The Biden Crime Family of repeat lawbreakers, alcoholics and drug addicts
The Biden "woke" but troubled kids make up an oddly diverse group for the after-inauguration party. (from left): Jewish son-in-law Howard Kreim (married to Ashley), granddaughters Natalie and Maisy (note the high-top jogger footwear), daughter Ashley in tux, granddaughters Finnegan and Naomi, and grandson Hunter (Beau's son with a Beatles-era hairstyle). Click to enlarge.
Trump's five kids: Responsible, hard-working, never in trouble with the law. From left: Don Jr, Barron, Ivanka, Eric, Tiffany. All with their original partners except Don Jr. He married Vanessa Kay Haydon in 2005 with whom he had 5 children. In 2018, after Donald Trump had become U.S. President, they separated due to Vanessa's dislike of the increased public spotlight, and filed for an uncontested, friendly divorce.
JOE BIDEN'S TWO BROTHERS, TWO GROWN CHILDREN AND NIECE have had multiple run-ins with the law since 1988, without any one of them spending a day behind bars. How to explain that? First let's compare it to Donald Trump's four grown children and three siblings who've had no run-in's with law enforcement whatsoever. His older sister Marion was even a respected Federal Judge!
I'm copying below an article I came across at Law Enforcement Today while doing some research on the Biden family. Heck, it's much easier to let a more expert investigator do the work, especially when he is accurate. If you doubt anything that's presented here, please say so because I don't. Here are the already adjudicated Biden family cases only.
NEW YORK, NY – The Biden family apparently has a long criminal history, although, Joe Biden, himself does not. The strange thing about the criminal history is that not one Biden has served time in jail or prison for their offenses.
They must have a really good lawyer.
The list of family members consists of:
Frank Biden – Brother, 66
Charges: DUI in Florida in 2003, Six months on probation; petty theft in Florida in 2003, dropped; driving with a suspended license in Florida in 2004, three months in rehab.
Hunter Biden – Son, 50
Charges: Drug possession in New Jersey in 1988. Pretrial intervention program, records expunged.
Ashley Biden – Daughter, 39
Charges: Pot possession in New Orleans in 1999. No conviction recorded; attempting to obstruct a police officer in Chicago in 2002, dropped.
Caroline Biden – Niece, 33
Charges: Resisting arrest, obstruction of government administration, harassment in NYC, 2012, case dismissed; grand and petty larceny in NYC in 2017, two years on probation, restitution of $110,000 in stolen credit card charges.
These are just a few of the cases New York Post News reported on in July.
Joe Biden's family has a long criminal history. Joe Biden is to cover all these up and more if he wins the election.
— J Wang,Ph.D.?? (@ablexan7) July 12, 2020
Caroline Biden appears in Manhattan Criminal Court with a black eye from assaulting a police officer in Oct. 2013. (Jefferson Siegel/New York Daily News)
Niece Caroline was arrested again in August 2019 in Lower Merion Township, PA for DUI and driving without a license, public records show.
This case is still active, but it does not appear that she will have to sit in jail as a sentence.
This recent arrest puts the total number of arrests for the family at nine. All the cases range from felony theft to drug possession, and all were thrown out or resulted in less severe sentencing and no incarceration.
This information was gathered from a New York Post News review of public records and published reports.
Caroline, the daughter of younger brother James Biden, Sr.was arrested in 2013 for hitting an NYPD officer because she was emotionally overwhelmed by the argument she was having with her roommate over rent.
Caroline agreed to anger management treatment and the case was dismissed.
The New York Post News interviewed Criminal Defense Attorney, Robert Barnes about the Biden cases.
— J Burst (@BurstUpdates) July 12, 2020
Barnes commented:
“Eric Garner or Geroge Floyd on the day each died could have benefited from the Biden touch. This was very unusual treatment when looking at the … treatment over time, geography, and kind of crime involved.”
Barnes is representing Central Park ‘Karen’ Amy Cooper at this time.
The New York Post News also interviewed Biden’s campaign spokesman TJ Ducklo about the arrests. They asked if he ever contacted law enforcement on behalf of the family members arrested.
Ducklo said:
“No he didn’t, and this entire story is garbage.”
[This is an example of the Biden Crime Family's “Plausible Denial”. James Biden is implicated in the Hunter Biden Ukraine and China Scandals. Also if James has a home—not his only one—like the one he's selling in Pennsylvania, what can we imagine “Scranton” Joe Biden's multiple homes look like?--CY]
Also see these about James Biden:
Angry Ashley dressed in navy and black, and canvas sports shoes for the inauguration trek down Pennsylvania Ave., strides along beside half-brother Hunter holding his son with 2nd wife, Jewess Melissa Cohen, who walks behind. At whom is Ashley glaring?
