NSU “terror trial” limps to a close with predictable results
Wolfgang Stahl, Anja Sturm and Wolfgang Heer with their client in April 2013, whom they represented, for better and for worse, through thick and thin, for almost 7 years, and they aren't done yet.
By Carolyn Yeager
THE LIE AT THE BASE OF THE FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GERMANY infects everything about it and thereby poisons especially its system of justice. Everything is political in this captive nation—even 'justice' has to follow the politically correct script.
After a five-year trial (a 7 year investigation), at the end of which nothing was proven for certain without the voluntary written testimony given by main defendant Beate Zschäpe—in opposition to her lawyers' counsel—the verdict is so predictable.
Zschäpe was found guilty of the murder of all 9 “foreign citizens,” plus all the bombings and robberies – even though she wasn't present at any—and given a life sentence.
Head judge Manfred Goetzl told the packed courtroom that all three members of the NSU had resolved to carry out "ideologically-motivated attacks" and kill foreign citizens, and had planned the murders together. He emphasized that the attacks could only have succeeded if all three members had thoroughly planned and prepared all the acts in advance, rejecting Zschäpe's defense that she had only found out about them afterwards.
As I see it, there is no evidence for that. It is a supposition, the way the judges have spun the narrative so they could punish a living person for the murders (to satisfy the Turks, who are, however, not satisfied). He also concluded that it could not have happened without neo-Nazi networks throughout the country. But they never demonstrated a single one, only individuals with connections to the domestic security agency (Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz or Bfv) in some way.
Judge Goetzl added that Zschäpe had played a "special role" in creating a "harmless legend" for the outside world, while the two now-dead male members of the group had carried out the attacks. So he admits she did not take an active part.
Zschäpe's attorney Wolfgang Heer said afterwards that his client would lodge an appeal, calling the conviction "legally flawed." Der Spiegel quotes him as arguing:
"Ms. Zschäpe did not plan any murders, she did not get any guns, she did not participate in the deeds. She was not even close to even a crime scene and has not controlled the crimes of Mundlos and Böhnhardt from the kitchen table.”
Zschäpe was to be condemned, said Heer, only for simple arson, which “is all that remains of the prosecutor's charge."
The other defendants, Ralf Wohlleben, Holger Gerlach and Carsten Schultze were also given prison terms for 'assisting' the NSU – of 10 years and 3 years respectively. Wohlleben, who procured a gun for Schultze, has already been confined 7 years (!), so therefore can look forward to his release in the not too distant future. Schultze handed the gun to the men. Gerlach gave his birth certificate and other ID to friend Uwe Mundlos.
What it comes down to is that keeping the founding story of the Federal Republic of Germany intact [the anti-Hitler and Nazi Holocaust story, I mean] is worth ruining the lives of innumerable German nationals who see it differently. But real democracy for Germany? Forget about it.
Beate Zschäpe- 440 reads
From my email
Dear Carolyn Yeager,
Thank you for this curiosity of German injustice. I must admit, I do not follow the petty politically correct inadequacies of Germany's lunatically-frantic fanaticism of their absolutely corrupted justice system. I read only short articles of the perverted trials relating to the late honourable Ernst Zundel and Sylvia Stolz and others.
The name of Beate Zschäpe was new to me, so I checked the Wiki article on her. Her voluntary surrender to the cop-thug system was clear evidence of her innocence. Any intelligent person would logically be aware of and conclude that if she was a member of the murder group, she would have gone into hiding and evaded arrest.
Thus, all judges presiding over such witch-hunt trials take orders from and are controlled by a government agency specifically established for the task.
Phillip D.
Germany goes farther down while the US is waiting in the wings
This article underscores what lies in waiting for the US. One can trace back to the seminal event that led to destruction of our judicial system, I am not sure what the precipitating event was that started the cataclysmic rot that now infests our so-called system of justice. The current hearings occurring in Congress are case in point. At the end of this debacle, we'll see some von der Lubbe get the royal shaft for being the catalytic event in our downfall. Yeah, sure. In the meantime, the criminals will refuse to testify and we'll get nowhere. It's an ugly scenario to see, I never thought I'd live to see such travesties.
