Germany demands 96-year-old spend four years in prison to satisfy holohoax guilt
Ninety-six-year-old "Auschwitz criminal" Oscar Groening is directed to where he should sit in the courtroom where he is on trial for admitting to a pack of lies. (photo courtesy of
By Carolyn Yeager
THE GERMAN FEDERAL PUPPET STATE has the dubious honor of wanting to put a 96-year-old German citizen in a prison cell for 4 years … meaning he will be 100 years old when he gets out. Why should anyone, anywhere put a 96-year-old in prison? To protect what?
Ah, to protect the standing of the Jews in Germany! Jews are highly organized for their interests, and in today's Germany they carry a lot of weight. They want to keep finding 'Nazis' to prosecute, forever if they can. When the last Germans who set foot in Auschwitz are gone, they will go after their children and grandchildren.
Oscar Groening worked as a bookkeeper, it is said, at Auschwitz, at the young age of 22, having been employed as a bank teller before the war. Post-war, he had previously been cleared of any guilt by German authorities, but his case was reopened after the shock conviction of Ukrainian guard John Demjanjuk in 2011. By age 95 and 96, Groening has been completely at the mercy of the dominant narrative most of his life. Thus he imagines he 'remembers' things (like homicidal gas chambers) he does not.*
I don't personally feel too sorry for Herr Groening because he willingly, stupidly confessed to knowledge he didn't have, with the probable advice by his lawyers that if he cooperated with the prosecutors he would get a slap on the wrist and sent back home.** At his age, home is the only place he wants to be.
However, it hasn't happened that way for him. He and his lawyers underestimated the thirst for revenge of Jews. “Kill him, crucify him!” they had shouted. In this case, “Punish him! Let him die in prison, naked and alone! We must be vindicated!” They must have continuing convictions to slake their thirst.
So the northern Germany court in Celle decided that “the convicted individual is fit to serve out the term despite his advanced age." Next up is Ursula Haverbeck, now 89, who is on her last appeal for the sentence of 14 months in prison for sending a letter to the town's mayor, Rainer Heller, claiming that Auschwitz was not an extermination camp.
So much for attempting dialog.
* * *
*In 2005, Oscar Gröning spoke to the BBC as a "helpful" anti-revisionist witness and said on camera:
"I see it as my task, now at my age, to face up to these things that I experienced and to oppose the Holocaust deniers who claim that Auschwitz never happened. And that's why I am here today. Because I want to tell those deniers: I have seen the crematoria, I have seen the burning pits - and I want you to believe me that these atrocities happened. I was there."
However, the BBC's producer Laurence Rees, sent out a transcript of the program in which he ADDED these words: "I see it as my task, now at my age, to face up to these things that I experienced and to oppose the Holocaust deniers who claim that Auschwitz never happened. And that's why I am here today. Because I want to tell those deniers: I have seen the gas chambers, I have seen the crematoria, I have seen the burning pits - and I want you to believe me that these atrocities happened. I was there." See here. This may be why he doesn't deny this today. He confuses Holocaust Revisionism (deniers) with saying 'Auschwitz never happened.' This confusion is actively encouraged by the Auschwitz Lie Industry which includes Jews like Laurence Rees and collaborators like BBC.
**Groening reportedly told reporters [sorry, I can't now find the source of this] when he arrived for the trial that he "expected to be acquitted."
Left: Look at this very old man entering the court by the back door; he can't even walk on his own but is being tormented like this.
Germany, Holocaust Industry Exposed, Jews, Law & Government- 1069 reads
If a country were hell-bent
If a country were hell-bent on genocide, WHY WOULD THEY KEEP RECORDS?? WHY would they build “camps” hundreds (if not thousands) of miles away with sanitary facilities, housing, medical, recreational and other ancillary facilities? Would it not have been easier to just “eliminate” them without going through all of this trouble? Why would they expend massive effort on logistical movement utilizing their limited energy resources if the goal was extermination? Things do not "add up"...
Something BIG “stinks” in this whole jewish “holocaust ™” deal. It is no secret that jewish Zionists made “deals” with the German government in order to make life “uncomfortable” for jewish Germans.
The establishment of a “homeland” along with the 6,000,000 figure was a Zionist “dream” since the 1800s. What better way to encourage “emigration” to a foreign land than to make things difficult for the “cream of German society” (jews)?? The TRUTH about the so-called jewish “holocaust ™” is out . . .
