Adolf Hitler on Subjects and Citizens in the National Socialist State
FROM MEIN KAMPF, SUMMARY OF CHAPTER THREE OF VOLUME TWO, pages 135-141 of the Thomas Dalton dual-translation. (See here for series introduction.)
TODAY [1925] THE RIGHT OF CITIZENSHIP is acquired primarily by being born within the borders of a State. Race or nationality plays no role whatsoever. A Negro who once lived in one of the German protectorates and now takes up residence in Germany, has a child that automatically becomes a 'German citizen' in the eyes of the world. Similarly, the child of any Jew, Pole, African, or Asian may automatically become a German citizen.
Apart from birthright citizenship, there is the possibility of later naturalization. […]
Racial matters play no part at all.
3.1 Citizens-Subjects-Foreigners
The whole process of acquiring citizenship isn't that different from being admitted into an automobile club, for instance. […]
In this way, every year, those organizations that we call States take in poisonous material that they can hardly ever overcome.
The citizen is only distinguished from the foreigner by the fact that he's open to all public offices, that he may eventually have to do military service, and that, in return, he's permitted to take a passive or active part in elections. Regarding personal rights and personal freedom, the foreigner enjoys the same amount of protection as the citizen, and frequently even more; anyway, that's how it happens in our present German [Weimar] Republic.
At present there is one state that's making at least some modest attempts at a better conception—the American union that attempts to at least partly conform to reason. By refusing immigration of those with bad health, and by excluding certain races from naturalization, the American union has begun to introduce principles that are particular to the folkish State.
The folkish State divides its inhabitants into three classes: citizens, subjects, and foreigners. [Being a] subject carries no right to fill any office … or take part in elections. … A subject is always free to cease being a subject. … The only difference between a foreigner and a subject is that the former is a citizen of another country.
3.2 The Citizen as Master of the Reich
The bestowal of a diploma of citizenship must coincide with a solemn oath of loyalty to the national community and the State. … This high honor also has its obligations. Those without personal honor or character, or common criminals, or traitors to the Fatherland, can be deprived of this right at any time … become once again merely a subject.
The German girl is a subject, and becomes a citizen only when she marries.* But those female German subjects who earn an independent livelihood can also become citizens.
[*I'm not sure if this actually became the law during 1933-45, since I can't find any mention of it. The fact that AH added that German females could become citizens without being married does take away from it's significance, and by the time 1935 rolled around, he may have dropped the whole subject. -cy]
Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf- Printer-friendly version
- 501 reads
I don't think foreign borns
I don't think foreign borns were enough of a problem in 1920's Germany. Something like these safeguards would be a great way to neutralize Jewish power within a state but ppl would in fact need to be educated on the chambalin ability of the Jew to change his name and pretend he's the race in charge/ I think also talking like this wouldl neutralzie foreign born whites within Germany since Europeans were good at fighting each other before the race issue became relevent.
Anyone who lives in the real
Anyone who lives in the real world knows that the whole western world is going through a demographic meltdown.: In Germany alone there are 3-4 million full-blown asiatic Romanians-numbers growing daily.
I'm waiting for the AFD to take a strong anti-EU stance...meaning the AFD must become the DEXIT party and start campaigning for the exit of the EU and the Euro.
Looks there are still plenty of conservatives in the AFD that buy into Merkel's "We are all Europeans and belong together" bullshit.
Germany must remain germanic, not turkish, russian, polish, latin american, bulgarian, and Mischling (millions of them!) etc.....
Few people know that Leipzig, in the more "homogeneous" eastern part of Germany, has the highest crime rates in Germany! When you go there you see why: Lots of slavic faces around you, plus other "diversity", including the Vietnamese.
Time to wake up!
Keep up the great work Carolyn!
Hallo Gilson, might I ask
Hallo Gilson, might I ask what country you are from? Also, is there a link that you could send me with that information about the asiatic slavs living in central Germany (east Germany is technically, central Germany)?