Have a merry Christmas and a great New Year!
Wishing all my readers
A Very Merry Christmas
and a prosperous and healthy
New Year!
Enjoy all your celebrations ...
I'm going to celebrate the New Year of 2018 with a new book: The Artist Within the Warlord. It will be available for sale at the beginning of January. It's been a long wait, but worth it. As are all good things. -Carolyn
Art & Culture, Historical Festivals- 303 reads
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmast Carolyn! :)
I'm looking forward to reading your recently published book from TBR. We will have to discuss in the New Year. I'm also totally outraged learning about how Trump commuted the sentence of Jewish criminal Sholom Rubashkin, who was running a criminal enterprise masquerading as a kosher meat packing plant in Iowa for years. His entire operation was staffed by illegal aliens - hundreds of them. And Trump commuted his sentence due to Jewish pressure, demonstrating once again that:
1. It is Jews who have privilege and receive special favorable treatment, not Whites.
2. Jews basically control American society, and get any and every thing they want, even if it's illegal and scandalous to any honest observer.
Unbelievable infurating Carolyn, what a disgrace!
Anyways, Merry Christmas once again to you and all readers of this great site!
Yes, looking forward to doing
Yes, looking forward to doing a podcast with you after the first of the year. Much to talk about!
Once again, with Trump and the Jews, while I didn't like seeing the story of his commutation of the disgusting Rubashkin, I don't think it's all that important in the big scheme of things. After all:
a) He's served 8 years in prison and his sentence is not wiped away - it remains on his record. It's like an act of mercy done b/c of Christmas (Hannakuh?) or end of year.
b) Many persons (not all Jews) have said R.'s sentence was too harsh and called for some redress.
c) I can't imagine R. will be able to carry on as before; maybe he will go to Israel and carry out his criminal activities from there. Whatever he does will certainly be noticed.
d) What got to me was the number of children he was reported to have, who were all clamoring for his release (a family man, you know). The large number of offspring these orthodox jews have is the greatest danger in the long term, imo. Orthodox Judaism is not compatible with our American way of life or our legal system, just as fundamentalist Islam is not. But as long as White men will not come up with a real program to defend our way of life, as Adolf Hitler did in Germany for his people (and they even join in the hate against Hitler !! eg. Richard Spencer, Kevin MacDonald, Jared Taylor, Greg Johnson, etc. I've heard them all specify it), these aliens will continue to receive their special benefits.
Happy Christmas to you too,
Happy Christmas to you too, Ms Yaeger! May be next year be better for all of us out there...
Thank you
Hi Quex,
Haven't heard from you in awhile. I also hope 2018 will be a better year, but I think 2017 was a great year, considering what went before. Politically, many things went my way (our way) both in the USA and in Europe. I think we "won" in 2017. Do you disagree?
Among other things, I hope we
Among other things, I hope we will see more of this:
EU in a panic after Swiss immigration vote:
Old news
Are you aware this is from 2014?
Yes, but that was an example.
Yes, but that was an example.
A Merry Christmas to you, Carolyn, followed by a Wonderful and Prosperous 2018!
Our present world needs more people like you as I consider you to be a fine, dedicated, courageous and sincere person :-)
Joyeux Noël et Bonne et Heureuse Année! ;-)
One of your faithful readers in Canada.
Merry Christmas and Happy New
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Mrs. Yeager.
Thank you for your blog and website. Your work is greatly appreciated.
Happy New Year:
You are a treasure.