
The Heretics' Hour: David Colestein emerges, and when did revisionists become "deniers?"

Published by carolyn on Mon, 2013-05-06 18:46

May 6, 2013

David Cole (pictured), the much admired holocaust revisionist of the 90's, has re-emerged at age 44 as David A. Stein, a Republican Party activist and producer of mainstream holocaust videos. Carolyn looks at what is known so far:

  • He didn't come forth voluntarily but was "outed" by a female in whom he had confided;
  • Says he will not try to continue as David Stein, the Republican Party "Animal";
  • His participation with the Tinbergen  film production company with partner Caleb Tinbergen;
  • Jewish blogger Eric Golub shows how angry and punishing Jews can be;
  • Colestein's self-invented biography as David Abravanel Stein;
  • Carolyn thinks Colestein will never be able to leave his Jewish community;
  • David Irving's lawsuit against Deborah Lipstadt turned Revisionists into "Deniers";'
  • Fredrick Toben calls in and talks about the ramifications of the "gassing" controversy and the Kriege report;
  • Charles Krafft calls in and wants to know about the 2006 Tehran Conference papers.

"The International Jew" Study Hour - Episode 45

Published by carolyn on Thu, 2013-05-02 16:52

May 2, 2013

Carolyn Yeager and Hadding Scott read and comment on Chapter 40, “Why the Jews Dislike the Morgenthau Report.”

The Morgenthau Report was the result of a fact-finding commission to Poland in 1919, in the wake of massive immigration of Jews from Poland into New York. The American Jewish press was claiming terrible persecution and pograms of Jews in Poland, but the commission report concluded that the claims were greatly exaggerated. Instead of 3,000 murdered in Lemberg, for instance, there were 76. On-the-scene investigation showed that Jews actually enjoyed a better standard of life than indigenous Poles. Since the 12th Century when Jews first came into Polish territory, the history is one in which Jews run all the business and commerce, getting rich off what Poles produce.

Illustration: Jewish merchants in nineteenth century Warsaw.

Note: We are using the Noontide Press publication of The International Jew — The World’s Foremost Problem which can be found online here as a pdf file.

The Enemy in Our Midst - Elie Wiesel's USHMM celebrates 20 years

Published by carolyn on Tue, 2013-04-30 09:54

By Carolyn Yeager

How the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington DC uses our money to further goals that serve international Jews.

Elie Wiesel and the above-named holohoax museum are as linked together as the military-industrial complex. Wiesel serves Israel and the International Jewish power structure and, in turn, it looks after him and ensures that he is not only wealthy but famous and covered with honors and decorations that bring him respect.

The United States, since Woodrow Wilson and the 1913 takeover of the U.S. Treasury by the Jewish banking cabal’s Federal Reserve System, has been a captive nation. Even though it appears to be the most powerful nation on earth – that is appearance only if you define a nation as being governed by and serving the people who formed and created that nation.

The truth is, the American people have a foreign parasitical entity attached to our nation, which has changed its very demographic make-up and just keeps spawning more and more anti-American policies. One of the spreading tentacles of this parasite is the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum.

When one studies this museum, how it came into being and how it operates, one can clearly discern it’s parasitical nature – and why, rather than contributing to the national well-being, it takes away from it.

This week, Sunday and Monday April 28-29, is the culmination of several months of “commemoration” of the museum’s 20th year of existence.1 It celebrated its 10th anniversary in 2003, so I assume there will be a propaganda-filled anniversary commemoration every 10 years from now on – and maybe they’ll throw in a 25th too – unless it is put out of business. Following are some reasons the USHMM should be closed down.

Please continue reading at Elie Wiesel Cons The World

The Heretics' Hour: Enemy in Our Midst: Elie Wiesel's USHMM

Published by carolyn on Mon, 2013-04-29 19:00

April 29, 2013

Carolyn first discusses questions about the extent of computer-generated images (CGI) rather than real-life people used in the Boston Marathon bombing media coverage. Good questions are raised by the proponents of media-fakery, but definitive answers are still elusive.

