The Heretics' Hour: Disinformation on Internet, Part Two

Feb. 7, 2011
Carolyn discusses six major disinfo and conspiracy specialists who love to confuse Globalism with “the Nazis:”
- Alex Jones: V Campaign as resistance against “Nazi” NWO;
- Jim Marrs: How America became the Fourth Reich;
- Webster Tarpley: Ties together Britain, the US & “the Nazis;”
- David Icke: Hitler was a Rothschild and a Reptilian;
- Henry Makow: Hitler was a Rothschild, a British Agent and a Zionist;
- Wayne Madsen: The Drew Pearson of the 21st Century.
12 MB / 32 kbps mono / 0 hour 55 min.
Heretics' Hour Podcast, Jews- 1483 reads