“Stop Special Treatment for Jews” – a suggested way forward

Published by carolyn on Sun, 2017-06-25 12:43

By Carolyn Yeager

FROM THEIR VERY BEGINNINGS, JEWS HAVE PROJECTED THEMSELVES AS A SPECIAL PEOPLE. According to their holy literature, the Torah, they demanded this recognition from their god Jehovah and from surrounding tribes. Over time, this became enshrined in their tribal mythology which they jealously guarded: the Hebrews are God's special, covenanted people!

A nomadic people, they very possibly learned of the “One God” from the Egyptians, who were the first to develop the concept. Over time, their god Jehovah became the One God, but before that, he was competing and slaying to prove his supremacy over all other gods. His teaching to the tribe held that they deserved to take what they wanted from other tribes when directed by Him to attack and destroy. Their god Jehovah promised them victory as long as they strictly obeyed his commands.

One Jew, two Catholics introduce “Elie Wiesel” Genocide Prevention bill in Congress

Published by carolyn on Fri, 2017-06-23 13:35

By Carolyn Yeager

TWO CATHOLIC CONGRESS-CRITTERS HAVE INTRODUCED AN UNNECESSARY "ELIE WIESEL" SPENDING BILL just as the Trump administration is seeking to sharply trim the federal budget!

The two bleeding heart Catholics (Jewish water-carriers, both) – Reps. Joe Crowley, D-N.Y., and Ann Wagner R-Mo – introduced “The Elie Wiesel Genocide and Atrocities Prevention Act of 2017” into the House of Representatives on June 22. It was previously introduced into the Senate by Ben Cardin, D-Maryland on May 17, 2017. Cardin is a Jew and a committed Liberal.

What is the purpose of this legislation?

The upcoming official National State of the Jewish People

Published by carolyn on Mon, 2017-06-19 14:42

By Carolyn Yeager

A PROPOSED LAW THAT IS BEING FULLY SUPPORTED BY PRIME MINISTER BINYAMIN NETANYAHU (who said a month ago he would get it passed within 60 days) seeks to add to the Basic Law of Israel the words “the nation state of the Jewish people.” Israel has no constitution by direct vote of its people, but, like Germany, uses a Basic Law as an equivalent.

The proposal specifies that the right to self-determination in Israel would be unique to the Jewish people. It also states that

  • Israel will establish [separate?] ethnic communities where every [non-jewish] resident can preserve their culture and heritage;

  • the Law of Return for all Jews is established as part of the Basic Law;

  • the Hebrew language will be the official language, while Arabic (currently also designated an official language) will be demoted to a special status;

  • the Hebrew calendar would become official;

  • Hebrew law would inspire the legislators.


Germany, Jews, Race

The two young hoaxers responsible for the widely reported “rise in antisemitism”

Published by carolyn on Thu, 2017-06-15 00:58

"The goose that laid the golden eggs"

By Carolyn Yeager

DID YOU NOTICE THE 'MASSIVE SURGE' IN ANTISEMITISM in America in 2017? An eighty-six percent rise in the first three months is the figure that has been disseminated by the influential Anti-Defamation League (ADL). Many other Jewish organizations and writers joined in the chorus, calling for “something to be done” to stem this alarming, rising tide. They called for special protections to be afforded to Jews in their schools, neighborhoods and community centers, and new laws to be passed against hate speech, and even against antisemitism itself. Possibly American's constitutional First Amendment right of free speech should be amended to prohibit certain kinds of speech.

All this has been thrown about, and it continues to be featured by the media every time another Jewish organization or Jewish writer decides to bring it up again. Now 6 months into 2017, there has been no diminishment in the furor or the statistical claims, even though all of the increase has been discovered to have been hoaxes carried out by two unrelated individuals, one a Jew and one an African-American, who had no anti-Jewish feelings at all.

My work on “Night” is featured in a talk given by Jewish Professor Alan Astro at St. Francis College in 2014

Published by carolyn on Sun, 2017-06-11 22:39

By Carolyn Yeager

I happened upon this video and recognized my own text of Yiddish-to-French-to-English translation being used by this professor at a Catholic university in San Antonio TX. Though a native of Brooklyn, Alan Astro says he has been at Trinity University for over 25 years. His field is modern languages and literatures; one of the subjects he teaches is Yiddish culture.

His lecture, titled “Christianity and the Holocaust in Elie Wiesel’s Night” was filmed by St. Francis College and at the 6min59sec mark, he shows text from my very important 2012 article “Night #1 and Night #2—What Changes were Made and Why, Part One.” So you never know who is reading this site – a lot of people and all people who have a professional interest in Elie Wiesel. Continue reading at Elie Wiesel Cons The World



One fact proves more than any other that “Night” is a work of fiction

Published by carolyn on Fri, 2017-06-09 15:12


Left: Shlomo Wiesel in 1942. Right: Elie Wiesel in 1943-44. Father and son were not so far apart in age.

