
Joerg Meuthen, AfD Chairman, directs much-needed fire to his party's detractors

Published by carolyn on Tue, 2019-06-25 15:01

Jörg Meuthen: The AfD stands for non-violent discourse, which many media deny us.

I love this commentary from Meuthen which was posted on the Alternative for Deutschland website. It openly expresses the disgust he feels at the low blows that are consistently directed AfD's way from the entirety of the "respectable" immigration-loving, German-supressing parties and media that have held sway in the Federal Republic since it's beginning. Meuthen really lets go here, while maintaining his own dignified composure. Germany needs lots more of this. -CY

Berlin, 24 June 2019: What happened yesterday on ARD's Anne Will programme is probably the absolute low point in German talk show history to date - and at the same time a highlight of GEZ* brainwashing for the less informed television viewer. *[GEZ - processing center for German TV and radio licenses. Anyone owning a television, PC or radio (including a car radio) is required to pay a license fee.]