Hitler grave removed for political reasons

Published by carolyn on Wed, 2012-04-04 10:11

by Carolyn Yeager
copyright 2012 Carolyn Yeager

What you can do.

The story given out that a “distant relative” of Alois Hitler didn't want to continue paying for the upkeep of the grave is probably a lie. The Catholic parish in Leonding, Austria and the Bishopric in Linz should be ashamed of themselves for participating in lies to provide partial cover for Jewish, Communist, and other foreign elements (calling themselves anti-facist and anti-racist ) who desecrate graves of their political enemies.

Priest Kurt Pittertschatscher (left) made the statement to Austrian news media that “anti-fascist campaigners had protested about far-right visitors.” He then spoke of visitors coming to see the grave (mostly tourists) which made upkeep of the church graveyard more difficult. Following that he said, “Consequently, I took the decision that the grave stone be removed and the land turned over to someone else to use.

So we have two clear statements from the priest:

  1. Anti-fascist campaigners had protested about far-right visitors.

  2. I took the decision that the grave stone be removed.

1.  Anti-fascist campaigners

It's clear that the impetus for the removal of the grave stone of Adolf Hitler's parents came from those who call themselves “anti-fascists,” led by one Robert Eiter (right in blue suit) who heads something he calls the Upper Austrian Network Against Racism and Right-Extremism (see my previous article). He had been complaining and lobbying for years about the Hitler grave. We all know, or should know, how effective one person can be when they are focused on a single goal—especially if they have the tacit approval of government institutions and news media. 

To shift the blame onto “far-right visitors', only two incidents (separated by 2 years) were cited. The first was a vase of flowers left at the grave last year in 2011. The vase is said to have had the word unvergessen (unforgettable) written on it, with the “ss” written in the runic symbol used by the Schutzstaffel of the Third Reich. This drives Jews crazy because they want only their tragedy, which they call “The Holocaust,” to be remembered by the Austrians and Germans … and to be unforgettable. The Jews' slogan is “never forget, never forgive” and they don't want anyone else using it.

The second incident was two years earlier in 2009 when someone hung a plaque on the gravestone that had “120” written on it. This was interpreted as referring to the 120th  birthday year of Adolf Hitler, who was born in 1889.

Is this all? The “busloads of far-right extremists” mentioned by the news media is hearsay only. Where are the photographs of crowds of people in the cemetery … or even a few? Surely, if this was such a problem for the church and it's cemetery, they would have taken a few photographs to prove it. There are no photographs of the vase or the plaque either. Can it be that the whole story has been trumped-up into something that it isn't? Yes it can, and here are some reasons why.

2.  The priest made the decision

At the urging of the “anti-facist protesters,” Father Pittertschatscher admits that he made the decision to remove the gravestone—not the distant relative. It seems that Robert Eiter and his anti-facist haters were more of a problem to the Catholic priest than were the curious tourists or the Third Reich sympathizers.

Or the distant relative (who is not a relative) made the decision

The same Austrian news media reported that

Relatives of Alois Hitler and his wife Klara agreed to the dissolution of the grave in St Michael’s Churchyard, authorities in Leonding, Austria, said.

Another version of the story said

The tombstone marking the grave of Adolf Hitler's parents, a place of pilgrimage for neo-Nazis, has been removed from an upper Austrian village cemetery at the request of a descendant.

She was described in the Associated Press news story as a distant, elderly relative of Alois Hitler's first wife, Anna. This makes her not a relative at all! Not of Alois and not of Klara, his 3rd wife. There is no reason of relatedness to obligate such a woman to care for or pay for the grave unless she felt sympathetic to the Hitler memory or felt it as some kind of Christian duty. Yet the priest quoted this woman as saying she was “tired of it being used for manifestations of sympathy” for Hitler. If she had no sympathy for Hitler, why would she “tend” and “pay for the upkeep” of the grave of his parents, who were not related to her? The story also says she hired the stonemason to remove the headstone. So … the priest made the decision to remove it, but she paid for it … and even hired the workers! An old woman.

Father Pittertschatscher's statements are contradictory

These kinds of inconsistencies are what we find in fabricated stories. We have to figure this out for ourselves since the media does not do it's job of being the public watchdog because it is in the service of the creators of the fabrications!

Unfortunately, the Catholic Church is not immune. It has also fallen under the power of the Jews. Just see this story for all the proof you need.

Haaretz writes that Eiter's "organization contacted the Catholic church, which got in touch with Hitler's relative to talk about this problem." Yet Father Pittertschatscher said he did not know the woman personally, but that she sent a request for termination of the grave lease. So which is correct? Did the “Catholic church” get in touch with the woman on behalf of Eiter? Why would it? Unless they all had the same desire to get rid of the grave of Alois and Klara Hitler … the antifas and the Church united.

A conspiracy was behind the annihilation of the grave

Walter Brunner, the Social Democrat mayor of Leonding village, said he was "happy with the decision," to remove the tombstone. Why would he be happy about it unless it was a political issue for him. He also said, "The site was not constantly being visited but things happened now and then, the last time late last autumn," he said, referring to the Nov. 2011 incident of the vase. This confirms that the last incident was over 5 months ago! And how terrible was it to find a small vase of flowers at the grave? Oh, that's right, it had the SS rune in the word 'Unforgettable.” That cannot be tolerated.

Father Kurt Pittertschatscher was quoted in the church newspaper (from a private source) that having any “neo-nazis” coming to the village “negatively affects the image of the town.”

The same Reuters article included this:

Representatives of the Upper Austrian town of 27,500 discussed the matter with church and security officials and concluded the grave marker should go if the owner agreed, Brunner said.

Translated: Robert Eiter and his antifa organization were the “representatives” referred to who conspired with the church, with the blessing of the mayor, to convince the grave owner to give it up.

