"The International Jew" Study Hour - Episode 30
Jan. 17, 2013
Pictured: War Industries Board – The largest of the superagencies during WW1 was headed by the financier Bernard Baruch. Of the seven members, three were Jews. Standing: Adm. F.F. Fletcher, Hugh Fraune, Col. Palmer E. Pierce, H.P. Ingels. Seated: Daniel Willard, Robert S. Brookings, Robert S. Lovett, and Bernard M. Baruch. Essentially, the WIB made purchases, allocated supplies, fixed prices at levels that business requested, and ordered the standardization of goods to save materials and streamline production. (e.g the varieties of automobile tires were reduced from 287 to 3)
Hadding Scott and Carolyn Yeager read and comment on Chapter 25, “Disraeli of America” – A Jew of Super-Power.
A look at the autocratic rule over the United States gained by the Jew Bernard Baruch, under the presidency of Democrat Woodrow Wilson, as the man who “mobilized American industry for war.”
It is reported that he once said of himself, “Behold the Disraeli of the United States!” and told a Congressional committee, “I probably had more power than perhaps any other man did in the war; doubtless that is true.” TIJ suggests that Baruch’s example of governing the country during the war gave his co-religionists a very valuable education in the art of autocracy.
Note: We are using the Noontide Press publication of The International Jew — The World’s Foremost Problem which can be found online here as a pdf file.
International Jew Study podcast, Jews- 673 reads