Shoabloger should be on your reading list
A fantastic new website makes holocaust-revisionist works available in English and Polish that have not previously been translated into those languages. is currently featuring "The Forbidden Truth" (Die verbotene Wahrheit), a 34-page brochure covering the important questions about the so-called 'Holocaust' divided into 12 chapters. So far, two chapters are published: Atrocity Propaganda and "The miraculous transformation of historical truth."
The image above is featured with The Forbidden Truth and includes the following text:
A huge Holocaust memorial, the size of two football fields, which occupies the center of Berlin, has been built despite empty coffers and against the will of the people.
The 2751 concrete pillars symbolize the desperate attempt to cement a highly questionable account of history, and to avoid any rational discussion. Doubts about the official version of the Holocaust are being suppressed under threat of draconian penalties.
Previous entries have been writings by French revisionist Vincent Reynouard which had not been available in English. Now they are!
Put this site on your favorites list and remember to check it often. We need more of this important work translated into more languages. More and more. That's the idea.
Holocaust Revisionism, Jews- 564 reads