Adolf Hitler on Germany's Policy in Eastern Europe, Part Two
Chapter 14, Vol II: Part Two - Germany's Policy in Eastern Europe Summary
14.10 As early as 1920-21 […] the party was approached from various quarters in an attempt to connect it with liberationist movements in other countries. This was in line with the much-promoted 'League of Oppressed Nations.'
I always resisted such attempts. […]
The alliance with Austria, as well as that with Turkey, was not very helpful. (Referring to the recent Great War -cy) […] Germany paid dearly for that mistaken foreign policy. But it wasn't bitter enough to prevent our eternal visionaries from falling back into the same error again. The attempt to disarm the all-powerful victors through a 'League of Oppressed Nations' is not only ridiculous but disastrous, … because it continually diverts the German people from real possibilities, which they abandon for the sake of fruitless hopes and illusions.
14.11 I remember well the childish and incomprehensible hopes that suddenly arose in folkish circles in the years 1920-21, to the effect that England was nearing collapse in India.
It's a bad sign of having learned nothing from the World War, and of thoroughly misunderstanding or knowing nothing about Anglo-Saxon determination, to imagine that England could lose India wihout risking everything. […] England will only lose India if it allows racial degeneration in its administrative machinery (which is presently out of the question in India) or if it's overcome by the sword of some powerful enemy. […] I, as a German would far rather see India under English rule than under any other.
It's impossible for a coalition of cripples to attack a powerful state, if it's determined to shed the last drop of its blood for its existence. As a folkish man who appraises the value of humanity by their race, I must recognize the racial inferiority of the so-called 'oppressed nations,' and this prevents me from linking my own peoples' destiny with theirs.
14.12 Present-day Russia, deprived of its Germanic ruling class, is not a possible ally in the struggle for German Freedom, … from a purely military viewpoint, a Russo-German coalition waging war against Western Europe, and probably against the whole world, would be catastrophic. […] Germany's industrial area would lie undefended to the concentrated attack of our adversaries. Additionally, the Polish state lies between Germany and Russia, and it's completely in French hands.
[T]he World War situation would be repeated but in a more terrible manner. German industry then was drained to help our glorious allies [sarcasm -cy], and from the technical side, Germany had to conduct the war almost alone.
German youth would have to shed even more blood than before, because, as always, the honor of fighting would fall on us alone, and the result would be an inevitable defeat.
One must never forget that the present rulers of Russia are blood-stained criminals, that they are the dregs of humanity which, favored by circumstances in a tragic hour, overran a great state, extinguished and rooted out (ausrottete) millions of the leading intelligentsia out of sheer blood-lust, and that now, for nearly ten years, they have ruled with the most savage tyranny of all time. One must also never forget that these rulers belong to a people in whom the most bestial cruelty is allied with an inconceivably artful lying, and which is, today more than ever, conscious of a mission to impose its bloody oppression on the rest of the world. One must never forget that the international Jew, who is today the absolute master of Russia, regards Germany not as an ally but as a state condemned to the same fate. One does not form alliances with someone whose only aim is the destruction of its partner. Above all, one doesn't form alliances with subjects for whom no treaty is sacred ...
In Russian Bolshevism we see an attempt undertaken by Jewry in the 20th century to secure world domination—just as, in other epochs, they worked towards the same goal but with different, though related, means.
But the impotence of nations, their death through senility, only comes with loss of blood purity. And this is something that the Jew has preserved better than anyone else on Earth. […] Germany is today the next great war-aim for Bolshevism. […] How can we release our people from this poisonous grip if we turn ourselves over to it? How can we teach the German worker that Bolshevism is an accursed crime against humanity if we ally ourselves with this hellish monstrosity and thus recognize its legitimacy? …
The fight against Jewish world-Bolshevization demands a clear stance towards Soviet Russia. One cannot cast out the Devil with Beelzebub.
If folkish circles today grow enthusiastic about the idea of a Russian alliance, then let them look around Germany and become aware of who is supporting them. Or do these folkish people believe that a policy recommended and acclaimed by the international Marxist press can be beneficial to the German people?
14.13 [T]he old German Reich … spoiled its relations with everyone by leaning this way and that, and by its pathological weakness in trying to preserve world peace at any price. […] I frankly admit that, in pre-war times, I thought it would have been better if Germany had abandoned its senseless colonial policy and its naval policy and had allied with England against Russia. … I can't forget the constant insolent threats that Pan-Slavist Russia made against Germany.
I haven't forgotten the constant practice military mobilizations that served only to antagonize Germany. I cannot forget the tone of Russian public opinion which, in pre-war days, excelled in hateful outbursts against our nation and Reich. Nor can I forget the big Russian press, which was always more favorable to France than to us.
Circumstances are different today. […] The present consolidation of the great states of the world is the last warning signal for us to look to ourselves and bring our people back from their dream-world to hard reality. … [then] the catastrophe of 1918 may turn out to be an infinite blessing for the future of our nation.
In its dealings with the outside world, the political testament of the German nation should, and must always be, the following:
Never permit two continental powers to arise in Europe! Any attempt to organize a second military power on the German border by the creation of a state capable of military strength, will be viewed as an attack against Germany.
See to it that our nation's strength is grounded not on colonial foundations but on the soil of our European homeland! Never consider the Reich secure unless, for centuries to come, it can give every descendant of our people his own piece of land and soil! …
14.14 In the previous chapter, I … cited England and Italy as the only two European states that would be desirable and advantageous allies.
The full significance of such an alliance lies in the fact that, upon conclusion, Germany would no longer be exposed to a sudden, hostile invasion. … The Entente, which brought such misfortune to us, would dissolve, and France—the mortal enemy of our people—would be isolated. […] [O]ur flank would be strongly protected and [we would have] the complete assurance of food and raw materials.
[…] For the first time, Germany would have allies who would not be like leeches on our economy but who can and would contribute their part to complete our technical arms.
14.15 […] The future goal of our foreign policy must be neither West-nor East oriented, but rather must be an Eastern policy in the sense of securing the necessary soil for our German people.
14.16 Today, naturally, we are subjected to the hate-filled jabbering of the internal enemies of our people. But we National Socialists will never allow this to stop us from proclaiming the absolute necessities of our innermost convictions.
It's necessary that, in the eyes of the rest of the world, our National Socialist movement should be recognized as establishing a definite political intention. Whatever Heaven has in store for us, let everyone recognize us by our aim.
End of Chapter 14 - Go to Part One
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