Have a merry Christmas and a great New Year!

Published by carolyn on Sat, 2017-12-23 11:44

Wishing all my readers

A Very Merry Christmas

and a prosperous and healthy

New Year!

Enjoy all your celebrations ...

I'm going to celebrate the New Year of 2018 with a new book: The Artist Within the Warlord. It will be available for sale at the beginning of January. It's been a long wait, but worth it. As are all good things. -Carolyn

Why revisionism is an historical necessity

Published by carolyn on Tue, 2017-12-19 23:35

THIS ARTICLE WAS FIRST PUBLISHED IN THE JOURNAL LIBERATION IN 1958, during the Cold War. Written twelve years after the end of WWII, it is still necessary reading today. I am posting the entire long article here because I think every word is valuable. I have taken the liberty of bolding some words and sentences that I think are particularly valuable. During this holiday season, take some time to read it, not necessarily all in one sitting. You will be immeasurably enriched and informed by it.

Harry Elmer Barnes (1889-1968) is pictured above in a portrait created for The Barnes Review magazine. He was one of the most influential American scholars of the twentieth century.

Revisionism and the Promotion of Peace

By Harry Elmer Barnes, 1958

During the last forty years or so [since 1918 -cy], revisionism has become a fighting term. To so-called revisionists, it implies an honest search for historical truth and the discrediting of misleading myths that are a barrier to peace and goodwill among nations. In the minds of anti-revisionists, the term savors of malice, vindictiveness, and an unholy desire to smear the saviors of mankind.

Britain's 100 year war against Germany documented

Published by carolyn on Tue, 2017-12-12 14:34

By Carolyn Yeager

THIS IS THE GREATEST 'OPEN SECRET' OF OUR TIME. The facts and the motivation are in plain sight, documented in sufficient detail, but the powers-that-be direct us to look the other way.

I have written and spoken in this space many times about the responsibility of the British for bringing about the wars that came to be called World War I and World War II—including an interview with Nick Kollerstrom about his wonderful little book of only 100 pages, How Britain Initiated Both World Wars. Nick goes as far back as 1905 when Edward Grey (shown left) first became British foreign secretary but does not mention the Saturday Review publications which are quoted here from 1895, 1896 and 1897.

The knowledge we gain from this article is that WWII was not carried on by Britain to destroy the threat of Adolf Hitler and “Nazism”, which clearly was no threat to Britain, but to destroy a trade and financial competitor—an idea carried over from WWI and earlier.

New Prime Minister of Poland appointed by Law and Justice Party has “Jewish roots”

Published by carolyn on Sat, 2017-12-09 15:22

By Carolyn Yeager

THE SUCCESSOR TO PM BEATA SZYDLO,  close associate of Jaroslaw Kaczynski, leader of the ruling national-conservative, Christian-democratic PiS party in Poland, has been identified as a half-Jew. 

Right: Standing on the left at the Warsaw Zoo on Sept. 18, 2017Mateusz Morawiecki holds a document honoring rescuers of Polish Jewry . (Photo courtesy of From the Depths)

Mateusz Morawiecki was Finance Minister and a former bank chairman in the Santander Group. He was not even a member of Kaczynski's party two years ago, but joined the government as minister for economic development in 2015. His Jewish roots were known in Poland since he spoke about it earlier this year at a ceremony at the Warsaw Zoo.

Mean leftist teachers rob 4-year-olds of innocent belief in Santa

Published by carolyn on Wed, 2017-12-06 23:01

Sad little Markus after being told by teachers in his kindergarten that St. Nicholas was dead. His mother holds the Christmas ornament of St. Nic that no longer brings him cheer.

As reported by the Kronen Zeitung -

'MUMMY, YOU KNOW THERE'S NO SUCH THING AS SANTA CLAUS, he's been dead for over 100 years." In tears, four-year old Markus told his mother what he had heard from teachers in his Linz (Austria) kindergarten.

"An effrontery, how children's illusions are taken without informing us parents," said his mother, Nadine. She is angry about the actions of those responsible.

