Carolyn talks with Sven Longshanks about “The Artist Within the Warlord”
I APPRECIATED SVEN'S INVITATION to appear on his Aryan Insights program at Radio Aryan. We did a morning session (not my best time for talking) but I talked and talked and couldn't seem to stop! I'm afraid Sven didn't get much of a chance, but he is a complete gentleman and we have become friends from doing just this one podcast together. The result is something of an overview of both Hermann Giesler and Willi Kriessmann and I – and I don't leave out Adolf Hitler either. This is my edited version of our session. 55m.
Adolf Hitler, Germany, Historical Revisionism, World War II- 234 reads
To the listeners
This is a good interview, but I find myself disappointed in myself that I didn't take advantage of Sven's excellent question as to what were some of the insights I gained about Hitler from Giesler's writing and express some of the deeper thoughts I've been having as a consequence of it. Instead I just continued on describing events in AH's life, and the other characters in the book, which is so easy for me to talk about.
This is what I've done in all three of my interviews so far. So I've decided to write an essay in which I will go into all the "new insights" I have had from the book. Writing gives me the time to get it just right -- I guess I can't gather my thoughts fast enough during a podcast. (Of course, it did take place at 9 a.m., the hour I'm usually just getting out of bed these days!) So look for that, it will be coming up.
I have so far listened to
I have so far listened to your talk with Sven and the first two parts of your talk with Brian Ruhe.
In the talks, I was struck by the fact that you agree with the American military historian John Mosier on nearly every point. He wrote a revisionist - in its way - trilogy on the German army in WWII. In the first two books, he denounces Hitler as evil and asserts the Holocaust happened, while acknowledging that the Wehrmacht was a brilliant fighting force and that Hitler was a good (contrary to myth) military commander. In the last volume, he seems to pull back on the rote denunciations, and even quotes Walter Sanning's paper on Soviet scorched earth warfare (from the IHR journal) favourably.
I highly recommend that last book, 'Deathride: Hitler vs Stalin: The Eastern Front, 1941-1945' (2010), even to those who are not inclined to military history (as I am not). Mosier will bring you up to speed on military tactics and weaponry, quick smart. If one doesn't have the time to read it, this review at the CODOH site summarises it:
Skim through the review, and you'll see it's almost as if, in places, Mosier and Yeager are the one and same person.
Thanks for pointing to this
Thanks for pointing to this book by John Mosier, David. I never read it, but I think I did read that review at Codoh back in 2010.
Checking it out at Amazon, I find this book was re-issued in 2011 as Hitler vs Stalin: The Eastern Front 1941-1945. It seems to be the same content, but could some of it have been revised a little? Maybe to do with the United States involvement in helping Stalin? I would buy the first edition "Deathride" just to be sure. When you change the title in only one year's time, you're liable to change anything.
By the way, my book is now being sold at Amazon - although the page has errors that need to be corrected. That should happen tonight. Anyone want to write a review? hint, hint.