Entire "race section" of Hitler's Platterhof address in the original German

Published by carolyn on Sat, 2015-07-04 13:38

Here are the pages from the Platterhof manuscript that Veronica Clark considers "the race section." She wrote, in her tirade against me:

I have this entire race section of Hitler's speech IN GERMAN, for anyone to cross-check, in Black Nazi's (2009), Black Nazi's II (2010), and Black Nazi's II (2012). It's high time for this venomous viper to cease  with her endless string of lies.

Without making you buy anything, I, Carolyn, am providing this section IN GERMAN, so you can read, cross-check, share or do anything you like with it. These pages, beginning with page 26 [click on each image to enlarge], correspond to the section in English (Carlos Porter translation) that follows after them.

So now you know what a difficult job it was for the translator. These same pages in English:

This collapse was not the result of military decay or disintegration, rather it was the result of the disintegration of the body of the German people [Volkskörper], an inner disintegration, which was naturally reflected on the front as well. While armies often collapse under the effects of overwhelmingly superior enemy forces or enemy weapons, but can be brought back into proper order by the hardness of a properly-led homeland, with us, during the World War, it happened the other way around. You couldn’t count on solving the problem with a few minor improvements in one party or another. You needed a new body of the German people, a reorganisation of the body of the people and secondly, at the same time, [you needed] a deliberate “struggle against degeneration!”

At the same time, then, a decision had to be made, namely: was the collapse of 1918 the end of the German nation (this was many peoples’ attitude, wasn’t it?) or was it—and this was my conviction—the beginning of a new body of the people? Didn’t we really need this collapse in order to liquidate a State of affairs which was intolerable in the long run anyway?

I must speak of the reasons [for this] very briefly. They lay mainly somewhat deeper than was generally visible. And even these problems are not suitable for discussion before the broad masses [of the German people]. In our country, we have a people that cannot be considered comparable [or equivalent] to a race, [wir haben bei uns ein Volk, das nicht gleichzusetzen ist einer Rasse] something that is perhaps already clear to millions of people: but, gentlemen, when I began my educational process almost 25 years ago, it wasn’t this way, but rather, many bourgeois groups repeatedly criticized me, saying “People and race are the same!” No, people and race aren’t the same. Race is a blood component, it’s the blood-based nucleus, but the people very often consist, not of one race, but of two, three, four or five different racial nuclei. [Nein, Volk und Rasse ist nicht dasselbe. Die Rasse ist ein Blutsbestandteil, ist der blutmässige Kern, aber das Volk setzt sich sehr oft nicht aus einer Rasse, sondern aus zwei, drei vier oder funf verschiedenen Rassenkernen zusammanen]. Nevertheless, it is not possible and not desirable to dissolve such a body of the people, but such a solution can occur over the course of political developments.

When one regards the German people from this point of view, as purely biological, then we see a union of peoples with the same language, consolidated through the circuitous route of State-formation – that is perhaps the decisive thing here – but of various racial origins; a Nordic racial nucleus, but Alpine elements are present as well, [also] Mediterranean racial nuclei, with a still-European base race in it all, a pre-historical [prehistoric] race which we are no longer able to identify specifically, but which is there, it was already there among the Greeks; the Helots of the Spartans consisted of them. This racial nucleus lies concealed in our people as well.

So we see a people that consists of various racial nuclei. These racial nuclei, in the individual, possess their special abilities; since the abilities lie, not primarily in the people, rather, they lie primarily in the race. That the German people now possesses many racial nuclei is shown, in the end, by the richness of its abilities, since all these racial nuclei carry certain inclinations in themselves: the Nordic racial nucleus a very coolly-inclined, mathematically proficient factor, the factor which until now generally organised countries on the earth, basically organizational. In addition, other racial nuclei with a strongly artistic gift, with a gift for the purely visual, the pictorial; then again, racial nuclei with a strongly musical gift, as well as racial nuclei with a strong commercial gift. The strongest of these racial nuclei which possessed such a commercial gift without creative activity in the German people long term, would be Jewry. Only with the difference that this Jewry did not arise as a racial nucleus among the German people, but rather that it would have gradually but completely disintegrated the German people.

We have now united this racial nucleus in our people. But it is now decisive for me, [since] the abilities of the German people are so great, to bring forth the leading racial nucleus among the various abilities. That means I must see that in the case of artistic abilities, the racial nucleus that is most artistically gifted in the German people gradually come to take a leading role everywhere.
Now, gentlemen, this won’t occur as the result of a [deliberate] selection, as if I had said: “Who looks artistic?” Rather, at this point the miraculous phenomenon appears, that music [Ton], in the end, finds its representative. That means if I hit a certain note, then the string on the piano which is tuned to that note, makes its appearance: and if I need proof of a certain ability, and allow free development to do its work, the elements who are really tuned for it naturally appear, based on their racial inclinations.

This is decisive, because for the leadership of a people, only the Nordic racial component has any real value. In the overall selection, this will always result in a uniform picture. But one must not assume a uniform picture in nature, since nature shows us here, that in the crossing of two different parents, the talents or abilities of the son must not always come from the father, or, in the case of the daughter, from the mother; rather, on the contrary, cross-connections must appear here, [so] that, if a Nordic man marries an Alpine woman, the child of the same sex need not be Nordic; rather, it can be completely Alpine, [so] that it is also very easily possible in any racial crossing for the organisational talent to be completely pushed into the background in favour of any other [talent].

But if I have an organisation of society based on purely capitalistic development, which has nothing to do with Nordic leadership talents, and it builds up an upper crust, then it can happen that the upper crust gradually represents completely non-Nordic people, [who are] mentally completely unfit for leadership.
That was the tragedy of the old German Reich. Here one could have the following experience, and I have often seen this, stopped on the highway at any construction site, along with two other cars, in one of which sat a rich Saxon industrialist, in the other another rich man, who, one could immediately see at a glance, had, of course, not the slightest Nordic admixture.

And the street worker by his side, let’s say anywhere in North Germany: the fantastic phenomena of this street worker's absolute contempt for the passengers of such a car, complete contempt! This street worker was in himself more fit to lead than the one that’s sitting in the car.

I can observe that politically! Naturally, if I look at it from a purely material point of view, like that of a pharmacist or a twine manufacturer, or from the point of view of a musician or a poet or a painter, then naturally you get a completely different picture.

As you can see, there is nothing astonishing in anything Hitler said, and it had all been said by him before. He was always consistent.


Adolf Hitler