The Heretics' Hour: Interviews with Deanna Spingola and Eric Hunt

Published by admin on Wed, 2011-10-26 20:10
Cover of the 'Ruling Elite' by Deanna Spingola
May 2, 2011
The Last Days of the Big Lie

Deanna’s new book The Ruling Elite is discussed; in the second segment, Eric’s new website The Revisionist Workshop and the directions revisionism can take. Topics include:

  • Deanna’s “previous life” and books;
  • The Ruling Elite is book one of a trilogy;
  • History of U.S. Banking and “Lincoln’s War” are covered;
  • How The Revisionist Workshop got started;
  • Power of videos still untapped by revisionism;
  • Real world activism, including legal measures, is necessary.

13 MB / 32 kbps mono / 0 hour 56 min.


would like to listen if so -- when I tried I got this message:

Page not found

The requested page "/sites/default/files/VoR_The_Heretics_Hour_20110502.mp3" could not be found.