How many times does it have to be said? Hitler didn't have dark hair.
Today, I saw another reference to Hitler's "dark hair" on what is supposed to be a pro-Hitler website by a pro-Hitler commenter.
"It makes me wonder why Hitler, Goebbels, Himmler, Hess, Speer etc all had dark hair." -HdP
Neither Hitler nor Himmler had dark hair, the other three did. Too many people accept whatever they see in a photograph -- any individual photograph -- without taking into consideration that hair invariably looks darker in photos that are not taken in direct sunlight. The resolution/quality of the photo also makes a big difference.
Hitler's hair was medium brown; Himmler's hair was a light shade of brown [or "dirty" blonde?]. Light to medium brown is probably the most common hair color among ethnic German people (this includes Austrians). From there it goes to lighter and to darker in probably equal numbers.
In addition, Hitler, Himmler and Hess had blue eyes. I can't discover the color of Speer's eyes, but his son has blue eyes [2-13-17: A commenter just presented proof Speer's eyes were brown - see comments]. Brown-eyed Germans, like Goebbels, were just as German as blue-eyed Germans. Besides, Goebbels was the father of several light-haired, blue-eyed children. The blue-eyed Magda Goebbels' hair looks dark in most pictures but she was actually a blonde.
Here are some pictures of Hitler and Himmler revealing their true hair color.
Hitler as a schoolboy. Low resolution of the photo makes for more contrast between dark and light, so the darks become black without any gradation. From this, we judge Adolf as a light to medium brown-haired boy.
High-resolution photograph shows the whole range of values; Hitler is obviously a brown-ette. Compare his hair-color with that of the blackbird's - haha.
Here's another high resolution photo.
They way the sunlight reflects off Hitler's hair in the above picture shows that his hair is light. This effect could not happen with dark hair. Baldur von Shirach, seated in the car next to Hess, is a dark-blonde-haired man yet only a small highlight shows in his otherwise dark-lookng hair ... because of the nature of black-white photography.
This portrait graced the cover of the N-S Party's Illustrierter Beobachter for Hitler's 1941 birthday. No artist is given.
And finally, added on 4-27-17, here the lighting perfectly reveals Hitler's light-brown hair. Thanks to 'Commentator' in the comments below for sending it. (click to enlarge)
Another photograph of Hitler can be seen here.
Heinrich Himmler as a schoolboy reveals what would actually be light-brown hair.
High-quality studio photograph with lighting that doesn't create dark shadows. We see Himmler's hair, eyebrows and mustache are all quite light. His eyes also appear light.
This oil painting of Himmler shows blue eyes and blondish hair. Portrait artists are careful to get the eye and hair color right - thus are more reliable than most photographs.
One last photo that shows Himmler as a "fair-haired boy."
Adolf Hitler, Germany, National Socialism- 81863 reads
Why Care
The question you should be asking yourself Carolyn,why give a damn whether his hair was brown or dark brown? Who cares if he had mongrel genes in him,it doesnt change his meesage at all. So please quit with all the slav and med bashing.They all are our racial brethren.
Sam, you are just another troll
I can tell from your email address. But we care because we care about the truth of matters. I interpret your comment as meaning it's fine if people go around saying "all the top Nazis had black hair". With that thinking it would also be okay to say "all Nazis were part Jewish" and "all Nazis were fags." So what, if it doesn't change their message, right?
How does this post amount to slav and med bashing? I guess you visited here from the Daily Stormer, the bastion of pro-Russianism, where I left a link. Maybe you consider my criticisms of Putin to be "slav-bashing." Slavs are what they are; they have a history. But Adolf Hitler would NOT want to be considered part Slav.
Clearly you misunderstood my comment, Since you consider anyone that isn't Nordic/Celtic anglo, etc of being basically a mongrel like slavs and mediterraneans, obviously Hitler wasn't a pure Nordic by his obvious features, keep thinking im a troll it matters not, I really do like your research and no matter what you think of me I will still enjoy your website, thank you.All Europeans should have same goal regardless of minor genetic and culture differences.
