Klarsfeld scum finally get Germany's highest honor on third try – thanks to traitor Gauck
By Carolyn Yeager
[Minor edits made on 5-17-15 -cy]
Germany pours shame on itself once again by awarding its Federal Cross of Merit* to a criminal husband and wife “Nazi hunting” team (pictured above). Beate Klarsfeld, a German-born Protestant and her greasy-looking Romanian-born Jewish husband can thank current German President Joachim Gauck for forcing her approval against the popular will and previous decisions by German ministers. *Of course, it must be remembered that this award was created in 1951 under the occupation government, and therefore has no real meaning. It has already been awarded to such unworthies as Beatrix of the Netherlands, Queen Elizabeth II and Josip Broz Tito.
Die Linke, The Left Party (formerly the Communist Party of East Germany) had twice nominated Beate Klarsfeld for the Federal Cross of Merit, but the foreign ministers at the time, Joschka Fischer and Guido Westerwelle. did not approve her. Fischer said she was not worthy of the recognition; Westerwelle offered no reason for denying her the award. This time, Joachim Gauck, a former Lutheran pastor, pushed it through as “his own decision”. Thus, both she and her husband will now receive Germany's highest honor.
Beate and her husband are among the first to congratulate the former East German Joachim Gauck (center, facing) on his becoming the new President of Germany in 2012. It should be noted that Die Linke party also nominated Beate Klarsfeld for President of Germany in opposition to Gauck. He won overwhelmingly, so perhaps he was trying to make it up to her by seeing that she got the Cross of Merit?
Left Party politician Gesine Lötzsch welcomed the news late on Wednesday after it was announced, calling it "overdue, 70 years after Germany was rid of Hitler's fascism.”
Serge Klarsfeld was born in 1935 in Bucharest, Romania to a family of Jews. They migrated to France before he was 4 years old. In 1943, his father was arrested in Nice and deported by the SS because he was a foreign, not French-born, Jew. Supposedly he died in Auschwitz, but this is not proven. Serge was cared for in an OSE home for Jewish children in France. His mother and sister also survived in France, it is stated.
Serge had worked in an Israeli kibbutz in 1953 and had written a thesis on the “Cooperative Economy in Israel” (1959). In 1966 he visited Auschwitz (on a special Soviet permit?) and in 1967 served as a volunteer in the Six-Day War in Israel.
Beate Künzel was born in 1939, the daughter of a regular Wehrmacht soldier, and was brought up Protestant. That is all the background information I can find about her. She went to France at age 21 to work as a domestic with a host family in order to learn French. There, she also learned about the "Shoah" from the French perspective, became radicalized, and later went to work for the Franco-German Alliance for Youth (Deutsch-Französisches Jugendwerk), from which she was later fired.
Serge and Beate married in 1963 and made their home in Paris. At some point, she became a French citizen, thus enjoying dual citizenship. They had one child, Arno, who became a human rights attorney and worked for Nicolas Sarkozy when he was interior minister. Arno holds Israeli citizenship as well as French, and works today to combat anti-semitism in present-day France. But I thought Jewishness was only inherited from the mother, so how does Arno get his Israeli citizenship? I have not been able to find any explanation for it except that he probably applied for it: ["Arno Klarsfeld] fell out of favor with French leftists when he acquired Israeli citizenship in 2002 and joined the Border Police. He served at checkpoints around Bethlehem."]
Jewish sense of righteousness and dirty dealing
A young Beate Klarsfeld is restrained by a security guard as she raises her arm to strike at Chancellor Kiesinger in 1968. Below, she is forcibly removed after hitting the Chancellor on the ear.
As often happens, Beate became more Jewish than many Jews and began a campaign in 1966 against West German Chancellor Kurt Georg Kiesinger. Her reason was that he worked in the foreign ministry's radio propaganda department during WWII. She began calling him a Nazi and in 1968 she physically attacked him just as he was to give a speech at his party's convention. For this assault, she was criminally convicted in 1969 and sentenced to one year in prison (though her term was reduced to four months).
In 2012, it was revealed that the attack on the Chancellor had the support of the government of East Germany and the Stasi, which was conducting a campaign at the time (1968) against West German politicians. Both Serge and Beate Klarsfeld were revealed to have been regular Stasi contacts. According to the Saxony State Stasi Archives, the Klarsfelds cooperated during the 1960's in blackmailing West German politicians for their World War II activities.
In August 1970, Beate was arrested in Warsaw and deported by Polish authorities for having protested against what she called Polish state antisemitism. In 1971, the German Democratic Republic (soviet East Germany) prohibited her entry after she protested the Czechoslovak government for the same thing. In 1974, both Serge and Beate were convicted in West Germany on felony charges of the attempted kidnapping of former Gestapo chief Kurt Lischka, in order to transport him to France. They were sentenced to two months (!) in prison, but following international (Jewish?) protests, the sentence was suspended. Further activism by the Klarsfelds resulted in changes to the law, so that in 1980 Lischka was convicted of a felony and he was sentenced to prison!
Beate Klarsfeld resumed her contact with the Stasi in the 1980s while trying to track down “war criminals.” In addition to Poland and Czechoslovakia, she's been arrested in Bolivia, Chile and Syria.
Unpopular in Germany
Beate Klarsfeld has been both villified and ignored, and considered a traitor by some. Not everyone agrees that the wartime events should be prosecuted in the Klarsfeld manner. She's been disliked for her involvment with the East German Stasi during the years the nation was divided. In 2012, when this information was first revealed, Beate Klarsfeld admitted that she received 2000 DM from the SED after her confrontation with Kiesinger in the 1960's. The SED was the governing Marxist-Leninist party of the GDR.