96 Year Old Convicted
This poor old fellow surely had little rank ,or responsibility. A true SS man would know the Jews. They, as a" Chosen People " of an exclusive " jealous " hate commanding tribal " God " only practice revenge. They know not forgiveness, or mercy . Revenge is quality they are ordered to have . The eternal Jew is in perpetual war , until ALL Gentiles culture ,people economies falls them. Making an old man ,despite his begging ,and pleading go to prison at 96 is simply how the Jews are . Of course as with Christ's crucifixion : " Better one man die then an entire nation " Chief High Priest Caiphus . They hide behind Gentile government to do their bidding . " May the blood of this man be on us and our children forever ". Groning a mere clerk , is the latest example of people great ,and humble ,in mass or individuals who suffered the Jews . To bad he doesn't get it himself.
"WHY would they build “camps”
"WHY would they build “camps” hundreds (if not thousands) of miles away with sanitary facilities, housing, medical, recreational and other ancillary facilities? Would it not have been easier to just “eliminate” them without going through all of this trouble?"Indeed.
"I don't personally feel too
"I don't personally feel too sorry for Herr Groening because he willingly, stupidly confessed to knowledge he didn't have, "
Don't be so quick to judge. The man is 96 years old for God's sake, he probably has alzheimers or dementia at his age. He is probably highly vulnerable to being bullied and manipulated at his age. Unfortunately I think there will be more cases like this as time goes on.
You are wrong
Groening was easy pickings because he is so guilty. If he had alzheimers or dementia they would not be able to put him in prison. He went along with them 100%. However, the establishment are still even worse.
In that case, he is just as
In that case, he is just as bad as the criminal Jews and traitorous non-Jews who are promoting the holocaust fraud.
96 years...
The man is 96 years old...
Yes, but he opposed the "Holo deniers" (Thies Christophersen, for example) already 30 years ago →
And so I wonder if he is a German at all...
Thanks very much for chiming
Thanks very much for chiming in here. I changed the image to one from your website. We can be sure no one in the mainstream media will show these pictures of Gröning.
I think he is (has been) confused about just what "holocaust deniers" actually say. But it's also good to know that the words "gas chamber" have been put into his mouth. He's just a cowardly type of German - too ready to denounce his own for the sake of some moral stance.
Carolyn, I thank YOU for your
Carolyn, I thank YOU for your restless work!... and for the "cooperation" (picture above) //; =)
So sad
It's so sad to see Germany enforcing such pathetic laws to keep the holohoax at all cost...Can't imagine the suffering of the patriot germans that knows the truth.
@Carolyn: I'm sending links
@Carolyn: I'm sending links to your website to family and friends in Europe. Is your website being blocked in Germany and anywhere else in Europe that you know of?
Thanks Andrew
Some people there read it but I don't know whether in some places it might be blocked. Just try it and see. I'd be interested to know if they run into a problem.
How jews Operate
Once this guy passes on, they'll probably put his grandchildren on trial for merely carrying his bloodline. This is how jews operate, folks. They never forgive and they never forget... even if it is all entirely fiction. Just look at how they - as a cohesive hive - STILL carry on about the Leo Frank/Mary Phagan murder trial from over 100 years ago. The slimy little bastard was guilty as sin... and 13 separate courts sustained the verdict against him - and yet, the jews - to this day - say he was innocent. Their chutzpah is breathtaking as much as it is vile.
Just as every one of their holidays celebrates a mass murder of their enemies, you can bet that a new one is on the horizon which will celebrate the vanguishing of the National Socialists. I know it hurts to do so, but just try to imagine this never-ending vindictive mindset. Unbelieveable.
"Once this guy passes on,
"Once this guy passes on, they'll probably put his grandchildren on trial for merely carrying his bloodline."
I think it is happening now to the same effect. Germany is still paying reparations to Israel I believe.
At his age you have to expect
At his age you have to expect death every day.
I would prefer to tell the truth so that I can die in peace - at home, in prison or anywhere else. When I'm at peace with my conscience, it does not matter where I die. Gröning apparently has other preferences...
Groening challenges 4-year sentence!
Groening's lawyer has challenged the four-year prison sentence given to his client in 2015, arguing that imprisonment would violate his right to life. He's taking it to Germany's Constitutional Court to decide that question..
Lawyer Hans Holtermann said that an expert had concluded that Groening was not fit enough to be imprisoned.
Let's remember that he did not kill anyone himself while working at the camp in Poland, and is not accused of doing so. But a court convicted him in 2015 of aiding and abetting mass murder because he sorted banknotes taken from arriving Jews!!
It is also a lie that these Jews were killed in Auschwitz rather than being sent to other camps to work.
Groening off to prison
Germany's highest Constitutional Court (misnamed, since Germany. has no constitution) has refused Groening's appeal based on "right to life." Story here.
He's going to a prison in Lower Saxony, far from his home and family, specially outfitted for elderly prisoners. That's funny. As soon as he has any health problems that can't be taken care of there, he'll be released, they say. It's all show, for the legal system in Germany to save face.