You are the confused one
I have never promoted Nordics or Celts as the best, nor have I ever said that Slavs and Meds were "mongrels."
Hitler never claimed to be a "pure" Nordic. Nor did he hold that as an ideal for Germans, but just said the Nordic was the most valuable racial strain in Germans because it carried organizational ability (he thought).
I called you a troll because you wrote a negative comment toward me that doesn't fit what the post was about. So if anyone is misunderstanding things here, it is you. I'm glad you enjoy my website. But I don't see the differences among Europeans (and how you define 'European' makes a difference) as minor to the point of meaningless. I want to tell you that I even disagree with your statement: We are all racial brethren. That needs qualification.
The latest bizarre statement
The latest bizarre statement I read in chatroom, was that Lebensborn was to breed a Khazarian super race with German/Norwegian blood influx.
Hess' mother was not Greek
Why are allegedly pro-White boards and forums still full of statements that Rudolf Hess was half-Greek. It's a total falsehood, yet lies are more desirable than truth to the majority of assorted "Whites" who frequent these sites.
David Irving, in his biography of Hess, writes:
Now, it could be that some of the less sophisticated Whites mistake the name "Thuringia" for Greek. Anything is possible!
David Irving has his faults, but he certainly researched this information and is more reliable than anonymous posters and commenters at Stormfront and Daily Stormer.
In addition, Hess' parents were buried in Wunseidel, Germany and Hess and his wife were buried next to them in the same plot. That is, until the cemetery authorities decided to dig them up and remove/destroy the beautiful headstone, for fear the grave was becoming a "shrine for neo-nazis."
blond hair
brown hair is not blonde and hitler was dark haired illustrated in every picture taken and brown is dark hair.
You're wrong, troll
There is blonde, there is brown, and there is brunette. And then there is black, which doesn't figure in here. You are trying to make out there is only dark and light.
I have brown hair, and brown is the most common hair color among Germans and Austrians. I have very fair skin. Brown hair will turn lighter when exposed to plenty of sun, including streaks of pure blonde, but brunette hair will not. My mother was brunette, so was Josef Goebbels, and no amount of sunshine would put light streaks in their hair. That means brownettes are closer to blonde than to brunette.
There was nothing dark about Hitler, inside or outside.
Light eye color also goes along with brown and blonde hair, but certainly not always.
The truth
Grow up. People need to know truth. Stop arguing over this. I'm of mix race, not having blue eyes or blonde hair and I cared enough to read this article/information. If you do not like what is said, than go elsewhere. It seems you have to much time on your hands. Stop poking in other peoples business that your nose does not belong. There is nothing illegal or inappropriate about what Carolyn has informed. - I'm sorry Carolyn for some people's rude behavior. I apologize because, they will not grow up themselves...
Brown Hair Most Common in Europe
I studied in Germany and Spain for 5 years. One thing I noticed in Spain is that nobody there have black hair or eyes. I heard that once in high schools and once living in Iberia I figure out that whoever made those comments had never traveled there.
Many Spanish brethren have dark brown hair but most have light brown to blond and their eyes were honey brown, while most do have dark green and plenty of blue eyes too. Their skin is fair like mine too. I am almost 5'10" tall and most men Spain were taller than me Except for the older generation.
On many occasions it was difficult for me to tell the difference from a Spaniard or a German. in western Spain, due to their Celt genes, 7 out of 10 Spanish citizens have blue eyes. The best education is by traveling the world.
No, my ancestors are spanish, and let me tell you something.
I am born of a spanish father and a spanish mother, born in the US. I have dark brown hair, brown eyes, and very fair skin I glow even among nordics... The real generation of spain before these blue eyes, and blonde hairs was darker hair and darker eyes, yet fair skin. It's until people later started mixing with eachother that gave rise to a lighter eyed/hair population. Think you know what it really is? K, I've asked my grandparents who lived there even during ww2 as children spain has dark eye/hair predominant traits, anyone who says otherwise is wrong. Nordics are the ones with lighter hair/eyes.
