Holocaust Revisionism

Interview: AfD's Alexander Gauland accepts that Hitler 'killed six million Jews'—How is never asked

Published by carolyn on Thu, 2018-08-16 15:51

By Carolyn Yeager

I SUPPORT AND APPLAUD THE AfD (Alternative fuer Deutschland party) because it's the only thing that is moving Germany out of it's stuck state of post-war guilt and perennial apology. Since I know it is not possible for a politician to defend Adolf Hitler or question a single element of the Holocaust false narrative in Germany—nor in any Western country, for that matter—without committing political suicide, I don't expect any to do so. Still, someone like Bjorn Höcke manages to criticize indirectly these very sacred cows and party head Alexander Gauland has always defended him and prevented him from being excluded from the party. So overall, Dr. Gauland (born in 1941) is a seasoned politician and positive force; I wish him continued vigor and ability to lead the party.

Holocaust deniers, unite!

Published by carolyn on Fri, 2018-08-10 00:59

The push to wipe us off the face of the earth, beginning with social media, is underway!

The grotesque "Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe," 2711 meaningless concrete slabs that sit on 4.7 acres of prime real estate in the heart of Berlin's tourism district reveals the terrible vengence Jews must extract for any attempt by Europeans to plot our own future.

UPDATE: See below

By Carolyn Yeager

THE LATEST RUCKUS BEING STIRRED UP BY BELIEVERS is a letter to Mark Zuckerberg (right) from a “coalition” of heads of global Holocaust museums and foundations with an “offer to help the Facebook CEO “battle Holocaust denial” on his social media platform.

For the letter-signers, battling Holocaust denial doesn't mean the opportunity to meet doubters' criticisms with irrefutable facts and documentary evidence that Jews really did experience during WWII what they claim. No, to them it means censoring, banning, removing all content that questions, contradicts or in any way belittles their official narrative of horrors that they have named “The Holocaust” or “The Shoah.”

The railroading of Ursula Haverbeck

Published by carolyn on Fri, 2018-08-03 15:16

90-year-old political prisoner Ursula Haverbeck

By Carolyn Yeager

IN today's reporting ON URSULA HAVERBECK'S APPEAL of her two-year prison sentence, Deutsche Welle (Germany's public international broadcaster) finally got it's facts straight about what Haverbeck said about the 'Holocaust' that was against the law in Germany.

Haverbeck is in prison now in Bielefeld serving her sentence. She was denied her appeal in May against the guilty verdict of “incitement” (disturbing the public peace) because she had claimed publicly “that Auschwitz was 'not historically proven' to be a death camp, claiming it was a labor camp instead.

The counter terminology to Holocaust Denial should be Holocaust Belief

Published by carolyn on Sat, 2018-07-28 15:53

Special guests are seated at the actual entrance to the former concentration camp at Auschwitz-Birkenau, colorfully lit up as a show-biz production for the 70th Anniversary remembrance ceremony in 2015.

by Carolyn Yeager

WHAT IS THE HOLOCAUST? It's a belief, nothing more. If you try to get hold of it, touch it, find where it exists, you discover you can't and it doesn't. It's words, it's stories, it's narrative. It's more similar to religion than to history. The 'history' has been built up after the fact around the religion, or belief, to give it greater plausibility.

The Holocaust is a few photos from a few very selective places taken in 1945 after the Allies gained total control of the air and bombed the hell out of everything in Germany. They purposely disrupted/destroyed all communications and deliveries by road or rail, killed even farmers working in their fields, preventing food and medicines from reaching those in need. Many of those in need were in the detainment camps, where even the clean water infrastructure was destroyed by Allied bombers, such as happened at Bergen-Belsen where the worst pictures were taken. Naturally, epidemics broke out that the Germans were helpless to prevent or deal with. The result of this end-of-war bombfest was photographed and called genocide—not genocide by the Allies, which it was, but genocide by the Germans!

Holocaust belief made up of thousands of 'False News' items

Published by carolyn on Fri, 2018-07-27 00:02

AN EXAMPLE IS THE FALSE STORY by 'journalists' Amy Goodman and Denis Moynihan (pictured left) titled The U.S. Rejected Refugee Anne Frank—Let’s Not Make the Same Mistake Again.  They published the following statements with total disregard for the facts (as reported by Codoh.com):

Anti-Semites in the State Department blocked as many refugees as they could, condemning tens of thousands to their deaths at the hands of the Nazis. Whether this kind of evil prejudice against refugees was perpetrated by a Democrat like Franklin Roosevelt or a Republican like Donald Trump, it is an unconscionable blot on the American national conscience, ... 

