Frauke Petry's car set ablaze in Leipzig – on eve of Berlin election

Published by carolyn on Sat, 2016-09-17 14:23

This is the scene on Friday night in a Leipzig neighborhood as Petry's car burns after being set ablaze by person(s) still unknown.

AFD CHIEF FRAUKE PETRY IS A VICTIM OF ARSON. Unknown persons under cover of darkness set her car on fire Friday night in Leipzig. The police investigating the crime scene say they are currently assuming it was arson. There has been no claim of responsibility.

Residents had noticed the fire and raised the alarm. The car burned out completely. Back in August 2015, Petrys company "PURinvent System GmbH" was the target of an attack. Butyric acid was spilled in the production hall and discs were smashed. The AfD has said that the attacks on its members in recent months have reached a level that borders on terror. During PEGIDA rallies in Dresden last year, cars belonging to rally-goers were set ablaze on several occasions.

In a statement on her Facebook page Petry wrote: "The clashes between political opponents in Germany, thanks to the incitement of Gabriel, Stegner, Maas and Co., take on increasingly violent proportions. Since they lack arguments to deal democratically with their political competitors, harder measures are taken. But we will not be intimidated, we have come to stay!”

The persons mentioned are Sigmar Gabriel (Vice Chancellor), Ralf Stegner (Finance Minister in Schleswig-Holstein) and Heiko Maas (Justice Minister), all members of the center-left Social Democratic Party.

Leipzig is not far from Berlin and is known to have very aggressive Left political organizations. On Sunday the city-state of Berlin will vote in state (regional) elections where AfD is expected to possibly win as much as 14% of the vote. The Social Democrats have been in control of Berlin for a long time and are nervous and unhappy about the inroads being made against their rule by what they call the "far-right."


Germany, News