Why is it that anyone who disagrees with you is a troll? Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. I think you are a well educated woman but I don't agree with everything you have stated. I am not a troll. I do enjoy reading all opinions however. Thank you.
facts vs opinion
Your mistake is in thinking there can be a variety of opinions on everything, even on proven facts. Since it's simply not true that Hitler and Himmler had dark hair, an opinion that they did is simply wrong, not an entitlement. You're right that I should not have called either one a troll, but I am so disappointed when people promote falsehoods.
Yes ma'am, you're right.
Yes ma'am, you're right. Proven facts cannot be opinionated. Thank you for responding. I look forward to reading more of your articles.
Albert Speer
When Speer was a prisoner of war his eye and hair color were recorded as brown (see following document: ).
Wow. I might be considered a
Wow. I might be considered a troll, but I'd consider "medium brown" dark hair. It's not light hair. It's not blonde hair. Calling hair "dark" is not suggesting it's black. And calling one's hair "medium brown" is not confirming it's light either. Based on this logic, Hitler had dark hair.
How about I consider you logic-challenged, Jessica? If "medium" is halfway between "light" and "dark", then it can't be in the dark category, can it?
If you want to say there is only light hair (blonde) and dark hair (everything that isn't blonde), that is your business. But you can't make it a universal truth. There are too many people who know they are not dark-haired just because they're not yellow-blonde. What you see in photographs is not a good gauge,
The sentence I was commenting on in the post was:
"It makes me wonder why Hitler, Goebbels, Himmler, Hess, Speer etc all had dark hair." -HdP
Hitler, and blonde-haired Himmler, are lumped in as "dark-haired" with Goebbels and Hess, who were very dark-haired.
I also consider medium brown light. Saying medium brown is dark is like saying that 0.3 is closer to 1 than to 0. Hitler's hair must have been significantly lighter than dark brown, how else could we explain the contrast between his hair and the girl's hair (photo)?
Good photo
The best one yet. I should move it to the main article.
I am amazed at how popular this article has become!
Reflective hair often means fine, straight hair.
His hair was brown, maybe not black, but it was certainly brown.
And the reason it looks so light and reflective was because his hair was quite straight and quite fine. In contrast, Joseph Goebbels had thick coarse hair, thus making it look less lustrous and reflective.
I draw and paint people for a living, and I can assure you this man had brown hair and blue eyes. While Goebbels had darker brown hair and brown eyes. Speer had very dark hair, but in certain pictures it looks lighter than Goebbels' because it was fine like Hitler's (he was also balding).
Here is a picture of Speer and Hitler together, their hair looks similar if not the same color: HERE
Here is an example of Goebbels' thick hair, it also seems he had a bit of wave to it, that in most pictures is tamed: HERE
Thank you Carolyn for offering the truth and being a reliable source. There have been so many lies told about Hitler and The Nazis and I believe, no I know the source. Jews are behind everything. Now they are telling new lies or I should say an old lie in a new way. But it equals the same thing Hitler=evil the end. They say to accuse Jews is racism, but is it racism if it is the truth? Does it matter? I've heard it said that 'The Truth does not need defending because it defends itself'.Well I won't say much more but I enjoy your website.
Well, thank you. I appreciate
Well, thank you. I appreciate such a nice comment.
I remember In Lothrop
I remember In Lothrop Stoddard's book "Into the Darkness", he describes Hitler, whom he met in person, as having "blond-brown hair". So, definitely not dark. Hair commonly photographs darker than it is, which is one reason why so many models and actresses bleach theirs.
Why they understand instinctively?
"My beloved is white and [rosy-cheeked] ruddy, the cheifest among ten thousand." Song of Solomon 5:10 King James Version
"Why are so many Black and Asian Women Desperate to be White?"
Daily Mail (link not available here)
Quite silly
What's with all the silly people in denial in the comments?