The main topic of the show is Carolyn’s new article up at Elie Wiesel Cons The World that takes on the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum as an enemy stronghold entrenched in our national body. Since it is an all-Jewish museum serving international Jewish interests, it should be disconnected from the U.S. government, becoming a privately endowed institution.

Image at right from Monday’s 20th Anniversary ceremony: Elie Wiesel and friend, Poet Rebecca Dupas (far left) on stage with WWII vet Scottie Ooton (a 'liberator') and Bill Clinton (right).

Saturday Afternoon: Questioning and separating the real from the fake

Published by carolyn on Sat, 2013-04-27 13:35

April 27, 2013

A mix of subjects ranging from the Boston Marathon bombing – to the pure propaganda play of a 20th Anniversary of the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, DC – to the Czech treatment of Germans in May 1945 and since. Some of the points made:

  • Are the “victims” we see on television and in photos actors hired to participate in a drill;
  • Media fakery is becoming more believable to more people, and fits the political climate;
  • All-Jewish-run museum in United States claims right to offer a National Tribute to Holocaust Survivors with Elie Wiesel and Bill Clinton speaking;
  • Special award given to Susan Eisenhower (in honor of her grandfather “Ike”) and Polish Jew Wladyslaw Bartoszewski;
  • Outrageous lies and nonsense featured at holocaust museum’s special exhibition Some Were Neighbors;
  • Thirty-five million visitors since museum opened – 1/3 from schools (forced attendance);
  • Stop contributing to Mark Weber’s IHR and donate to Vincent Reynouard instead.
  • Willy Wenger tells in his WWII memoir about his own experience with Czechs when traveling through the new Czech Republic on his way home to Austria;
  • Hadding Scott joins the program in the last half hour to comment on German treatment of Poles from 1939-1944 and on whether German dominance in Europe is natural.

Image: Toy ‘Nazi’ figurines are supposed to show the “demonic appearing in the most minute details” at the USHMM special exhibition titled, “Some Were Neighbors, “ meant to keep the guilt trip going.

"The International Jew" Study Hour - Episode 44

Published by carolyn on Thu, 2013-04-25 17:08

April 25, 2013

"Jewish Reaction to the Guilt of Leo Frank," a special program on the 100th anniversary of the rape/murder of 13-year-old Mary Phagan (pictured right) on April 26, 1913 in Atlanta, Ga.

Hadding Scott and Carolyn Yeager put the emphasis on the Jewish agenda to “overturn the verdict” against Leo Frank in the minds of Americans and people everywhere, and explain how Jewry goes about it. From regular appeals for Leo Frank in the Jewish New York Times; to circulating false stories that the jurors were influenced by mobs outside the courthouse shouting “Hang the Jew”, and were even personally threatened; to bringing up “new testimony 69 years later from the only surviving witness at the trial (Alonzo Mann); to gaining a meaningless Pardon that does not exonerate Frank, but is only a sort of apology for not protecting him in prison; to creating a musical and a television docu-drama about Frank’s innocence — Jewry goes all out in their effort to change the perception toward this pedophile-murderer to that of innocent victim of antisemitism. And they pretty much succeed! But here is a song for Mary by Fiddlin' John Carson, compliments of Hadding.

The ADL (Anti-Defamation League) also formed in that year to declare Frank’s innocence and continues its work to cover up or minimize all crimes by Jews by labeling any accusations “antisemitism.”

The Heretics' Hour: Comparing the German and Japanese surrender to the Allies

Published by carolyn on Mon, 2013-04-22 18:54

August 22, 2013

FM Wilhelm Keitel, Chief of Army (center) with Chief of the Luftwaffe Stumpff (left), Admiral Friedenberg of the Kriegsmarine (right) are forced by Eisenhower's threats to surrender to the Soviet Union on May 8, 1945 in Berlin-Karlhorst.

