No more respite for Günter Deckert who is set to enter prison on Jan. 2nd
Dec. 29, 2012
Günter Deckert sends a letter he has composed that will be sent to Strasbourg on Monday, Dec. 31.
HUDOC (European Court of Human Rights/Europ. Gerichtshof für Menschenrechte)
The Registrar / Council of Europe
F 67075 Straßburg-Cedex / Elsaß
Violation of the UN Charter + the European Charter of Human Rights (freedom
of opinion and freedom of expression) by the German ("brddr") judicial
system by sending me to prison for 5 months because of "complicity of public
uproar/disturbance of the public peace" for helping to have made possible
the German version of Carlo Mattogno's "Auschwitz - The First Gassing" ...
more precisely by "overworking a German text of different translators" (see
copy attached showing the cover + pages 6 and 7). The text in the middle
of page 6, Mattogno's scientic work, an answer to Danuta Chech´s "The
Kalenndarium of Aushwitz," runs in German as follows:
"In Deutsche übertragen von Henry Gardner; deutsche Endbearbeitung durch
Günter Deckert, der Wert auf die Feststellung legt, daß er sich die Thesen
und Schlußfolgerungen des Autors nicht zu eigen macht." - My English
translation as follows: "Translation into German by Henry Gardner; "final"
German version by Günter Deckert who stresses the fact that he does not
share the theses and conclusions of the author."
Reason! I am neither a historian by profession nor am I an expert of that
special historical period.
The "Bundesverfassungsgericht" "BVerfG" (1), Karlsruhe, last possible appeal
level, in its decision of Dec. 12th, which I got today (= Dec. 29th) refused
my complaint of Sept. 4th (text attached) without giving any reason (which is
a shame and also a sign of arrogance) though, among other points - one of
them being my appeal text of already 50 pages - I did mention the "GENERAL
COMMENT" (CCPR/C/GC/34) of the Human Rights Committee, Geneva 2011. I
presume that the Straßburg court is familiar with the whole text.
(1) It should better be called "Bundes-Grundgesetz-Gericht" (= Federal Basic
Law Court) for we have not got a real constitution voted for by the German
sovereign. The so-called Basic Law (Grundgesetz) is nothing but a form of
organisation installed by the Allied victors, and thus another kind of
continuing foreign domination. This was the point of view of Prof. Carlo
Schmid, SPD, a member of the "Herrenchiemsee," Bavaria, meeting that had to
work out this "Basic Law" as wanted and dictated by the victorious (Western)
The Smaller Germany of Today is a UN member state, and therefore should not
only know the international decision in question, but also respect it and
make it into NATIONAL law. However, that is NOT the case.
If you need further information apart from my "BVerfG"- complaint, please
will you let me know. But I can only forward those documents after my
release from prison that will be on May 31st the latest.
Please, will you confirm receipt of this letter. Thank you. I hope that
the further correspondence can be made in German! German (as a
mother-tongue, native language / Muttersprache) is spoken by more than 100
million people in Europe.
Günter Deckert
PS: Attachments as mentioned before:
a) Carlo Mattogno ....
b) Complaint to the "BVerfG"
Above: The Council of Europe in Strasbourg, France. Below right: Notorious Mannheim Prison, where Guinter has been a guest before.
Günter's prison address: G. Deckert, polit. brddr-Haeftling,
z. Z. Herzogenriedstr. 111,
(D) 68169 Mannheim.
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