I take it you're referring to the Strzok-Page hearings. I watched just about the whole thing yesterday. So revealing. For me it's not about who gets punished, but what is being exposed that has always been going on! When they say this has never happened before, don't believe it, that's just the same old PC denialism.
Because of the high-tech instant communication we have today, people expose themselves in lax moments, and once it's out it can't be taken back. Therefore, the average man/woman is learning things they never knew. The bubble gets burst. The FBI has always been corrupt.
I think the extremism we're experiencing now is because the "silent majority" has finally risen up. They found a powerful champion in Donald Trump, causing a life-or-death reaction from the Left. The Left, being the true Authoritarian rule that can't tolerate any dissent, was taken by surprise, it seems, and is reacting impulsively, not intelligently. We should be grateful for what is happening and charge ahead boldly. This is a rare opportunity that we better not miss.
Masses have arisen?
Personally, from what I see and read, Americans are still not well informed as to what is currently rotting our nation from within. The propaganda effrontery keeps them quiescent, they are not vocal because they have poor data bases. I am not pleased at what I see and hear. Americans.....erwache!
Not "masses"
I never said "masses," did I? The "silent majority" is known to be the White middle class. I think they have been awakened to the threat against them. We'll see in the upcoming midterm election.
You are very vague in both your comments, not ever naming or saying specifically what is "currently rotting our nation from within" or the "seminal event that led to destruction of our judicial system," for example. What's in your "data base" that they don't have?
NSU "trial"
Good day Carolyn,
I've been following the NSU process since it began. Over the years I copied many reports about the case and had them disappear in my "archive". Never took the time, however, to process the information jumble properly. Also assumed that one day the truth would be revealed. But soon suspected that the NSU process (NSU = National Socialist Underground) should permanently discredit the socalled "Right" as "neo-Nazis" and silence them.
June 2013 I came across an article in Concept Veritas. I was rather sceptical at the time, but if Mrs Zschäpe is sentenced to life without evidence and the files are locked away for 120 years, then this must be an extremely important matter. If I remember correctly, the mountain of files was specified as 100,000 pages. It would be difficult to forge them for the purpose of publication.
The article, translated via DeepL:
Jewish leader Bubis was involved in building the NSU.
Winners' justice leads from Nuremberg to Munich
Painful howling at the beginning of the so-called NSU process. The NSU trial also serves to cover up the "started genocide" of the Germans!
It's as if the whole of Germany were in the dock in Munich. The Berlin victims' lawyer Mehmet Daimagüler: "There is no difference between the NSU trial and the Nuremberg war crimes trials in terms of significance.
Welt.de, 11.05.2013
The terror trial of the victors against the defeated in Nuremberg was to cripple the Germans mentally forever. They should forever internalize the victorious lies that they are descended from criminals and are themselves incurable criminal natures through the ritual injustices of their leaders. The terror convictions were supposed to turn the Germans' minds and make them believe that they could only move and move within humanity if they danced like the trained circus animals after the whip of the victors and paid for eternity. [1]
This plan presupposed that the lies of the victors would become part of the German psyche through eternal repetition and everlasting perverse increases. With the many Holocaust lies, this plan also worked very successfully for a very long time. But for some time now, these lies have only been caught in a very small circle of very ill people. With the normal contemporary, in particular with the boys, the lies bounce off meanwhile. Immunity against the Psycho-Virus Holocaust has developed, so acute action was needed. With new horrific psycho attacks, especially the young Germans were to be driven back into the hell of mental self-destruction. The so-called NSU murders were supposed to fix it.
And in this plan to again drive the Germans to mental self-destruction with new atrocity-psychological attacks, the interests of the Jewish state and those of the FRG are congruent. Both states owe their existence to these incredible lies.
