Survivor stories are a genre that prove the “Holocaust” is a Jewish hoax

Published by carolyn on Sun, 2016-04-24 15:44

Paul Argiewicz proudly shows off his Auschwitz tattoo which is his best proof he is a holocaust survivor. But it’s the details of his story that are suspect, as is true of all surliever stories.

By Carolyn Yeager

THERE HAS NEVER BEEN a survivor story that passes the test of truth and accuracy – not one! Isn’t that amazing? They are all filled with exaggerations and downright lies. And that really tells us something, because “the Holocaust” is in actuality nothing more than a collection of survivor stories. I am not an expert in revisionist historiography, but I think I can say with confidence that no scientific/forensic evidentiary support for a “Holocaust” exists. Documentary support is both sparse and dependent on questionable or uncertain interpretations. That leaves us with witness accounts from those who were in the concentration and work camps to tell us what “the Holocaust” was.

It’s been known for a long time that eye-witnesses are the least reliable evidence for what really happened in any given situation. Forensic evidence is the best, and even circumstantial evidence is superior to eye-witness. The stories that were told by false eye-witnesses in 1945-46 were outlandish compared to what we believe today. Far-fetched and grotesque accusations of sadistic methods of killing were made against camp authorities and guards and then soberly reported in the world’s news outlets. Continue reading at Elie Wiesel Cons The World


But how can we question the highly reliable claims of people like Yanel Weirnik.
Or Miklos Nyiszli. Or Irene Zitsblat.
The Horror.

I've always maintained that there isn't a single 'survivor' story that goes into any detail who isn't obviously lying. Perhaps some of them are just delusional, as Faurisson said, "There are liars and there are belivers". The German confessions are equally ridiculous. I like to think that it was intentional on their part so that future generations would know it was bullshit.

Okay, but to both of you, the need is to get the nature of the hoax these survivor stories represent out where it counts. On his Amazon book page, there is not a single critical review. I am not allowed to write reviews at Amazon because several years ago I joined in a debate forum there and Jews worked together and got me banned. I recently wrote a complaint about it but it went nowhere. I can buy books, but I can't comment -- a totally jewy place.

The reviews on Paul's book page are largely from friends of Paul's wife Sheryl who has been on a campaign to promote him from the time they married in 1996. Some attack Paul's nephew Murray Matzner who has been brave enough to be critical of Paul's lies. For example:

Paul loved to tell his story

By LAURA N. MAY-BUHLER on June 23, 2015

First of all my heart goes out to all of the family members of Paul that have to listen to the lies of one obviously disturbed individual. The unfortunate part is that I met Murray and his mother and father, Lucy and Bob at Paul's funeral and actually spent time with them. I personally met Paul through my best friend Cindy Nicoletti (Paul's step daughter) and can attest to the fact that he did indeed tell of the atrocities at least 100 times or so because that is how important it was to him to convey his story. […]

To think that one individual could endure all of this at such a young age is almost unbelievable but to know Paul and to love Paul, you would never even question the authenticity of his words. I sat with Paul and his family many times through the years and shared meals with them and his stories got a little old but you respected Paul enough to listen one more time.

Obviously, Paul loved the attention once he got a taste of it, and he also obviously copied his atrocity stories from the existent Holocaust literature. He himself never experienced any atrocities unless it was between the inmates themselves. The SS was always trying to keep order among a lot of low-life criminals and radicals.

But there is no one saying these things. If you have an Amazon account, you can write a comment to this review, and to others, if you don't want to write a review. That would be doing something far more useful than writing a comment here. You could, of course, link to your comment on the Amazon page.

I would be surprsed if he sold a dozen copies of that book. Amazon reviews really isn't place for Holohoax debates. But if you want to give your personal information to the ADL, SPLC, et al for a $1.95 paperback...

Where is the right place for a Holohoax debate? Amongst friends only?

I've often discussed it in person with strangers, but unless you're financially independent I would say anywhere on the internet where you can post 'anonymously' is a good place.
Having said that I suppose you could open an account at Amazon with using your real name.

So you were unable to answer the question. Instead, you equivocate.

If by writing "you" you mean me, my account at Amazon is in my real name. I can't easliy create a false one; you have to make a purchase with a credit or debit card to be able to post.

Q: Where is the right place for a Holohoax debate?
A: anywhere on the internet where you can post anonymously.

It's interesting that you consider that an answer, considering what went before. So all we need is people like you posting annonymously here and there to satisfy the qualifications of a holocaust debate. Aren't we lucky. Someone like you will bring us to success. Thank you very much for your sacrifice.