The Heretics' Hour: Cole (again) - Treblinka and What happened to those Jews?
August 18, 2014
These are the speakers at the 13th IHR Conference in May, 2000. Standing (left to right): Glayde Whitney, Bradley Smith, John Sack, Robert Countess, Germar Rudolf, Charles Provan, Theodore O'Keefe, Ernst Zündel, Greg Raven and Jürgen Graf. Seated (left to right): Fredrick Toben, Robert Faurisson, Arthur Butz, Mark Weber and John Bennett. Not shown here are (former congressman) Pete McCloskey and David Irving. Of these, David Cole has now made major criticisms of Smith, Zündel, Graf, Faurisson and Toben, in addition to Carlo Mattogno. Enlarge
Carolyn Yeager deconstructs the complaints David Cole levels against the better-known revisionists, and at the same time comments on the character of the Jew and their experience during the two World Wars.
- The myth that every life is precious and irreplaceable does not fit with the way Nature works;
- Traits of the alcoholic;
- Cole's caustic disrespect, put-downs, and noxious attitude toward the revisionist community is so extreme it raises questions;
- Cole's 1995 16-page letter of his Strufhof camp visit and his accusations against Robt. Faurisson;
- It doesn't seem possible that an answer will ever be found to what happened to the majority of unknown Jews who make up the numbers in the "Korherr Report";
- The story of "gas chambers" is brought forth to answer every question of missing Jews;
- All Germans know that Jews are their deadly enemy and politically dangerous, even Wilhelm II, Germany's last Kaiser.
Heretics' Hour Podcast, Holocaust Revisionism, Jews- 1455 reads
Quote from David Cole's 1995 letter
Quote from David Cole's 1995 rebuttal to Robt. Faurisson's 1994 emails that I did not get to on the program:
..I'm truly perplexed by the SURPRISE that some of you [Holocaust-deniers] are showing about my Struthof statements. Stop acting like you've been hustled, guys. From day one I made it clear that I'm a leftist, race-mixing, atheistic Jew who has no allegiance to any dogma and who'd gladly agree that there were gas chambers if only the proof could be found. It's not my fault if some of you thought that I was only saying those things to fool the public and that privately I was "one of you."
There are so many similarities between Cole and V Clark.