It is clear today that Uwe Böhnhardt, Uwe Mundlos and Beate Zschäpe were not the perpetrators of the murders that are being attempted against them. These three simple-minded people were small intelligence agents who were only employed to undermine the systemic murders planned some time ago.
These three accused were presented at the beginning of November 2011, two of them were murdered immediately so that no more objections could be raised in public. Witnesses who saw a man fleeing from the murdered Uwe Mundlos and Uwe Böhnhardt's motor home are not allowed to testify in the NSU trial. "The'Bild' newspaper reports that witnesses have seen a third man who escaped from the motorhome where Mundlos and Böhnhardt were found dead. Supposedly a neighbour reported that a person had climbed out of the driver's cab." 2] Only Beate Zschäpe, the girlfriend of the murdered, survived because she was warned by the Ministry of the Interior on the day of the murder of Böhnhardt and Mundlos, when there were supposedly no contacts with the trio. We reported about it.
To date, there is not the slightest proof that the two murdered accused were present at any of the crime scenes. But all the murders were attended by the system's willing and very "capable" men, professionals from the secret services at home and abroad: "The'Bild' even has information that the agent was in the vicinity for a total of six murders. Contrary to previous assumptions, the official was at the scene of the crime at the time of the murder in April 2006, reports the FAZ, citing security circles. Moreover, it was openly revealed at the beginning that the perpetrators, whoever they were, were even paid for their murders of foreigners by the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution: "The accusation is that the secret services had observed the perpetrators for many years, possibly even paid without preventing their crimes. 4] So, whoever the real killers were, they were acting on behalf of the state.
It is simply not possible that three little buffoons like Böhnhard, Mundlos and Zschäpe could have carried out a series of murders like the one they were charged with without being blown up in no time. Moreover, their leaders from the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution have been in contact with them for all these years. Only secret services of the calibre of a Mossad could commit these murders without allegedly leaving the slightest trace. It is no longer a secret that "the Mossad spys and murders as unabashedly in the United States as he does in Great Britain, France or Germany. [5]
The Mossad assassination attempt on the first chancellor of the FRG, Konrad Adenauer, also had to be kept secret. Adenauer was even forced to let the perpetrators go. "On March 27, 1952 at 6.20 p.m., the parcel bomb addressed to Chancellor Konrad Adenauer exploded in Munich's police headquarters. Deadly hit, the blaster Karl Reichert collapsed. ... The'old man' himself wasted two and a half lines on the assassination attempt in the second volume of his memoirs on page 134. ... Adenauer was personally informed about the investigation - and he would have stopped it personally if necessary.... The Chancellor was not interested in a'search success'. And so the case disappeared - by news blackout - - from the headlines, the file in the archives and Josef Kronstein probably to Israel." [6]
The surviving Zschäpe is to serve as an instrument in a show trial to drive the Germans back into self-destruction delirium with new psychic recriminations. At the start of the trial against Beate Zschäpe and Ralf Wohlleben in Munich on May 6, 2013, the system press puked out hatred against the young woman. The lobby servants were eager to see an externally dirty, physically run-down, "with a picture of right-wing violence, marked by Nazi grimaces and combat boots and bomber jackets" presented in the courtroom, who apologizes to the victims' relatives in false remorse in the hope of promised mitigation. That would have saved the system. Then this: "When Zschäpe now appeared before her judge in Munich, she did not appear ashamed or frightened, but strolled over a catwalk into the flurry of flashbulbs. …" [7]
This was too much for the fighting hen Hannelore Crolly, who was employed by the Israel-friendly WELT, since "comrades-in-arms in the right-wing scene are often not only appendages or subtle ambassadresses of an extreme ideology, but often also radical perpetrators". The proof that Mrs. Zschäpe planned the so-called NSU murders and executed them with the Böhnhardt and Mundlos who were later murdered is thus provided for Mrs. Crolly by the fact that "comrades are not only ideological ambassadors". This assessment should therefore suffice in the Federal Republic of Germany as proof of the murders charged against Mrs. Zschäpe. This "proof of guilt" also applies to Mrs Crolly when she has to admit that "Beate Zschäpe herself has never been seen at the crime scenes". [8]
So why should Mrs Zschäpe be ashamed in the courtroom, since nothing reprehensible could be proved against her? Again: Zschäpe, like the two murdered accused, had never been to one of the crime scenes, but the young woman is to be locked up for life for "complicity" in 10 secret service murders, followed by preventive detention.