The cooperation of both Beate and Serge Klarsfeld with the Stasi and their status as contacts was also documented in a 1993 book by former Stasi officers, Günter Bohnsack and Herbert Brehmer.
Poor Germany, under the boot of the American military occupation and the enforced Nuremberg declaration of guilt, continues to raise to distinction traitors, assassins, military deserters and enemies in general while it refuses recognition to its own World War II dead, its soldiers, heroes and martyrs. Poor, poor Germany.
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Gauck -Merkel name meaning
Just to give you an idea, what Merkel and Gauck means in German.
Merkel = from märkeln, merkeln - to mark paper. Not commonly used anymore. Lower clerks that mark incoming letters as received. The clerk neither views the content of the letter nor makes a decision upon the purpose. In modern German, "merkeln" is synonymous with unable/unwilling to make decisions and is derogatory.
Gauck = from Gaukler, street artist, clown, swindler. Possibly related to English "gag".
If merkel wanted to live to
If merkel wanted to live in the USA and americanize herself, a direct English translation of her name would be Ms. Angie Rubberstamper
GDR's ruling party was a merger of the Communist party and the Social Democratic party. Sozialistische Einheitspartei, socialist unity party.
The Social Democratic Party (SPD) is still in charge, also in West-Germany, since 1949. Only now and former West-Germany, it was sometimes in opposition to the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) or rules with the CDU together as right now (Groko, Grosse Koalition, big coalition).
Both Merkel and Gauck were brought up in the GDR and served in state organizations.The Berlin Wall fell, and the Communists took over the West, not the other way around.
Btw, Die Linke (Communist party) is also part of the Bundestag and even rules one or two states in Thuringia, I believe, with a state prime minister. They are able to do that in a coalition with the SPD, basically the same old SED merger.
Tito Award
If Tito could get the award, that's as good as giving it to Stalin. Germans eradicated from Eastern Europe know Tito first-hand.
What in the world could they honor him for, except, to demonstrate in your face genocide?
That's proof enough that this "German" government has nothing to do with Germans.
Germans in America need to get the USG off the back of Germany.
Show some vigor, connection, and interest, like Carolyn Yeager:)
Pretty amazing, isn't it ...
It was awarded in June 1974, and is said to have been the "highest possible class of the award (which comes in different classes), which is the only general state decoration of West Germany (and modern Germany)."
Why him? Well, he was a ally of the Allies in the war, and he stood up to Stalin after the war, retaining quite a bit of independence and pursuing a foreign policy of neutrality. Therefore he was in high demand and lionized by all world leaders. He made three state visits to the USA. No one cared how many "Nazis" and nazi sympathizers and Axis soldiers he had murdered
Not so coincidentally, on May 16, 1974, the previous month, a new Yugoslav constitution was passed which made Tito President for life and provided for a collective presidency with a rotating chairman. Everyone was happy with that because he kept order and supressed nationalist insurrections, so apparently Chancellor Helmut Schmidt of the Social Democrat party, who had just taken office in May, thought it was a good time for Germany to honor Tito.
Um...Carolyn...why "criminal
Um...Carolyn...why "criminal husband and wife"? Who did they kill? Also, isn't it a little disgraceful to judge people based on their looks? This is what they taught you when you grew up as being one of the values? Do you know the meaning of the term "values", by the way?...
To Rick Stein
I have told you in the past you cannot post here with the name of Rick. I already have a "Rick" here and I cannot allow you to mix yourself up with him. I will not approve any other posts from "Rick" except his.
There are many crimes other than murder. I'm not judging Serge Klarsfeld on his looks, but on his actions and words. I only noticed that he was greasy-looking. You are not very sharp, Mr. Stein. You have to do better than that.
And while I'm on the subject, I refrained from saying that Beate looks like a Jewess. Very much so. Are we sure her mother was not Jewish and that's why her son got Israeli citizenship? Her parents are not named. Not even the town or place where she was born and/or grew up is named. Very strange.
Beate must at least be partly Jewish. If you have some experience with Jews, you immediately recognize the expression on her face as typically Jewish. In fact she looks even more Jewish than her husband. Israel accepts even quarter Jews as immigrants, so that could explain her son's naturalization to Israeli citizenship.
did her father divorce her (Jewish) mother? He was in the Wehrmacht. Although, it doesn't really matter since there were still Mischling-excemptions. I'm just curious.
To curious
Clearly, she is Jewish since no information on her family of origin is given anywhere or it would have been picked up by some of these websites. Therefore, it's not to be had or is suppressed by powerful Jewish forces. Very much like with Elie Wiesel.
Did she grow up with a foster family or in an orphanage? If she was "brought up" as a Protestant, it could be because her father was a Protestant, but he did not "bring her up." Was her father even a Wehrmacht soldier or is that made up? Was she even born in 1939 if there is no record of where she was born or who her mother was? If there is a record, why isn't it given? If she is now such a hero in Germany, why wouldn't her family (siblings etc) be proud of her? I doubt she had siblings, I think she was some kind of mistake that got born and the Germans were kind enough to look after her. But she was a snake in their midst.
Perhaps she was the child of communists and that's what she's covering up. The German media searches out the surviving family members of dead National Socialists and drags them through the mud, but these Jews are given every kind of protection.
I am not satisfied and demand to know more about her.
usually, common soldiers are not targeted that much by the media and government and even middle and high officials like Kiesinger and Speer got a pass if they turned 180.
But I agree, someone who receives a high medal should be transparent for the public record.
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