Saturday Afternoon: 75 Years after "Kristallnacht" plus Erhard Milch's "Jewishness"
Nov. 9, 2013
The false reporting that the National Socialist Party itself carried out the violent outburst against Jews that took place in Germany during the night of Nov. 9-10, 1938 — supposedly engineered by Goebbels, Himmler and Heydrich (!) — is very competently refuted by revisionist historian Ingrid Weckert. Carolyn reduces Weckert’s research and conclusions to three lie-proof reasons why “Kristallnacht” (Crystal Night – The Night of Broken Glass) was a false flag instigated by foreign Jewry. They are:
- Qui Bono? International Jewry benefited from it, while the National-Socialists and Hitler’s government were disgraced and had difficulty coming up with any believable explanations for such a “propaganda disaster”;
- The timing of Nov. 9, the anniversary date of the 1923 failed putsch in Munich which was holy to Hitler and his party, would never have been chosen by them. But because all the N-S district leaders from all over the Reich would be in Munich then, made it a brilliant choice by the real perpetrators;
- The support given to Herschel Grynspan, the young Polish-Jewish assassin of the Sec. of the German Embassy in Paris, Ernst Vom Rath (used as a pretext for the rioting), by LICA (Int. League Against Anti-Semitism), now LICRA, points to this Jewish/Communist organization as the real perpetrator behind Kristallnacht.
Carolyn cites David Irving‘s disclosures on Field Marshall Erhard Milch, 2nd in command of the Luftwaffe, under Göring, both in his biography of Milch, The Rise and Fall of the Luftwaffe and also the later Göring: A Biography. It’s most likely Milch was not the son of a Jewish man, but a pure Aryan after all.
Click on image to enlarge: Joseph Goebbels and Adolf Hitler on left; Rudolf Hess on far right hold a press conference at the Führerbau in Munich, Nov. 11, 1938. Note the Arno Breker sculpture above the fireplace.
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5 Responses
November 10, 2013 at 2:14 pm
Since Reichskristallnacht was an organized event, it must have been directed by someone. False flags are a tool of the Jews. Hitler’s bodyguard said that Hitler was shocked when he heard of Kristallnacht. So either it was a traitorous radical section of the SA or the Jews themselves. Is there any proof of communication of either group?
Meanwhile the Jonesiites constantly speak of the alleged flase flag Reichstag Fire and the Gleiwitz incidents, which weren’t false flags in reality.
November 10, 2013 at 4:40 pm
It never made sense to me why this thing was instigated while all party leaders would be in Munich for the solemn party events which took place on 9. Nov. That’s a red flag there.
November 10, 2013 at 5:34 pm
I don’t think there was any SA treason connected with this. It seems that there was intended miscommunication to some SA units to do the opposite of what the leadership was actually ordering them to do. So many witnesses (including the diplomats) described the rioters and attackers as dressed in civilian clothes.
I conclude it was the Jews, more specifically directed by LICRA (International League Against Racism and Antisemitism) — a communist organization. This was just their type of action. And that lawyer Moro-Giaferri confirms it for me.
We should all do more to counteract these false narratives.
November 10, 2013 at 5:42 pm
I agree. Kristallnacht looks like a grounded kid vandalizing his room out of frustration to get attention.
This French Jewish group is indeed very suspicious covering for the assassin who didn’t even know who to shoot.
If you were angry at someone and wanted to shoot him, you’d know everything about your victim…
November 10, 2013 at 6:26 pm
From Metapedia (LICRA):
“ Germany is our public enemy number one. It is our object to declare war without mercy against her. One may be sure of this: We will lead that war! ”
—Bernard Lecache, Droit de Vivre, 9 November 1938.
LICA and other Jews in France organised a boycott of Germany in April 1933 and they were implicated in two assassinations of NSDAP members; Herschel Grynszpan,✡ the Jew who murdered German diplomat Ernst vom Rath sparking the Kristallnacht riots in 1938 was funded by LICA in Paris and they provided him with a lawyer named Vincent de Moro-Giafferi.[2] This same lawyer had earlier defended David Frankfurter✡ who murdered Wilhelm Gustloff, leader of the Swiss section of the NSDAP, in 1936.[3] Freedom of speech and the press, supposed “liberal republican values” which the partisans of the Revolution of 1789 claimed as their legacy, was abolished on 21 April 1939 when the Jewish leaders of LICA had the Marchandeau Act pushed through. The new law made it illegal to criticise the so-called “chosen people” in the French media.