Another great video from Vincent Reynouard that traverses the language barrier

Published by carolyn on Wed, 2015-09-16 14:51

Orignal blueprint of Crema 2 in Auschwitz-Birkenau  enlarge

"Gas Chambers"of Auschwitz: an obvious hoax

by Vincent Reynouard

In 2008 the world press spoke of the "original plans of Auschwitz" discovered in Berlin, one of which showed a "gas chamber." In this video, I explain that it was a simple delousing chamber and I point out that in this room where Zyklon B was used extensively, the walls are stained with blue spots. But in the so-called homicidal or human-killing "gas chambers", there are no blue spots. This is a simple and clear proof that in these premises there was no mass killing with Zyklon B. I answer the objections that have been developed in the opposite camp against this argument.

Contents of the video:

The case of Auschwitz plans published by "Bild"

Part 1: Lies that turn against their authors.

  1. A blue haze on the walls
  2. Gassings and Prussian blue formation
  3. The leftover paint?
  4. No traces of blue in the homicidal "gas chambers"

Part 2: Response to objections

  1. An alkaline environment?
  2. Too fast for gassings there was reaction?
  3. Did the Germans use large amounts of Zyklon B?
  4. The Polish experts in 1994: work devoid of historical value
  5. The Polish experts in 1945: a sham


Carolyn's comment: Lots of imagery makes it easy to follow for non-French speakers. The argument is irrefutable. Please watch it here. And go here to learn how to support Vincent financially, which is vitally important.