Holocaust Revisionism

Latest from Robert Faurisson: Two items of good news

Published by carolyn on Wed, 2015-11-11 21:12

Two items of good news: the diary of Alfred Rosenberg and the film "Son of Saul"

Two items of good news, one after the other, for the revisionists: the publication, at last, in French of top National Socialist official Alfred Rosenberg’s diary and the film by Hungarian director László Nemes, Son of Saul

The publication, finally, of Alfred Rosenberg’s personal journal reveals nothing about the existence of a policy of physical extermination of the Jews but, on the contrary, confirms the will of the Third Reich’s leaders to see the Jews disappear one day from Europe to go and create a Jewish national home in Madagascar or elsewhere. Let us recall that Rosenberg [shown above right] was, notably, Reich Minister for the Occupied Eastern Territories, where the Einsatzgruppen (intervention groups) operated, in charge – we are told (with fake evidence in support!) – of exterminating the Jews. He was hanged at Nuremberg.

Terrific short video from Vincent Reynouard on the European Court, with English subtitles

Published by carolyn on Sun, 2015-11-08 16:55

The European Court of Human Rights - Instrument of dictatorship

A month ago, on October 15, 2015, the European Court of Human Rights "vindicated" Dogu Perinçek, the Turkish "negationist" of charges that he "denied" the Armenian genocide. Some saw in that ruling the logical possibility that this court would also accept similar challenges to the "Holocaust" on the same grounds.

But no. In this 15-minute video, Vincent Reynouard clarifies that the claim for "freedom of speech," which is guaranteed by the French and European Constitutions, will never, under current governments, be applied to speech about the "Holocaust" or "Shoah." He explains that this is because questioning the Shoah is uniquely equated by the Court with questioning democracy, and questioning democracy is an attack on the legal basis of the state ... supposedly a form of sedition. Seeing that there is no way around this for "Holocaust" revisionists at the present time, Reynouard advises that we give up on the Freedom of Speech approach and look for a different one.

Special feature: How Republicans can help Netanyahu

Published by carolyn on Sun, 2015-10-25 02:03

Benjamin Netanyahu graciously receives one of his many standing ovations from a joint session of Congress (minus 58 miscreants of the Democrat Party) earlier this year.

How Republicans can help Netanyahu

By Hadding Scott

On October 20th, Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu stirred major controversy by declaring before the 37th World Zionist Congress that Adolf Hitler never wanted to kill all the Jews of Europe, and that it was the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem who made him do it, because the Mufti did not want more Jews coming to Palestine.

Hitler didn’t want to exterminate the Jews at the time; he wanted to expel the Jews. And Haj Amin al-Husseini went to Hitler and said: “If you expel them, they’ll all come here.” “So what should I do with them?” he asked. He said: “Burn them!”


Given the great esteem with which all Christian Zionists and Republicans, and especially Republican congressmen, regard the Israeli Prime Minister, this statement and the reaction to it must be a source of great concern.

Idiot Netanyahu invents new story of who "burned" the jews

Published by carolyn on Wed, 2015-10-21 22:06

Netanyahu-Merkel press conference in Berlin on Oct. 21, 2015

Netanyahu hates the Palestinians so much that he's now tryng to make them equally guilty with the "Nazis" for exterminating 6 million of his precious jews during WW2.

In a meeting with Jewish leaders yesterday, he said the World War II-era Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin al-Husseini, played a "central role in fomenting the final solution" by trying to convince Hitler to destroy the Jews during a 1941 meeting in Berlin.

"Hitler didn't want to exterminate the Jews at the time, he wanted to expel the Jews," Netanyahu told the group. "And Haj Amin al-Husseini went to Hitler and said, 'If you expel them, they'll all come here.' 'So what should I do with them?' [Hitler] asked. He said, 'Burn them.'"

Vincent Reynouard: To be a National Socialist today

Published by carolyn on Wed, 2015-10-14 00:52

New Video with English subtitles!

To be a National Socialist Today

Part 1: The concentration camps

Does the National Socialist struggle, today, still make sense? In this first part, I rely on a statement of Hermann Göring, at the Nuremberg trials, to answer in the affirmative. Then, in order to parry the first objection, I explain why the concentration camps in Germany were only an accident of history ... Vincent Reynouard

Excellent research, as usual, from Reynouard. The first camps were set up to detain the communists, who were an existential threat to the new Hitler government and NS state. Please watch this 30-minute video with English subtitles full screen here.

