Professor Robert Faurisson found guilty of racial defamation in French court

Published by carolyn on Thu, 2016-09-29 16:29

Robert Faurisson (right) with unidentified man at the Paris correctional court on Sept. 27, where he was sentenced to 4 months imprisonment (suspended) and a €4,000 fine.

IN AN EMAIL FROM DAMIEN VIGUIER, ROBERT FAURISSON'S BARRISTER, to certain interested parties, it was learned that on September 27th, the 17th chamber of the Paris correctional court ruled that Professor Faurisson was guilty of one charge out of the three that were prosecuted against him on June 21.

All charges stemmed from the talk Faurisson gave in Tehran in 2006 titled “The Victories of Revisionism” and his published paper of that name. [See also Faurisson's recent follow-up at] The lawsuit was brought, as usual, by the Jewish LICRA [International League against Racism and Anti-Semitism], who were granted €3,000 in damages and €2,000 in legal costs. Adding that to the fine of €4,000, the total judgment amounts to €9,000.

Federal hostage Beate Zschäpe testifies in court

Published by carolyn on Thu, 2016-09-29 12:19

Beate Zschape in court Thursday with the lawyer she switched to when she insisted on telling her side, preparing to read a statement.

AFTER REMAINING SILENT SINCE HER TRIAL BEGAN IN 2013 – except for a statement read by her attorney last year in which she admitted guilt for her two friends Uwe Mundlos and Uwe Böhnhardt – 41-year-old Zschäpe read a short statement in court on Thursday.

She said that after the German reunification in 1990, she “identified with nationalist ideology.” But now she has changed, she said, and today: "I judge people not by their origin and political affiliation but by their behavior."

She added, “I regret my own misconduct. I condemn what Uwe Mundlos and Uwe Böhnhardt did to the victims."



Response to Bernie Farber's “Denial” editorial in the National Post

Published by carolyn on Thu, 2016-09-22 18:45

By Carolyn Yeager

BERNIE FARBER IS THE FORMER LONG-TIME DIRECTOR OF THE CANADIAN JEWISH CONGRESS, therefore a long-time fighter for Jewish interests. After retiring, he is now CEO of another Jewish organization, the Mosaic (as in Moses) Institute. His father was a Polish Jew who says he lost his first family in the “Holocaust,” while he alone survived and came to Canada.

Farber praises the new Deborah Lipstadt film “Denial” in his Sept. 20 editorial in the Canadian National Post, a newspaper of which he is a semi-regular contributor. He confidently sets out to demolish David Irving and holocaust revisionists, knowing he will receive no blow-back for telling lies. And lies he does tell, while utilizing the familiar method of accusing those he is lying about of being liars. Yes, it is pure Jewish argument.

Ursula Haverbeck: The Hooton-Plan and the Migrant Crisis

Published by carolyn on Tue, 2016-09-20 18:19

Watch! The Hooton Plan
and the Migrant Crisis

SUBTITLED IN ENGLISH BY DIDI 18, this is an almost 30 minute video by Ursula Haverbeck explaining why Europe is being invaded ... it's all in the Hooton Plan!

Only one book describing the Hooton Plan is still available, but only in German. Ursula tells us that four of the five points of the Jewish plan for Europe are already completed, so there is no time to waste.

She begins by saying that the 20th Century has been called “The Jewish Century” by two prominant writers, one of whom is Yuri Slezkine, who wrote a book of that title. He said the plans for the upcoming century were set at the 100 year Memorial Congress of 1889 [Memorial for the French Revolution of 1789]. The plan included:

AfD wins 14 percent in Berlin, coming in fifth among 7 parties

Published by carolyn on Sun, 2016-09-18 13:49

AfD co-chair Jörg Meuthen, left, and candidate Georg Pazderski celebrate the election results which came in as well as they could have hoped.

UPDATE: Final results:  AfD party - 14.2%!  The Social Democrats (SPD) - 21.6. Merkel's Christian Democrats (CDU) -17.6. The Left party 15.6.  Green Party - 15.2. Free Democrats (FDP) - 6.7. Pirate Party - 1.7. CONGRATULATIONS AFD!

[UPDATED] THE ALTERNATIVE FOR GERMANY PARTY (AfD) POLLED AT 14.2 percent it's first time on the ballot in Berlin, giving it about 25 seats in the regional assembly. This is considered a big victory for the anti-immigrant party in “multi-cultural Berlin … a city of millions that is known for its open lifestyle,” as written in the Frankfurter Allegemeine Sunday paper.

The long-ruling Social Democrats (SPD) won the most seats by polling at 21.6 percent, losing 6.7 points from the last election in 2011. Merkel's Christian Democrats (CDU) came in second at 17.6 percent, down 5.7 from 2011. The Left (Communist) party gained 3.9 and the Green Party lost 2.4 since 5 years ago. 


Germany, News

Frauke Petry's car set ablaze in Leipzig – on eve of Berlin election

Published by carolyn on Sat, 2016-09-17 14:23

This is the scene on Friday night in a Leipzig neighborhood as Petry's car burns after being set ablaze by person(s) still unknown.

AFD CHIEF FRAUKE PETRY IS A VICTIM OF ARSON. Unknown persons under cover of darkness set her car on fire Friday night in Leipzig. The police investigating the crime scene say they are currently assuming it was arson. There has been no claim of responsibility.

Residents had noticed the fire and raised the alarm. The car burned out completely. Back in August 2015, Petrys company "PURinvent System GmbH" was the target of an attack. Butyric acid was spilled in the production hall and discs were smashed. The AfD has said that the attacks on its members in recent months have reached a level that borders on terror. During PEGIDA rallies in Dresden last year, cars belonging to rally-goers were set ablaze on several occasions.


Germany, News

New book just out on “Holocaust” by Dr. Thomas Dalton challenges basic beliefs

Published by carolyn on Thu, 2016-09-15 15:20

By Carolyn Yeager

AS NEW HOLOCAUST MUSEUMS CONTINUE TO BE BUILT, as more schools add compulsory “Holocaust education” to their curriculum, and more governments cave under the pressure to give legal protection to this WWII atrocity propaganda campaign turned official history – it's Thomas Dalton to the rescue again.

His new book is titled The Holocaust – An Introduction, Exploring the Evidence. It is a basic presentation intended to simplify the questions asked by educated thinking persons, explain why they're asked, and point out the lack of answers from the Holocaust historians. No one can do this better than Thomas Dalton, in my estimation. His previous book on the subject, Debating the Holocaust, did a fantastic and fair job of presenting both sides, and was therefore widely read. Now he has turned again to the effort to make the subject understandable to every reader, and hopefully to get the attention of those who have been led or coerced into believing the case is closed.

Update on postponed Austrian election: Swiss printing company promises new envelopes in 24 hours

Published by carolyn on Wed, 2016-09-14 00:05

CEO of Elco, Hans-Jörg Aerni, says he would also serve Austria with his products

By Carolyn Yeager

A SWISS PRINTING COMPANY, ELCO, HAS SAID IT CAN PRODUCE the absentee voting envelopes for the Austrian presidential election in 24 hours!

So what is it with the Social Democrat/Peoples Party coalition government deciding it needs a two-month delay to deal with the faulty envelopes for the repeat run-off election scheduled for October 2nd – still over 2 weeks away. Doesn't this make the whole hulabaloo over having to re-arrange the voting schedule look ridiculous?


Austria, News

Another farcical holocaust trial begins in northeastern Germany

Published by carolyn on Tue, 2016-09-13 03:08

Hubert Zafke arrives at court in Neubrandenburg, assisted by his three sons.

By Carolyn Yeager

THE GERMAN JUSTICE SYSTEM CONTINUES TO SERVE JEWISH VENGEANCE as the “holocaust' trial of Hubert Zafke got underway on Monday … sort of. It was scheduled to start in February at the Neubrandenburg state court in northeastern Germany, but had been postponed three times due to the health of the 95-year-old WWII veteran.

Zafke was pushed into court in a wheelchair by three of his four sons, whose discontent with the process was written on their faces (according to the Der Spiegel reporter). The elder Zafke suffers from poor hearing, but still lives independently at home in a Mecklenburg village, thanks to family help. The reporter also said the court didn't seem very interested in trying the case.

Austria postpones election until December 4th, against objections

Published by carolyn on Mon, 2016-09-12 11:07

FPÖ General Secretary Herbert Kickl calls for reform of the postal vote in Austria.

NORBERT HOFER WAS FAVORED TO WIN THE OCTOBER 2ND PRESIDENTAL RUNOFF ELECTION according to polling results, when a problem arose with the glue on the mail-in envelopes. The glue was defective! The envelopes came open by themselves, making them invalid. This under the government leadership of the Social Democratic Party (SPÖ).

What to do? Postpone the election for two more months, until December 4, of course, giving them time to turn things around! As Heinz-Christian Strache of Hofer's party, the Freedom Party (FPÖ), has been asking: "Has Austria become a banana republic?" Does it take two months to prepare new postal voting cards in a country as small as Austria? Do they think that by December people will be distracted with the winter holidays, including Christmas, and forget to vote? Or perhaps a big snowstorm will hamper the voting in the rural areas where the FPÖ is strong.


Austria, News