Daughter Ashley’s run-ins with the police started back in 1999 at Tulane University. She was busted for possession of marijuana. This arrest was confirmed by police, with no conviction in court records. Joe Biden was Delaware Senator at the time.
Ten years later (2009), Ashley was accused of snorting cocaine due to a video that was circulating where a woman resembling Ashley was seen doing the drug. No legal consequences came of this incident.
In 2002, Ashley was arrested for obstructing an officer and making intimidating statements, after a bottle-throwing fight outside a bar in Chicago; charges were dropped. The New York Post News attempted to speak with Ashley, but she hung up.
Pic of Frank with Joe, & partner
Family affair: Frank Biden (left) is Joe Biden's youngest brother. He has frequently traded on his surname, and now lives in Florida with his partner Mindy Ward (right). But in 1999 he was involved in a car crash which killed a single father and has never paid a cent of the now almost $1m he owes.
Frank Biden, 66, was arrested for stealing two DVDs from a Florida Blockbuster store in 2003. He put the DVDs in his pants when he was 49 years old. He never showed up for court and the state attorney decided to not prosecute.
Frank had other run ins with the law surrounding his alcohol abuse and driving under the influence. In 2003 and 2004 he was arrested for DUI and driving without a license. He agreed to rehabilitation for three months.
In 1999, Frank was a passenger in a fatal drunk driving accident. He was found partially liable for the death of William Albano. Frank owes the Albanos $1 million. Frank Biden is a senior advisor to Berman Law Group and made no comments to the New York Post News. However, he has stated other times that he has been “sober for a long time.” Must read: It will turn your stomach.
Hunter Biden promised to cut ties with a Chinese private equity firm months ago, but he is STILL a major owner of stake in the company.
Where’s the media attention of Hunter’s continued foreign entanglements?
— Ronna McDaniel (@GOPChairwoman) July 7, 2020
Son Hunter Biden has a long history of drug abuse which started in 1988. This was a time when Joe Biden was advocating for “get tough” on drugs in the War on Drugs, pushing for tough sentencing laws for drug users.
In 2006, Hunter said:
“I was cited for possession of a controlled substance in Stone Harbor, NJ. There was a pre-trial intervention and the record was expunged.”
Hunter made this comment about the 1988 incident after being nominated to serve on the Amtrak Reform Board.
The same year that Hunter was arrested, Senator Biden voted for the Anti-Drug Abuse Act, focusing on the use of crack cocaine, becoming the only narcotic with a mandatory sentence for possession. Hunter was also accused of smoking crack in 2018 at the Archibald’s Gentlemen’s Club in Washington, D.C.
He has been in rehab six times for both alcohol and drugs. The New York Post News reported Hunter admitting to being addicted to crack for four years.
He has never spent a day incarcerated.
Here’s more on Hunter Biden brought to you in December of 2019 by Law Enforcement Today regarding his alleged drug use.
President Trump is getting impeached for what? For a phone call to the president of Ukraine about possible illegal activities by Joe Biden and his son Hunter? For asking President Zelensky to “look into” the activities of the Biden’s?
Well check this out. According to documents filed in an Arkansas court, Hunter Biden, the youngest son of former VP and current Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden, is reportedly the subject of “multiple criminal investigations.”
According to a story in the New York Post, Biden is being investigated regarding allegations of “fraud, money-laundering and a counterfeiting scheme.” The documents were filed relative to a paternity case that has been filed in Arkansas.
The paternity case showed that Biden had fathered a child with Lunden Alexis Roberts, based on a DNA test that showed with “scientific certainty” that Biden was the father of the child. Biden had denied having relations with Roberts and took the test to prove that he wasn’t the child’s father.
Hunter Biden has been a busy boy.
The child was born in August 2018 while he was in a relationship with the [Jewish] widow of his older brother Beau, who died from brain cancer in 2015.
That couple broke up, and Roberts filed the paternity suit in May of this year, about two weeks after Biden married [Jewess] Melissa Cohen, 16 years his junior after only six-days.
The claims against Biden relative to the fraud, money laundering and counterfeiting schemes were made by a Florida-based private investigations firm, D&A Investigations.
The allegations were struck down by a judge due to the fact they were filed by an “intervener” according to court papers. Biden had filed a motion to throw out the claims, saying that they weren’t germane to the paternity case and were filed “simply to make scandalous allegations in the pending suit to gain some media attention.”
The Post goes on to say that one of the investigations was related to Burisma Holdings, the Ukrainian energy company where an unqualified Hunter Biden was on the board of directors while his father was vice president.