The Heretics' Hour: The Anti-Germans & the "Holocaust"

Published by carolyn on Mon, 2015-10-12 21:05

Oct. 12, 2015

Anti-Deutsch march at Dresden Anniversary with sign that says "Thank you, Bomber Harris." They usually also carry Israeli and American flags.

Carolyn looks at Germans and Germany tonight in a shorter than usual program. It's long enough, however, to cover these topics:

  • Trouble in Europe - who's to blame;
  • The mayoral election in Vienna disappoints, but is still a good showing for Heinz-Christian Strache;
  • Donald Trump says all the right things, making running for U.S. president seem efforless;
  • Germany is the heart of White Europe and the heart needs help;
  • A detailed look at the “Anti-Germans” and their dependence on the straight Holohoax story;
  • White Nationalists need to wake up and do something productive.  46min

Fred Leuchter talks to Jim Rizoli about his experiences with governments and the law

Published by carolyn on Wed, 2015-09-30 21:03

Fred Leuchter 2015 Interview with Jim Rizoli

"The Rest of the Story"

Jim Rizoli got engineer Fred Leuchter, now 72, to talk about his life while Joe Rizoli filmed it. The result is a great video, both enlightening and entertaining. Fred is a good story teller and covers the various persecutions he's endured with good humor and interesting detail.

Fred Leuchter is the man who first showed that the alleged "gas chambers" at Auschwitz were hoaxes. As an expert in gas chamber execution technology, he starts out by convincingly explaining why no human beings could have been, or were killed in these rooms by Zyklon B poison gas.

A very important video. Kudos to the Rizoli brothers for their excellent work and dedication, and to Fred Leuchter for his expertise and courage.

Please go here to watch it full screen, and leave a comment if you can.

In Auschwitz open your eyes: new video with English subtitles

Published by carolyn on Wed, 2015-09-23 23:45

Vincent Reynouard produces a brilliant 40 min. video with English sub-titles for students and all people who will be traveling to Auschwitz-Birkenau for the first time. While special teachers "prepare"  high school students by having them first close their eyes and imagine the horror that is described to them in order that they will have an emotional experience and "see" what they are "supposed to see," Reynouard tells them to open their eyes and use their critical judgement about what they see while they are there.

The Big Lie that is behind pre-conditioning impressionable young people to believe that everything they see at Auschwitz-Birkanau has the most beastial and horror-filled meaning is exposed by Reynouard. He promises a Part 2, dealing with the gas chambers, still to come.

Please watch the film, "In Auschwitz, open your eyes and don't listen to the guides" (1) here.

Another great video from Vincent Reynouard that traverses the language barrier

Published by carolyn on Wed, 2015-09-16 14:51

Orignal blueprint of Crema 2 in Auschwitz-Birkenau  enlarge

"Gas Chambers"of Auschwitz: an obvious hoax

by Vincent Reynouard

In 2008 the world press spoke of the "original plans of Auschwitz" discovered in Berlin, one of which showed a "gas chamber." In this video, I explain that it was a simple delousing chamber and I point out that in this room where Zyklon B was used extensively, the walls are stained with blue spots. But in the so-called homicidal or human-killing "gas chambers", there are no blue spots. This is a simple and clear proof that in these premises there was no mass killing with Zyklon B. I answer the objections that have been developed in the opposite camp against this argument.

Contents of the video:

John Friend goes international

Published by carolyn on Tue, 2015-09-15 14:04

Did you know ?

There is a website named antisemitism.org. It's sponsored by The Coordination Forum for Countering Antisemitism (CFCA) that publishes in a variety of languages and claims to be creating a database of antisemitic incidents around the world. It's registered in Israel. http://antisemitism.org.il/

And that ...

John Friend is being featured on their front page as an “ex-city worker who runs an anti-Semitic website." It's so funny - they think his website is American Free Press. The story is here: http://antisemitism.org.il/article/99505/ex-city-worker-runs-antisemitic-website
