Happy Birthday to the new Carolyn Yeager.com
74,600 visits
have been made to this web site in it's first year since this more sophisticated version of carolynyeager.com went online as carolynyeager.net on September 27, 2011. Yesterday, the actual birthday, was marred by some unexpected unpleasantness so I didn't notice I had already reached the date I was watching for until this morning.
If not for the downtime this site experienced last Saturday through Wednesday (5 days!), it would easily have reached the round figure of 75,000 and higher. This is not a figure to actually brag about among more well-known sites but the visits, and downloads of podcasts too, have picked up noticeably and meaningfully in the past couple months. If I can stay online and have the features I want to have, next year's number will be considerably higher. I'm sorry I don't have the page views for the year to give out, since the current server stats available to me only cover part of August and September, 2012.
Well, it may at times be a rocky road, but I can only do my best, and find the best people to help me. We all certainly do tend to take for granted that these websites are available to us without considering the amount of work, time, skill and talent that is involved. It's that consumer mentality we have all taken on.
A big thank you to all of my loyal visitors, emailers and contributors, and to William Finck who built it and has kept it online in it's first year. Stick around!
Pending- 888 reads