Saturday Afternoon: Interview with Eric Hunt
March 8, 2014
Eric and Carolyn discuss his brand new film, just released to the public via the official Internet web site In the second hour, Germar Rudolf calls in, and then Charles Kraft. Some topics covered:
- The Jewish Gas Chamber Hoax concentrates on survivor testimony about the alleged “extermination” camp at Treblinka, revealing that thousands of Jews were transported through there to other camps to work;
- The heads of Yad Vashem and the USHMM both maintain that every one of the claimed one million Jews sent to Treblinka were immediately gassed, burnt and buried – that less than 200 survived;
- The irony is that the means used to keep people alive and healthy – showers and Zyklon B disinfectant – are accused of being murder weapons;
- Germar Rudolf agrees that people need to “put some money where their mouth is,” to help Eric get a real film studio set up;
- Kraft thinks the forensic emphasis should give way to the psychological warfare aspect of the “holocaust”, such as The Ritchie Boys;
- How much humor should “holocaust” films contain?
- 1725 reads
Original comments on this program
12 Responses
Joe Northpal
March 8, 2014 at 6:38 pm
Yes Carolyn, you are absolutely right, its political and psychological warfare.
I like young Eric’s work and he needs to keep on as much as he can, it all adds up.
But as long as our people remain cowardly lions, roaring with no bite, all is lost.
The kleptocracy is all about maintaining power to produce nothing but gain everything.
All this whining about lack of money while tens of millions of so-called white nationals ,white European heritage and American “patriots” pay that expensive (jew) cable bill month after month after month.
As far as Eric crediting a degenerate drug addict, self hating “white” race and society like Carlin as a spiritual guru, gee that’s scary.
March 8, 2014 at 11:12 pm
Joe Northpal
March 8, 2014 at 6:38 pm
Thank you Joe for those comments, timely and exactly correct. Thank you Carolyn, as you are the hottest talk show I have heard in the last 15 years, because of just being you, and not being hysterical and brittle, but very strong as this can’t be easy to do.
Please keep your spirits up !
Also the other talk hosts here are exceptionally good in my opinion !
March 9, 2014 at 12:25 am
Those petro-dollars – seems to me that the oil-rich Sunni sheikdoms are very friendly with Israel. The Israelis never attack them and vice versa. And where were those 9/11 terrorists supposed to have come from? No one should want or expect any help from that quarter or even Qatar.
Bill Krapek
March 9, 2014 at 10:48 am
Oh my God Carolyn your mid-point music is just beautiful. I was stunned. Who are these artists and what are these tunes? I’ve been jaded on music the past few months; looking around for something to really love. So if you don’t mind I think I’m going to hand my iTunes account over to you next few weeks out.
(Spiritually of course.
Two points about your young artist and the Holocaust.
One: Eric Hunt is just one more reminder of how much we lose by not going for the jugular with all those psycho Jews who dominate our art and entertainment industries. He’s obviously a real gem. Driven, clear headed, and honorable. And completely overlooked. A real pearl before swine that one.
Two: No bodies laying about – and no remotely plausible way to get rid of those bodies – means no bodies were made. There’s really no alternative. I’m not worried one bit about proving all those people ended up in the Soviet Union (or wherever). We know they weren’t murdered by the Germans and that’s all we need to know.
March 9, 2014 at 12:06 pm
I called it “early American” music – I was trying to come up with something like “Americana,” but it was too slow in coming. It’s Down In The Valley: Joanna Moore and Andy Griffith on “The Andy Griffith Show” of all things, and Red River Valley: Suzi Bogguss. To All Listeners: You can find the music used on each program on each Program Page. Look under Programs on the right sidebar; click on the name of the program.
John Rees
March 10, 2014 at 1:26 pm
I think the reasons why this alternative version of the holocaust is taboo:
1) it is not longer a “unique event” without precedent;
2) it does not at all serve the interests of Jewry and Zionism;
3) it gives an opportunity to research and inquire why the National-Socalists wanted to remove Jewry from Europe.
In Germany people are used to say about lies: “Lies have short legs” (Lügen haben kurze Beine).
Gil Martin
March 11, 2014 at 1:04 pm
This is an informative and most importantly an inspiring interview. I am big fan of Eric’s work. I think he could and should make some bite sized revisionist films that would capture and hold the flighty attention of the internet generation. High production values, engaging visuals, charming hosts and humor will help put our message over much more effectively than turgid tomes and angry rants. Bravo Eric and Charles and thank you, Carolyn!
Margaret Huffstickler
March 13, 2014 at 5:54 am
Great show!
March 13, 2014 at 9:00 pm
I wonder:
To what degree will Irving’s book on Himmler’s hidden (from Hitler) Holocaust conform with the Yad Vashem and USHMM version? Will he, can he ever bring it out after the Graf-Mattogno-Kues work?
March 15, 2014 at 2:35 am
N – that is a good question. Perhaps we will discuss it on a Saturday panel program with Eric. Maybe on March 22.
Mr. Europe
March 16, 2014 at 12:24 pm
Thanks for the interview.
I was quite surprised he hasn’t connected with other very capable video editors in the cause, as most of you probably seen some professionally done videos for William Pierce’s broadcast by someone that goes under moniker Ares or DestroyZOG.
Naturally best of luck to Eric in his future endeavors!
Charles Krafft
March 18, 2014 at 6:49 pm
Mike Harris, author of FIVE CAME BACK, Has let the cat out of the bag about the WWII WWII film fakery going on among the Hollywood directors and technicians in the OSS Field Photography units in various interviews including one on NPR. It makes no difference to the average American that Billy Wilder, George Stevens and Alfred Hitchcock (along with Stuart and Bud Schulberg and other lesser lights) who filmed the camps and promoted the homicidal gassing legend did what they did because their celluloid propaganda was in the service of a greater good. Also, these men are legendary Hollywood stars and stars are royalty for the beleagured statis quo. Truth just isn’t going to set them free in this new era of excess information. I like the comment above about monthly payments to the TV cable company being redirected into something more constructive and less passive. It succinctly sums up the revisionism’s current dilemma.
Lights, camera fiction: Second World War documentary footage a Hollywood fake
FIVE legendary Hollywood directors secretly faked combat footage in Second World War documentaries that have been considered genuine for almost 70 years, a book claims.