The Heretics' Hour: Interview with Dr. Rudolf Pueschel
September 20, 2010

- Benes Decrees legalized violent expulsion of Sudeten Germans from Bohemia and Moravia before Yalta;
- Recently released video (now censored and removed from Youtube) from May 1945 shows roundup and murder of Germans in Prague;
- Pueschel’s translation of Sidonia Dedina’s book Edvard Benes – The Liquidator;
- Federation of Expellees led by Erika Steinbach is in conflict with Expeller Nations that seek to control the information;
- More on Sarrazin book; German govt. repression of political right; German people will awaken.
13 MB / 32 kbps mono / 0 hour 56 min.
Germany, Heretics' Hour Podcast, World War II- 782 reads