The 'Gas Chambers' not demonstrated at the Nuremberg Tribunal
This is a bi-lingual video from Vincent Reynouard. The narration is in French, with English sub-titles.
Argument #1 - At Nuremberg, the existence of the "gas chambers" was never demonstrated.
Comment from Richard Edmonds, who writes:
As a matter of principle one should always check astounding allegations.
So herewith the references:
The confirmation that the former Commandant of Auschwitz concentration camp, Rudolf Hoess, was tortured and beaten almost to the point of death by his British Army captors, in order to extract from him the admission of multi-million mass-murder, which was then presented at the victorious Allies’ Nuremberg Tribunal as “proof of the Holocaust” can be read in the book, “Legions of Death”, written by Rupert Butler, and published by Hamlyn Books, London, U.K., 1983; pages 234 to 238.
In any proper court of law, confessions obtained under torture have no probative value.
The German policeman, Gestapo agent, Dr. Wilhelm Hoettl, was the prime Prosecution witness at the Allies’ Nuremberg Tribunal and as such is the source of the allegation that the Germans murdered Six Million Jews during the course of the Second World War. Hoettl’s claim was accepted at the Allies’ Nuremberg trial on face value, and without any further attempt undertaken of an independent, objective, forensic examination of the charge, that the the Germans had committed a crime of such mass-murder.
At a later date, after the hysteria of the war-years had abated somewhat, the U.S. officials responsible for handling their witness-agent, Wilhelm Hoettl, had time to reflect on the character of their prime prosecution witness. Let us be clear here: had Hoettl not played the role allotted to him at Nuremberg, then without doubt he would have suffered the same fate as many of his erstwhile colleagues: the hangman’s noose.
Many years later, the reports of U.S. Intelligence agents relating to these events were made public. Herewith their confidential opinion of the said Dr. Wilhelm Hoettl:
“Upon his arrest in May 1945, Hoettl played to the interests of his captors…”
“Dr. Wilhelm Hoettl is a fabricator of intelligence information. His reports normally consist of a fine cobweb of fact, heavily padded with lies, conjecture and other false information.”
“a man of such low character and poor political record that his use for intelligence activities, regardless of how profitable they may be, is a short-sighted policy by the U.S.”
The prime Prosecution witness and source of the Six Million allegation revealed, at last, as such a “low character, dealing in lies, deceit conjecture and other false types of information”, that his use by the U.S., regardless of “how profitable it may be, is a short-sighted policy.”
Of the Truth revealed, one can only say: Better late then never.
For the revelations of Hoettl’s true character, see the Journal of Historical Review, of September-December 2001, Vol 20, no.5-6, pages 25-32. -RE
European History, Holocaust Revisionism, World War II- 1272 reads