Phoney Wars, Phoney News and Phoney Peace Treaties
August 19, 2013
From the “Phoney War” of Sept. 1939 to May 1940, to the phoney news stories that constantly appear (especially in Britain) retelling the 2nd world war in the light only of atrocities committed by Germans, to the phoney “peace treaty” between the Four Powers and Germany signed 45 years after the end of the war — Carolyn covers it all in an attempt to show how lies proliferate in our media and on the Internet, too. Main topics:
- Making up quotes attributed to famous persons is fairly common, and it’s amazing how unquestioningly they are accepted;
- The story behind Merkel’s first Chancellor’s visit to Dachau Memorial, and Helmut Kohl’s and Ronald Reagan’s refusal to go in 1985;
- Germany to introduce “indeterminate” gender option on birth certificates;
- New book on Roger Bushell based on ridiculous speculation aimed at building up his “war hero” status;
- The British quote the Geneva Convention and ignore the Hague Convention;
- The “Treaty on the Final Settlement With Respect to Germany” does not make Germany a sovereign nation;
- The sale of National Socialist toy soldiers, including Hitler figure, is big news for the Daily Mail;
- Brothers Lord Northcliffe and Lord Rothermere founded the Daily Mail — during the early 30′s Rothermere strongly supported Mussolini, Hitler and Mosley.
Image: POW Roger Bushell (left) in a congenial conversation with Leutnant Eberhardt (German Security) and Paddy Byrne (fellow POW).
Adolf Hitler, Germany, Heretics' Hour Podcast, World War II- 1071 reads
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5 Responses
August 20, 2013 at 4:29 pm
- The British have only their anti-Germanism left for their patroitism, nothing more. It’s all lost.
The Swedish newspaper Dagens Nyheter nailed this phenomenon:
„Die Verachtung der Deutschen ist eine Art Rassismus, an der sich viele festklammern, weil jeder andere Rassismus verboten ist.”[2]
“The defamation of the Germans is a form of racism, to which many people clutch, because every other racism is forbidden.”
-The Federal Republic of Germany has no legal authorization to revise Germany’s borders. It is merely an Allied occupation construct in a part of Germany for a limited time, as outlined in its Basic Law. Only a peace treaty with the German Reich could finalize Germany’s de facto borders to become de jure. This would not only include the parts administered by Poland and Russia today, but also the Federal Republic of Austria and the Sudetenland administered by the Czech Republic. Border revisions during a war are not final, but serve only occupation purposes. WW2 is not over.
The Federal Republic of Germany, the Federal Republic of Austria and the foreign administered regions of Germany East of the Oder-Neisse line are an integral part of Germany. Merkel or any other FRG regime can never revise this fact in their legal position. International Law is very clear on this.
August 20, 2013 at 4:47 pm
…and New-Swabia is an integral part of Germany, as well…
Ben G.
August 21, 2013 at 7:32 am
Great show. You had me thinking with the question you posed about France invading Germany at the beginning of the show. If they were to manage to defeat Hitler that quick I imagine all of Europe would have most likely fallen to Communism pretty easily, so I think they would have done it. Kind of makes you wonder after seeing how it all played out though.
Monty Storm
August 29, 2013 at 10:20 pm
What an interesting program, especially since I watched the movie “The Great Escape” when I was a young man. except for name changes and the Hollyweird stretch of the truth, a lot of what you talked about was in the movie. I must admit I enjoyed the movie, it would have been considered a blockbuster by today’s standards. This is a great Network you have put together, It’s a bright spot in my weekly network activity. And although I am a devout Christian, I would have to agree with one of your former guests, the Judeo-Christian religion is an enemy to white America as they love the Jew more than they love their own race.
Commander Goyim And His Lost Sheeple Airmen
August 31, 2013 at 1:55 pm
History Revisionism.
Even National Socialist can do it. My favourite topic is how Germany could have won war. Yes, the Juden construct endless games on this topic and it is worth mentioning that this form of modern day racism is rampant in gaming; the evil Nazis even have soldiers that kind of look like Germans but with no Swastikas.
I always start with Dunkirk.
What a Turkey shoot that would have been. There is always a conspiracy floating around and this one is that Goering took his eye off the ball. Hindsight is always 20/20 but I really believe that a major flaw happened here by underestimating the British.
An invasion of the British Isles should have gone forward at this time and Mosley installed as PM.