Freedom Party of Austria

Austrian government coalition blows up over illegal 'sting' video

Published by carolyn on Sat, 2019-05-18 13:20

Hans Christian Strache speaks to the press after bowing to pressure and offering his resignation as Vice-Chancellor to Chancellor Kurz. Standing nearby is Labor Minister Beate Hartinger-Klein of the FPÖ.

By Carolyn Yeager

IT'S CONFIRMED. AUSTRIAN CHANCELLOR SEBASTIAN KURZ has accepted the resignation offered by his Vice-Chancellor Hans-Christian Strache, bringing to an end the historic rule of the combined right-wing parties. This has occurred just days before the Europe-wide European Parliament elections. Leftists and centrists are calling for condemnation of all “far-right” parties and the defeat of their candidates.


Austria, News

Election fraud in Austria? Establishment candidate squeaks by to become President

Published by carolyn on Mon, 2016-05-23 12:26

This is not what I wanted to post here today, but take a good look even if it makes you sick. Austrians and Europe have six years of this refugee-welcoming, super-liberal traitor Van der Bellen in office. I'm afraid his questionable win undermines the patriot movement Europe-wide because hopes were so high. It should not be so readily accepted, and maybe it won't be.

This outcome is incredible to me, and not fully believable, but the FPOe, Freedom Party of Austria, is not contesting the narrow victory of Alexander van der Bellen by 30,000 mail-in votes.

According to the website of the Interior Ministry, the final vote is 2,223,458 votes for Hofer, 2,254,484 for Van der Bellen. This means that VdB got a huge margin of the mail-in (also called absentee and postal) vote. The German government English-language website Deutsche Welle posted a brief report that explained it thusly:


Germany, Immigration, News

Schulz sticks his nose where it doesn't belong again - warns against a Hofer win

Published by carolyn on Thu, 2016-05-19 00:09

THE PRESIDENT OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT, Martin Schulz (above), warns against a victory of FPÖ (Austrian Freedom Party) candidate Norbert Hofer (see image below) in the Federal Presidential runoff election in Austria on 22 May. It's now only three days away.

"If the extremist right wins the elections in Austria and in Europe, this will change Europe's character,"

said Schulz on an Italian political program last Friday.

"The vast majority of people in Europe do not want this change. However, they are a silent majority if they accept that those who want the borders will win the elections. Those who are for Europe must mobilize, just like those who are on the other side, "

said Schulz. [That's why they keep bringing in third-world non-Europeans - to get their "vast majority." An evil scheme. -cy]


European Union, News