The situation is quite different for Carsten Schulze, a civil servant, who is a witness built up by the system. According to the gay secret agent, he allegedly got the weapon he bought from a Swiss man and then handed over Zschäpe, Mundlos and Böhnhardt. Switzerland closed the investigation against the alleged arms seller and the court in Munich does not allow this man's testimony as a witness.
Carsten Schulze's friend, Carsten Szczepanski, who has also made a great contribution to the System-NSU, is a convicted murderer of foreigners (his victim survived seriously injured). At the time, by order of the highest authority, he was spared from detention and brought into the secret service. He was even chauffeured to so-called extremist meetings in state vehicles. "S. was sentenced to many years in prison in 1995 for attempted murder of a Nigerian, but was nevertheless led as a source by the Brandenburg Office for the Protection of the Constitution and even chauffeured to neo-Nazi meetings as an outlaw. So he was set up for a great blow in intelligence at the time.
"Shouldn't a ban also apply to other organizations, such as the Central Council of Jews in Germany, which publicly demands support for racism and targeted killings in Israel?"
asked the online magazine "Telepolis" quoting
Welt.de, 11.05.2013
So why should Mrs Zschäpe be ashamed in the courtroom, since nothing reprehensible could be proved against her? Again: Zschäpe, like the two murdered accused, had never been to one of the crime scenes, but the young woman is to be locked up for life for "complicity" in 10 secret service murders, followed by preventive detention.
The situation is quite different for Carsten Schulze, a civil servant, who is a witness built up by the system. According to the gay secret agent, he allegedly got the weapon he bought from a Swiss man and then handed over Zschäpe, Mundlos and Böhnhardt. Switzerland closed the investigation against the alleged arms seller and the court in Munich does not allow this man's testimony as a witness.
Carsten Schulze's friend, Carsten Szczepanski, who has also made a great contribution to the System-NSU, is a convicted murderer of foreigners (his victim survived seriously injured). At the time, by order of the highest authority, he was spared from detention and brought into the secret service. He was even chauffeured to so-called extremist meetings in state vehicles. "S. was sentenced to many years in prison in 1995 for attempted murder of a Nigerian, but was nevertheless led as a source by the Brandenburg Office for the Protection of the Constitution and even chauffeured to neo-Nazi meetings as an outlaw. So he was set up for a great blow in intelligence at the time.
"Shouldn't a ban also apply to other organizations, such as the Central Council of Jews in Germany, which publicly demands support for racism and targeted killings in Israel?"
asked the online magazine "Telepolis" quoting
Welt.de, 11.05.2013
But for which secret service were Carsten Schulze and Carsten Szczepanski - most likely a hired murderer - built up? And who in the FRG ordered that a convicted murderer of foreigners should at least work as an informer in the FRG system? If you know who wanted to have Carsten Szczepanski as a secret agent and ensured that he was officially appointed by the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution, then you also know which secret service the criminals ultimately had to work for: "The then Brandenburg Interior Minister Alwin Ziel from the SPD now confirmed that Ignatz Bubis of the Central Jewish Council encouraged him to appoint Carsten S. as V-man. ...'Piato', the alias of the V-man, was supposed to go to prison for eight years for the attempted murder - of a Nigerian man." [10]
Carsten Szczepanski, who, despite his conviction for attempted murder of a foreigner, was not sentenced by the then President of the Central Council of Jews to serve his sentence, but was even brought into the secret service by Bubis, is covered up in the current NSU trial by instructions "from above". And Carsten Schulze will be set free after the trial according to his statement constructed against Zschäpe. He usually receives a lifelong pension for praying down the lies the system has built up in collaboration with Mossad.
