figure) sat. Agent Andreas T. (yellow figure) was at a computer station in the back of the room.
The cost of computer use was 50 cents for one-half hour. How did Halit Yozgat make a living when it appears he had only 7 computer stations? It is indeed a wonder how any of these Turkish murder victims made a living at their inconsequential businesses. Germany is an expensive place to live. It must be that they were subsidized by the German government?
Shortly before Faiz H. hung up at 5:01 p.m. and 2 seconds, he heard a bang followed by another. He later described the noises as sounding "like a balloon popping."
At this moment, Yozgat slumped to the floor, fatally wounded.
A poster on the phone booth's glass door is said to have blocked the Iraqi witness's view of the crime scene. Shortly thereafter, he says that he saw through a slit a "muscular man, roughly 180 cm tall (nearly 6 foot), wearing light-colored clothing," who glanced at the desk and was in a hurry. [Neither Uwe Böhnhardt or Uwe Mundlos ever appeared to be "muscular" -cy]
If this is correct, Andreas T. was still logged into his computer at this time, even though he insists he had left before that and saw and heard nothing. He had been online for 10 min. 44 seconds, visiting a dating site named iLove.de, logged in as wildman70.
People were there but no one saw anything
According to both of these cited news stories (in Der Spiegel and Deutche Welle) there were people in the premises with a view of the front desk at the time of the killing, but no one can testify that they actually saw it. However, the prosecution says Yozgat was killed with the "same" Ceska pistol that killed the other 7 immigrants over a 6-year period. That seems to be what the case is built on.
This is what is being protected
The so-important Office for the Protection of the Constitution is protecting places like this Internet cafe and people like the Yozgats. It's called Democracy. Ideas that reflect a return to the fine, clean days of the National-Socialist Third Reich are what today's Germany must be protected from.
Immigration, NSU trial, Germany, Race- 918 reads