In Austria there has been discussion of whether the figure of Nicholas, with or without a white beard, should come to schoolchildren. Now this Linz kindergarten in the residential area of Gugl has caused a scandal. "My son was told that Nicholas does not exist, that he died more than 100 years ago," his mother angrily told the Krone newspaper.


Art & Culture, Austria

German Justice Minister calls abortion law a “relic of the Nazi era”

Published by carolyn on Sat, 2017-12-02 14:51

Heiko Maas is one of the SPD lefties in Angela Merkel's "Grand Coalition" government cabinet.

By Carolyn Yeager

GERMANY'S JUSTICE MINISTER UNDER CHANCELLOR ANGELA MERKEL, HEIKO MAAS, a member of the Social Democratic Party (SPD) has called for a Hitler-era law banning doctors from advertising abortion services to be changed.

Maas called paragraph 219a of the German criminal code a "relic of the Nazi era when the state controlled citizens' bodies.” The paragraph states that anyone who publicly "offers, announces [or] advertises" abortion services is to be punished with up to two years in jail or must pay a fine. Under the law, German medical practitioners can only offer abortion information in private consultations.


Abortion law

Germany demands 96-year-old spend four years in prison to satisfy holohoax guilt

Published by carolyn on Fri, 2017-12-01 14:36

Ninety-six-year-old "Auschwitz criminal" Oscar Groening is directed to where he should sit in the courtroom where he is on trial for admitting to a pack of lies. (photo courtesy of https://kopfschuss911.wordpress.com)

By Carolyn Yeager

THE GERMAN FEDERAL PUPPET STATE has the dubious honor of wanting to put a 96-year-old German citizen in a prison cell for 4 years … meaning he will be 100 years old when he gets out. Why should anyone, anywhere put a 96-year-old in prison? To protect what?

Ah, to protect the standing of the Jews in Germany! Jews are highly organized for their interests, and in today's Germany they carry a lot of weight. They want to keep finding 'Nazis' to prosecute, forever if they can. When the last Germans who set foot in Auschwitz are gone, they will go after their children and grandchildren.

Our "Hitler's Table Talk" series now available on CD's

Published by carolyn on Tue, 2017-11-28 17:36

A two-disc CD set containing all 56 of the newly-edited, cleaned-up podcasts in MP3 format of Carolyn Yeager and Ray Goodwin reading and discussing Hitler's Table Talk, spanning 1941 to 1944.  Note: These CD's can only be played on CD players that accept long-running MP3 format disks.

Just Reduced! Price: US $4.95 - plus shipping and handling
Click here to buy now!

How Deutsche Welle broadcasting promotes Holocaust disinformation and denies the truth

Published by carolyn on Fri, 2017-11-24 14:08

By Carolyn Yeager

DEUTSCHE WELLE, GERMANY'S INTERNATIONAL PUBLIC BROADCASTER, was founded in 1953 with the mission to convey Germany as a “liberal, democratic state based on the rule of law.” In this capacity, it commonly puts out false and/or misleading statements when covering the subject of the “Holocaust.”

It's latest online article on Ursula Haverbeck (right, appearing in court in 2017) is a good case to study. Titled “Appeal postponed again in 'Nazi Grandma' Holocaust denial case,” the article contains several errors or falsehoods that can be imputed to DW policy. The first is this sentence:

Under German law, denial of the Holocaust — in which 6 million Jews were murdered by the Nazis — constitutes incitement of racial hatred.

Student's feeling of sadness at German Stalingrad soldier's grave sets off furor in Russia

Published by carolyn on Wed, 2017-11-22 11:28

By Carolyn Yeager

IN LIGHT OF MY PREVIOUS POST: Advice-giving White men who think Germans should get off their knees and stand up to the world again should actually be asking the rest of the world to lay off the “Nazis” instead. And do they? It's they, too, who won't stop contributing to the unfair defilement of Germany's past.

An illustration of this cropped up when a Russian high school student, part of a joint German-Russian school project on the fates of military prisoners on both sides in WWII, spoke in the German Bundestag last Sunday on the National Day of Mourning. There were three German students from Kassel and three Russian from Novy Urengoy (in Siberia). Above right: Sixteen-year-old Nikolai Desyatnichenko gives his short speech in the Bundestag on Sunday, Nov. 19.