Robert Eiter said most Leonding residents also supported it. Was there a vote or even a poll? Neither the mayor nor the priest had the gall to speak for the village residents, who had no say in the matter.

Haaretz writes that Eiter's "organization contacted the Catholic church, which got in touch with Hitler's relative to talk about this problem." Yet Father Pittertschatscher said he did not know the woman personally, but that she sent a request for termination of the grave lease. So in what way did they get in touch with her?

From the above we get a picture of the mayor, the antifa leader, and the priest working in concert to finally get rid of that embarrassing Hitler grave. To make it easier for them, did they concoct the story of the “distant relative” who, because of age and finances, could no longer look after the grave?

What you can do

You can protest to the people at the Leonding church and in Linz who made this decision. Forward this article to them if you wish. Tell them what you think of their decision and how most of the world condemns it. Tell them their major excuse—blaming it on an unnamed woman—makes them look even worse. Tell them they have done a great disservice to history.

 The publisher of the Kirchenzeitung der Dioezese Linz (church newspaper of the Linz diocese) is Mr. Wilhelm Vieboeck.

Email: [email protected]. The paper is online at http://www.kirchenzeitung.at/kontakt/verlag/ where you will find others on the staff you can include in your emailing. The address of the newspaper is Kapuzinerstrasse 84, Linz 4070 Austria.

At the Leonding St. Michael church (pictured):

Mag. Kurt Pittertschatscher (Pfarradministrator r.k. Leonding) is under the jurisdiction of the bishop in Linz.  Pittertschatscher's email: [email protected]

Mailing address: Vorsitzender Pfarrer, Michaelsbergstrsse 25, A-4060 Leonding, Austria.

Telephone: Austria: (+43) 0-732-672838   Telefax: (+43) 0-732-672838-17

 It is amazing the lengths that are gone to to deny Adolf Hitler his place in history, and also to deny the great affection in which he was held in the hearts of the German Austrian people. In any moderately healthy society, every leader elected by the people is acknowledged, no matter what, and whatever accomplishments he achieved are honored, no matter to what political party he belonged nor how much of a villian he might be remembered as by some segments of society. His family, but especially his parents, are given reasonable respect also. If Austria had a healthy mentality, the grave of the parents of the Austrian-born man who rose to be the leader of Germany during it's greatest period of achievement in the 20th  Century would be a national monument. Especially since there is no grave or resting place of Hitler himself. In this case, the leader's parents' grave would be protected and preserved as an historic landmark. The fact that tourists came to see it just as it was, without any special signage, shows that they recognized it's importance. The smallness of mind and pettiness of the Austrians, both politicians and churchmen, is appalling and embarrassing.

What would be the reaction if the large monument at the grave of John F. Kennedy, for example, were removed because the tourists who came to see it disturbed the peace of the cemetery or the upkeep was no longer paid by the family? Of course, that is ludicrous because the U.S. Government takes care of the late president's grave … as it does all such similar sites.

Adolf Hitler was a far more historically important figure in Austria-Germany than John Kennedy was in the United States. Yet the small-mindedness of the population goes along with the destruction of every vestige of remembrance of the man … catering to the desires of the Jews.

A particularly repulsive story

In the Associated Press write-up of the grave removal, by George Jahn in Vienna, a completely unnecessary and untrue account of Adolf Hitler's own final disposal was added. It said that his remains were recovered by the Soviets and that after decades of uncertainty it was revealed that:

Hitler's jaws and skull … went on display in Russia's Federal Archives Service in 2000. The rest of him turned out to have been buried beneath a Soviet army parade ground in the former East German city of Magdeburg.

His remains were exhumed in the 1970s and incinerated. The ashes were flushed into the city's sewage system.

How hateful can it get? The propaganda that the Soviets had Hitler's body has been disproved … or at the very least not ever proved. But for the AP to report that his ashes were put into a city sewage system beggars belief.

Rudof Hess's grave suffered the same fate. Who is next?

I must not forget to include that the grave of Rudolf Hess, Hitler's deputy in the National Socialist party until 1941, was also defaced last year – the beautiful family headstone was removed and, in this case, the casket of Hess was also dug up, and his body cremated. It was, as with the Hitler grave, a political act carried out to prevent nationalists from continuing to honor the man. See my radio program of July 25, 2011.

An Austrian Editorial by Helmut Atteneder

The Austrians know that what was done at Leonding was not a nice thing to do … and it was not even “Christian” yet carried out by a Christian church. Here is one of the few commentaries written on it (actually the only one I could find) that tries to put the best face on it, but fails.

A Cemetery is not a Place of Pilgrimage

The day before yesterday, Wednesday, a grave was abandoned because it was afflicted again and again by people that had no relationship to the dead ones. They were sympathizers with an eternal yesterday—curious and gawking. It was a special grave, too. The grave of Adolf Hitler's parents. Somehow it was clear that the parents of one of the—if not the greatest—great tyrants in the history of mankind will be measured by his actions again and again. Although they were not responsible for (what he did), it was clear that they would never rest in peace.

Apart from that irreverence towards the two deceased, it is good that this grave has been abandoned. A cemetery is not a place of pilgrimage for people with the above-mentioned motivations for their grave visit.

Sad, no? Such a pathetic attempt to make it appear that what they did was for the good of the parents—to give them peace. They were at peace, but now they will have someone buried on top of them, perhaps, and the last marker of their sojourn here on earth has been destroyed. The writer admits it is an act of irreverence. It is not the pilgrims who come to see the grave who are irreverent. It is Eiter, Brunner and Pittertschatscher (and those who go along) who are making the parents pay for what the living still think are the sins of the son. These living who accept and even applaud the removal of the grave are the ignorant ones—the dead know who is guilty and who is not.