Why didn’t Hitler address the German nation considering its defeat as the Emperor Hirohito did in Japan? Why was Hirohito allowed to live and continue his reign, while Hitler and his party had to be eradicated totally? Why was Japan allowed to keep its industrial capacity and participate in world trade, but Germany not. One reason is the difference between Dwight David Eisenhower (the terrible "Swedish Jew") and Douglas MacArthur.

Carolyn also looks at the continuing media attention to the  “problem” of antisemitism and what to do about it. Friday, April 26 is the 100th anniversary of the rape/murder of 13-year-old Mary Phagan by the Jew Leo Frank in Atlanta, Ga. The Anti-Defamation League was created 100 years ago to defend Frank and has been doing its best to prevent justice for Jews ever since.

"The International Jew" Study Hour - Episode 43

Published by carolyn on Thu, 2013-04-18 16:47

April 18, 2013

Carolyn Yeager and Hadding Scott read and comment on Chapter 39, “When Editors Were Independent of the Jews.”

Newspaper editors independent of Jews?! Well, one newspaper proprietor in New York City, James Gordon Bennett, managed to stay independent until his death in 1918. He arranged his will so that The Herald could not fall to an individual owner, but that revenue would flow into a fund for his editors who kept it going. However, the Herald was later merged with another paper and eventually became a European edition, the International Herald Tribune, which since 1966 is wholly owned by the Jewish Sulzberger New York Times company. It will be renamed the International New York Times in the fall of this year.

It makes for an engrossing and instructive story, the moral of which is “You can’t beat the Jews over the long haul.”

Image: Herald Square in 1895, with the New York Herald Building dominating.  A large statue of “Minerva and the Bell Ringers” that graced the roof line was given a permanent place on the square after the building was demolished in 1921 (the year of our chapter).

Note: We are using the Noontide Press publication of The International Jew — The World’s Foremost Problem which can be found online here as a pdf file.

The Heretics' Hour: Weapons in the War Against Whites

Published by carolyn on Mon, 2013-04-15 19:21

April 15, 2013

In order to counteract the growing anger of increasing numbers of Jew-wise Gentiles who are realizing how they’re being exploited, Jews can find no better weapon than the cry of  “antisemitism.” Carolyn looks at some current examples, such as Ronnie Fraser’s The Academic Friends of Israel and David Goldman’s “Spengler” blog. She agrees with what the Jobbik candidate said, “Anti-Semitism is not just our right, but it is the duty of every Hungarian homeland lover, and we must prepare for armed battle against the Jews.”

So antisemitism is their weapon against us, but we turn it back upon them and declare our antisemitism as a duty!

In the 2nd hour, Carolyn reads Heinrich Himmler’s 1937 speech about Homosexuality to the Group Leaders of the SS (pictured right). The normalization of homosexuality is one of the most potent weapons in our enemy’s arsenal; to ignore it because we are uncomfortable dealing with the subject is unacceptable for a people who expect to recover and to win. Himmler offers some interesting solutions.

Saturday Afternoon: A visit with Shoabloger

Published by carolyn on Sat, 2013-04-13 12:01

April 13, 2013

Hasso Castrup from Denmark, creator of the new website Shoabloger is Carolyn’s guest. Hasso’s special hobby is translating French and German revisionist texts into English and Polish. Currently he is featuring the 2007 Horst Mahler interview by the Jew Michael Friedman, posting it in parts because of it’s length. Among the main topics discussed are:

  • Hasso’s mixed Polish-German family’s experience between the wars, and during & after WWII;
  • The 1943 Jewish uprising in Warsaw vs the August ’44 Polish uprising there;
  • How Poles were treated by the Germans and how German officials sought to identify ethnic-Germans or part-Germans;
  • Soviet/communist treatment of Poles vs. German ‘Nazi’ treatment of Poles;
  • The real Josef Beck and the real Jan T. Gross & the Jedwabne Affair;
  • Poland’s Jewish Problem in it’s many ramifications;
  • Are the present German-Polish borders set for all time or can there be a reconciliation that changes things;
  • Horst Mahler’s spiritual perspective on opposition between Germans and Jews.
