The Heretics' Hour: Sex and Death - More lies about Adolf Hitler
Carolyn continues separating fact from fiction about der Führer and again warns of Gordon Duff’s disinformation. Topics include:
- Questions on young Hitler’s inheritance;
- Was Hitler a homosexual? Are you kidding?
- The “one-testicle” rumor—where it came from;
- Soviets did not find Hitler’s remains;
- Gordon Duff’s strange “G-tt Mit Uns”;
- Duff the “historian” on anti-Semitic violent Christians, Julius Streicher, euthanasia, and the Reichstag Fire;
- But his readers are starting to catch on.
Picture: The Aryan (left) and the Jew (right). Can they ever be reconciled?
13 MB / 32 kbps mono / 0 hour 56 min.
Adolf Hitler, Heretics' Hour Podcast- 5981 reads