"Anne Frank was denied immigration at least twice,"
Stephen Goldstein told us on the Democracy Now! news hour. "FDR refused refugee Anne Frank.”

Hoaxer Claude Lanzmann dead at 92; purveyer of holocaust by testimony

Published by carolyn on Thu, 2018-07-05 21:34

Claude Lanzmann, best known for the 9-hour holoaust-genre film "Shoah," died on Thursday at the Staint-Antoine Hospital in Paris.

By Carolyn Yeager

SHOAH IS 'CATASTROPHE' IN HEBREW. No doubt about it, the laws passed in Germany were seen as a catastrophe for Jews by Jews, but what took place after that never rose to the level of a “Holocaust.”

Jews were encouraged, and even helped financially and otherwise, to emigrate out of Germany. Most Jews, knowing the nature of the German people, preferred to believe the threat would “blow over”, or was something they could manage to survive, or thought they were too highly placed to be affected by it (like the Warburgs).

Monika & Alfred Schaefer trial underway in Munich

Published by carolyn on Tue, 2018-07-03 15:10

Left: First day of the trial. Attorney Sylvia Stolz (adviser); Attorney Wolfram Nahrath (Monika Schaefer's counsel); Attorney Frank Miksch (Alfred's counsel); Alfred Schaefer (Defendant); Lady Renouf (observer). Photo courtesy Lady Renouf.

By Carolyn Yeager

See Update: Day 3 & 4

I HAVE RECEIVED SOME PERSONAL ACCOUNTS since yesterday, which I'm following with great interest as there is not any kind of reporting at all in the mainstream media. The Federal Republic of Germany doesn't like to advertise the many 'neo-nazi' and 'holocaust denial' trials it has going on all the time in “the freest Germany ever!”

Jewish historian says “easier to prove something did happen than did not”

Published by carolyn on Mon, 2018-06-18 16:11

Pictures like this are supposed to convince you that there is tons of evidence for the Holocaust. US Army staffers are organizing stacks of German documents collected by investigators in preparation for the 1946 International Military Tribunal.

By Carolyn Yeager

IT SHOULDN'T BE UP TO REVISIONISTS TO PROVE the Holocaust didn't happen.

It is up to proponents of the Holocaust to prove that it did. Unfortunately for them, no proof exists though the believers believe that it does.

As a recent case in point, a Hebrew University historian has discovered that proving something did not happen is difficult. He says it's because such proof is based on the absence of evidence rather than its presence.


Khazars, Khazaria

Why doesn't the world censor Germany for throwing its free-speech activists into prison?

Published by carolyn on Wed, 2018-05-16 12:33

A photo of Gerhard Ittner from 2012, when he was extradicted to Germany from Spain.

By Carolyn Yeager

A NEW ARREST HAS BEEN MADE JUST LAST WEEK AND NO INFORMATION CAN BE GOTTEN from the “Secret Police” or any agencies about the reason for the arrest of Gerd Ittner, 60. It may be related to the fact that Gerd organized the remembrance rally in Dresden on February 13 that was shut down early because of an impromtu speech by Lady Michele Renouf, but that is only a guess on my part. Friends of Gerd who have sought information about his status since Saturday have not been successful.

Gerhard Ittner joins a long list of persecuted victims of the Federal Republic for the 'crime' of expressing a different opinion on the guilty parties in WWII than the official Allied narrative has it. The Allied narrative says Germany was totally at fault and committed egregious crimes; that is the narrative the Federal Republic embraces wholeheartedly, and even legally. Germany was originally forced to adopt this narrative, but now it enforces its own guilt with the greatest gusto.

Heroine Ursula Haverbeck goes to prison, as Jews continue to force Deutschland to mistreat its own elderly folk

Published by carolyn on Tue, 2018-05-08 15:37

by Carolyn Yeager

THE JEWISH WORLD IS CELEBRATING! The 89-year-old woman they have dubbed the “Nazi Grandma” has finally been incarcerated in a prison in western Germany for a two year term. According to Jewish news outlets, Ursula Haverbeck was picked up at her home in Vlotho, North-Rhine Westphalia by police on Monday and taken to the prison at nearby Bielefeld to begin serving her sentence.

I have been informed that her lawyer is already petitioning to have her released on grounds of health.