This arrangement has drawn allegations of impropriety both from congressional Republicans as well as from President Trump.
According to the private investigator, Biden “established bank and financial accounts with Morgan Stanley” for a “money laundering scheme” involving Burisma Holdings Limited.
According to the court documents, nearly $6.8 million was transferred from Burisma to the Morgan Stanley account between March 2014 and December 2015. Biden joined Burisma’s board of directors in March 2014. How ironic is that?
The court documents also make the claim that Biden and a group of business associates “utilized a counterfeiting scheme to conceal” the payments.
The charges against President Trump initially evolved from so-called Russia collusion in the 2016 election. Special Counsel Robert Mueller found that no such collusion existed, at least between President Trump and Russia.
The impeachment charade then pivoted to Ukraine after a so-called “whistleblower” came forward and alleged that the president had asked President Zelensky of Ukraine to investigate the Biden’s in exchange for the release of military aid to that country and a promised White House meeting with the president.
After the allegations became public, President Trump released a transcript of the call, in which he asked President Zelensky to “look into” criminal activity related to the 2016 election, did mention the Biden’s once, and never suggested that military aid to Ukraine would be withheld, nor the anticipated meeting between the leaders would be canceled if Zelensky didn’t cooperate.
The aid was never withheld, and the meeting took place as scheduled. Ukraine never investigated the matter as President Trump had asked, therefore any claim of this being a “quid pro quo” or “bribery” is ridiculous.
CY: The article continues with extemsive detail about Hunter Biden's relationship with Burisma which you can go here to continue reading.
Sister Valerie Biden was a senior partner in a political messaging firm named Joe Slade White & Company; the only two executives listed at the firm were Joe Slade White and Valerie.
The firm received large fees from the Biden campaigns that Valerie was running. Two and a half million dollars in consulting fees flowed to her firm from Citizens for Biden and Biden For President Inc. during the 2008 presidential bid alone.
Joe Slade White & Company worked for Biden campaigns over 18 years.
US elections- 1450 reads
Jill Biden Creep in real life
I met Jill Biden at the 2020 New Hampshire College Convention at lunch in an almost empty hotel restaurant, after I gave my speeh.
The thing is a creep, no warmth at all, and the DNC "thing" she was having tea with was an even worse creep. Both were very off-putting, when you would think they would be willing to say hello and so forth, at a campaign event. The DNC "Ponda Baba" creep put out a nice manly handshake.
I don't know what Jill Biden is under all that fake makeup and hair. I'm not sure it's human. Certainly, no human feeling. I never met a more "plebs don't matter to me" kind of person. Probably, Biden's tranny handler.
I recall two lawyers or executives sitting next to me at lunch. Jill Biden was asked during her speech "what would Biden do about the deficit?" After a lot of wind, she said she didn't know what he would do.
At lunch, the one guy said to the other, "if she doesn't know what Joe Biden's position on the deficit is, does Joe Biden?"
I really appreciate your take
I really appreciate your take on "Doctor" Jill, Lorenz, after actually meeting her, because I have never found her to be likeable, or genuine. Allowing myself to be catty, I find her "fashion sense" to be utterly awful (or non-existent), plus she walks like she has a cobb up her a--, pardon the vulgarity.
No, I think she is even harder to take than Joe. She obviously is not at all bothered by the criminal money-making schemes that go on around her and she cannot be oblivious to them. Yet she's portrayed as "America's Sweetheart."
I think eyes are going to be opened like never before in this country. I'm starting to have hope for a better future.
Jojo and his dog faced brood
this is all public knowledge yet not a single dem nor msm person will touch it.... I wonder why. This nation is past f^cked.
Well, now we got the scum of
Well, now we got the scum of the riffraff in the White House.
Uncle Frank and Hunter
Has anyone noticed, as I have, that Joe's son Hunter resembles his uncle Frank Biden? There are pictures where the physical resemblance is striking. I think the resemblance goes beyond the physical to the character and personality: Frank (youngest son) seems to have an irresponsible "pampered" outlook on life which leads him to excuse all his wrongdoing and leave a lot of wreckage in his wake. He was (is) a bad alcoholic and Hunter is a copy of all that. And who bails both of them out -- "the Big Guy" of course. Enabling.
Look at this page for a number of images of Uncle Frank and you'll see that, while Hunter is better looking, he definitely favors Frank in the family lineup.
Joe lies and says there will be a wall between his "relatives" and himself while in the White House, but already Hunter is his closest confidant and his intention is that Hunter will be his heir, including political. He "believes" in Hunter who "has done nothing wrong", in spite of the fact that Hunter is no more rehabilitated than is Frank.
We have a dysfunctional family presiding over our country, probably the most dysfunctional ever.