Truth and Justice for Germans holds protest in Vancouver
A DOZEN MEMBERS OF VANCOUVER-BASED TRUTH AND jUSTICE FOR GERMANS (TJFG) HELD A PROTEST at the German Consulate here and presented Consul General Josef Beck with a letter condemning the jailing of Canadian Monika Schaefer in Munich, Germany on January 3.
Monika is still being held in a maximum security prison and until very recently was denied visitors other than from the Canadian Consulate in Munich. TJFG is demanding the release of Monika Schaefer. A spokesman for the group delivered the letter printed below directly to Consul Beck who responded cordially.
Afterwards the group held a short protest outside the Consulate displaying large pictures of the Alberta violin teacher and four-time Green Party candidate who set off a small town firestorm of shunning and bigotry when she released a short video in June, 2016 entitled "Sorry, Mom, I was Wrong About the Holocaust."
Organizer and videographer Brian Ruhe noted: "No press showed up. In the morning between 8:30 am – 9:00 a.m. I phoned CBC, CTV and Global News and emailed the last two. Diane pointed out that the controlled media probably doesn’t want to cover this subject."
And, Mr. Ruhe added, "We felt good about our demonstration and afterwards we went to the coffee shop there at Canada Place.
* * *
February 5, 2018
Consulate General of the Federal Republic of Germany
Josef Beck, Consul General
Suite 704, World Trade Centre,
999 Canada Place,
Vancouver, B.C. V6C 3E1
Tel: +1 604 684 8377
Dear Consul General Beck,
I write to you on behalf of the Truth and Justice for Germans Society regarding a very serious international matter involving one of our society’s members Monika Schaefer.
While visiting her brother in Germany over the Christmas holidays and into the New Year she was suddenly arrested by the German police on January 3, 2018 while quietly attending a court hearing of lawyer Sylvia Stolz in Munich.
Monika had not behaved in a manner during the court session that would warrant her being arrested, handcuffed and then taken to the Stadelheim maximum security prison where she has been held ever since.
It is very worrisome to us that since her arrest Monika has not been given the right to communicate with her family or friends and foremost, has been denied the right of habeas corpus.
Enquiries to the Canadian Consul General in Munich reveal that they were able to visit Monika on one occasion only since her arrest. They were also told that they would not be able to see her for another 6 months! This type of behaviour on the part of the German government doesn’t reflect well on German jurisprudence nor is it conducive to maintaining a reasonable and healthy international relationship with her neighbouring countries such as Canada.
Monika Schaefer is a Canadian citizen born in Canada of German parents. She has no criminal record nor has she broken any Canadian laws and we therefore find it extremely discomforting to see that she is being treated like a common criminal and not being given her basic human rights.
As a result of these unjust actions on the part of your government Mr. Beck we would ask that you intervene in this matter at the earliest possible time and do your best to see that Monika Schaefer is released from prison and is given safe passage back to Canada.
Darin Greentree
President, Truth and Justice for Germans Society
Free speech, censorshipCategory
Holocaust Industry Exposed- 715 reads
Shame on Canada, much more
Shame on Canada, much more shame on Germany.