By Carolyn Yeager

Elie Wiesel wrote two ‘official’ accounts of his 1944-45 concentration camp experience: his novel Night (1958) and his official autobiography (Part One), All Rivers Run to the Sea (1995). Thirty-seven years separate these two publications.

Three articles written by me in 2011 (and here) and 2012 contain information that demonstrate conclusively that Night is not a true account of the experience Wiesel may have had with his family at Auschwitz-Birkenau in 1944. Night is written for “effect” and to be a gripping father-son drama that rises to the standards of a literary work of art. Night cannot, therefore, be called Wiesel’s testimony -- a claim he made on several occasions. [...]

The main evidence I want to put up front is the agreed upon birth date of Elie’s grandmother Nisel Bash Wiesel, mother of Shlomo and Mendel and four daughters. In 1957, Yaakov Fishkovitz filled out a Yad Vashem Page of Testimony (PoT) for his aunt Nisel, stating she was born in 1881 in Chust, Romania and died at Auschwitz in 1944. Continue reading at Elie Wiesel Cons The World

Carolyn, John Friend discuss her article on antisemitism and problems facing Whites

Published by carolyn on Mon, 2017-06-05 13:52

Discussion based on Carolyn's recent article, and on the idea of "White Sharia" that has been put forward by some. Carolyn presents her concept of opposing "Special Treatment" for Jews as a way to counter the Jewish propaganda campaign on "antisemitism."

This podcast was recorded on June 4, 2017. It's one hour 18 minutes. Thanks, John.


Other Podcasts

Yad Vashem database reveals more evidence of the 6 million hoax

Published by carolyn on Mon, 2017-06-05 09:59

The Hall of Names at Yad Vashem, Jerusalem

The following article was taken from Inconvenient History, Vol. 9, No. 1. It was first published in Dubitando, No. 7, March 2006; republished in: Jean-Marie Boisdefeu, Dubitando: Textes révisionnistes (2004-2008). Based on questions raised numerous times on this web site about the validity of the 6 million number, I find it worthwhile to republish here.-CY

Gassed at Treblinka and deceased in Minsk

Jean-Marie Boisdefeu


As shown before, the Yad Vashem database of Holocaust victims contains many double entries as well as entries of survivors. This paper shows that entire sets of victims were entered multiple times, in the present case the 52,000 Jews deported from Berlin. The data contained in the database also reveals that many Jews deported through the infamous Treblinka camp, which is said to have been a wholesale extermination camp with almost no survivors, are reported to have died "downstream" (further east). Hence, for them Treblinka merely served as a transit camp.

Reinhold Hanning dies while still appealing sentence; Zafke trial suspended

Published by carolyn on Fri, 2017-06-02 14:43

Germany's holohoaxers have been cheated out of the grisley satisfaction of jailing the extreme elderly.

By Carolyn Yeager

NINETY-FIVE YEAR OLD REINHOLD HANNING DIED ON TUESDAY , as reported on Thursday by his lawyer Andreas Scharmer. No cause of death was given apart from old age.

Lawyer for the Jewish plaintiffs testifying against Hanning, Jew Thomas Walther (right), expressed disappointment that the elderly Hannning escaped prison. Walther complained, “"If the judiciary had not been silent for decades, then there would not have been this disappointment.”

Jews, Israel push to ban alternative views of Holocaust on Internet

Published by carolyn on Wed, 2017-05-31 01:16

Berlin Holocaust Memorial built by Jews. This is the kind of regulation they seem bent on achieving in the goyim population where their Holocaust narrative is concerned. Total, unwavering acceptance of their story by all is what Jews are after.

By Carolyn Yeager

IN 1998, AN ARTICLE APPEARED IN THE jOURNAL OF HISTORICAL REVIEW (IHR) penned by Mark Weber, titled “Jewish Group Demands More Anti-Revisionist Laws.” At that time, only five or six European countries had holocaust denial or hatred incitement laws. Now that number is 19 (virtually all), plus the European Union. Joining them are Israel, Australia and the United Arab Emirates.

This is all due to the lobbying of Jewish groups, because, they say, “Jews' rights are best protected in open and tolerant democracies that actively prosecute all forms of racial and religious hatred." But why should conducting research into the historical Holocaust and finding reason to have an alternative view be considered “hatred”? Only because Jews fear such views will spread if the public has the opportunity to learn what these researchers have found. Thus it is actually the Jewish groups spreading the hatred against those they have labeled Deniers. Back in 1998, Weber quoted some Jews who told deliberate lies about what the “revisionists/deniers” said. Itzhak Nener, Israeli deputy president of the International Association of Jewish Lawyers and Jurists (IAJLJ) charged at a meeting in June '98:
