In Auschwitz open your eyes: new video with English subtitles
Vincent Reynouard produces a brilliant 40 min. video with English sub-titles for students and all people who will be traveling to Auschwitz-Birkenau for the first time. While special teachers "prepare" high school students by having them first close their eyes and imagine the horror that is described to them in order that they will have an emotional experience and "see" what they are "supposed to see," Reynouard tells them to open their eyes and use their critical judgement about what they see while they are there.
The Big Lie that is behind pre-conditioning impressionable young people to believe that everything they see at Auschwitz-Birkanau has the most beastial and horror-filled meaning is exposed by Reynouard. He promises a Part 2, dealing with the gas chambers, still to come.
Please watch the film, "In Auschwitz, open your eyes and don't listen to the guides" (1) here.
- 275 reads
Hi Carol
Off topic... Why not do a show on the disgraceful Dominique Venner article posted at Greg Johnson's Counter-Currents?
Disgraceful comments, too, among them the disgraceful Franklin Ryckaert, Dutch professional anti-German troll.
You've gone over this ground before, notably at:
Having said that, this sort of thing needs to be tackled, again and again.
If you don't do something on the Venner piece, I'll write something of your own.
Best wishes,
Best reply
To David
Who cares what is posted at the homosexual defense site, Counter-Currents. All the gay-boys and those who like to pretend they are the "intellectual new right" congregate there amongst assorted undercover jews. Its problem with Adolf Hitler is that he did not tolerate homosexuality as an "ok" lifestyle in the Reich, and SS leader Heinrich Himmler actively spoke out against it. For that very reason a "New Right" was necessary to replace the Old (anti-homo) Right. Was Venner queer? He probably was, so everyone can figure that out for themselves.
Counter-Currents' real purpose can be discovered here:
The goal for this 6-month period is $120,000.00, Gee, is that all? Are they tax-deductible yet? For all we can tell, this is Greg Johnson's only source of income and life in San Francisco is not cheap. From the time he talked himself onto The Occidental Quarterly paid staff (where he racked up over-high "expenses" on his expense account and was fired for it), he has been looking for a free ride. And just what has he done for the movement in return? As far as I can see, his main accomplishment is publishing the books of James O'Meara.