No, 7 out of 10 Spanish do not have blue eyes. The person claiming this must have had a very selective bias and ignored all of the people that didn't have that feature. All of the big studies on blue eye occurances in Europe have blue eyes being less than a majority in southern Europe, in Spain being quite low around 20%, which is far from the 7 out of 10 anecdote claim on here.
Anyone can easily type in "Spanish crowd" and see that you 7 out of 10 claim it BS, same goes for hair colour. Anyon can see from large crowds of Spanish people that blonde hair is not that common there. Why can't you accept this?
As far as the partial white supremacist type woman that wrote this page, well technically you are right that Hitler's hair was brown and it wasn't black. In fact proper black hair is quite rare among Europeans, only usually very far southern and south eastern Europeans can have what could look like proper black hair.
This claim by some in the replies here that blonde hair or blue eyes = being pure white is also retarded and unscientific. There are people who are literally like 25% black and they have blue eyes. Do you honeslty believe they are more white than someone like Colin Firth who has dark brown eyes?
You are being retards, eye colour doesn't = your race. Even hair colour doesn't mean you are pure or not, many melanesians have blonde and red hair from another mutaiton.
But there are even mixed white people who still have blonde hair, and then clearly less mixed white people who have brown hair. Having blonde hair doesn't = being pure.
Being relatively pure only depends on one thing, that is if you are a European and your genetic test shows very little mixture with Africans and Asian people. You will find the most pure Europeans actually exist in north western Europe, these are the people who are the most far away from all other racial groups.
Most southern Europeans have small amounts of African black mix, south eastern Europeans have some Asian mix and mixture with middle eastern people which introduces trace amounts of African mix in turn.
And many in just eastern Europe have Asian mix and Russians have a significant Asian mix.
These are just facts, genetic studies prove this. Of course a lot of emotional and juvenile people on here want to feel good about themselves based on fantasy.
Many siblings even have different coloured eyes, doesn't make one sibling white and the other magically mixed, they come from the same parents and the reason is genetic recombination. If by magic you had the sperm cell and egg cell that created you and you fertilized them with each other, believe it or not the individual produces would vary slightly every time, it wouldn't come out looking identical to yourself.
Sorry that most of you are uneducated.
I already know I will get ignorent people commenting who are emotional and will start spurting BS, that is the nature of white supremacists, they are just as stupid and illogical as Afrocentrists.
"Being relatively pure only depends on one thing, that is if you are a European and your genetic test shows very little mixture with Africans and Asian people."
Since DNA testing is now available quite reasonably, everyone can know exactly what their racial background is, even to Ashkanazi. My test with 23&Me showed NO non-European at all except for 1/10 of 1% non-specific "asian"?? People who try to denouce these tests as unreliable, fraudulent or conspiritorial just don't want to stop impugning others based on frivolous reasons ... such as claiming they are white supremacists. Science conquers all.
I just finished looking at photo after photo of Hitler and a few things don't seem real, like some of the pictures of very long shots are all in focus. They didn't have the cameras and lenses back then like we have today. There would be great areas of those long large pictures that would be out of focus. But they are not! Also, there are pictures of huge crowds in these massive statiums, how did the people know they were to go there? The average household didn't have phones in those days. Did the SS officers go door to door telling people to go there? And how would have the people been able to get there, most people didn't own a car. Did the SS officers go around town picking people up? I don't deny that Hitler killed many people, but I do not believe it's as we have been told. Look down the rabbit hole you'll be surprised at what you find.
Looking at photos ...
does not take the place of learning from the documents and the historical record.
Your questions are ridiculous. There were plenty of newspapers in an advanced country like Germany in the 1920's and 30's. People read them. A major means of announcing public events was also Posters plastered in busy locations. People in cities used public transportation - trains and busses - to get around. And bicycles. And their two feet. The cities were also safe because they didn't contain dangerous foreigners and blacks like today.
"I don't deny Hitler killed many people ..." Did he personally kill them? What a sentence. Before looking down the rabbit hole, you should read some history books (just as long as they're not by Jews, they can give you worthwhile information).
BTW, this comment has nothing to do with hair color.