But if there is complicity in the murders, as Carsten Schulze's gun is supposed to prove, then logically this Carsten Schulze is the accomplice, because he said he was the arms supplier. The role of alien killer Carsten Szczepanski remains secret. In any case, Szczepanski is likely to have been responsible for some of the so-called NSU murders, after all, they specialized in murder, as Szczepanski's murder training on the Nigerian proves. Mrs Zschäpe, on the other hand, had neither obtained a weapon nor held a weapon in her hand and had never been to the crime scenes. Not to mention she was trying to kill someone. Nevertheless, she and not Carsten Schulze and Carsten Szczepanski are to be used as "accomplices" and locked away forever. "Carsten Schulze has confessed that he procured the weapon for the trio on behalf of Wohlleben. Carsten Schulze and Holger Gerlach cooperated with the investigators. You live in witness protection. "Your statements are intended to help condemn Zschäpe and the others." [11]
All system media, with the exception of the FAZ, demand the conviction of Ms Zschäpe, although she cannot be linked to any murder. However, the NSU files are flooded with evidence that the state officials were at the crime scenes, as reported by the system media, without drawing any compelling conclusions: "In the murder in Kassel in 2006, there was even an employee of the State Office for the Protection of the Constitution there. 12] Beate Zschäpe was thus demonstrably not at the scene of the crime in Kassel, as the writer of Mercury openly admits, but this did not prevent him from demanding a life imprisonment for her instead of for the secret service men like T. and S.
The Turks naturally want to capitalize with their background knowledge from the NSU murders, so to speak, to tackle an autonomous state on FRG soil. They keep declaring that the NSU murders were committed by the FRG. "According to Erdal Safak, editor-in-chief of'Sabah', NSU also acted with the support of government agencies." 13] Safak asked: "Will the court reveal truths or conceal them in order to protect the German state?" The Turks threatened to expose the truth about the NSU murders if their demands were not met, one member of the upper Turkish leadership in Germany wanted to know. In addition, the chairman of the Turkish community in the Federal Republic of Germany, Kenan Kolat, is completely satisfied with the Turks taking land in the Federal Republic of Germany that the Turks "mass slaughter" the Germans or that the "genocide of Germans has begun". The internationally renowned writer Akif Pirinçci, son of immigrant Turks, confirmed not only on television (NDR), but also in writing that the enrichers began with the "slaughter and genocide of Germans". [14]
If there are accomplices in the NSU murders, then Mrs Zschäpe is not one of them who should play the pawn sacrifice. The perpetrators, but most likely perpetrators, were logically at least Carsten Schulze and the constitutional protection officer T. The secret service man T. from the Hessian Office for the Protection of the Constitution had been in the Internet Café in Kassel, where the young Turk Halit Yozgat was shot. The video recordings also clearly show that neither the murdered accused (Böhnhardt and Mundlos) nor Mrs Zschäpe were at the scene. Moreover, the civil servant T. had traces of gun smoke on his clothes, which according to criminal technology only the perpetrator can have on his clothes or body. "On April 6, 2006, T. was sitting in an Internet café in Kassel. He surfed on the site www.ilove.de. At 5:01, he turned off the computer. He wanted to pay, didn't find the boss, put a 50-cent piece on the counter and left. A little later, the café boss was dead. 21-year-old Halit Yozgat died from two shots fired from a Ceska 83, the weapon of NSU terrorists. For the police, the sports shooter T. was one of the early suspects. Much spoke against the then 39-year-old: He hadn't volunteered as a witness, he owned firearms, there were traces of gun smoke on one of his coats." [15]
"Munich's trial is no longer about the main thing, the personal guilt of the defendants... It would be a win if in the end it is clear who exactly murdered and bombed and who helped."
WAZ, quoted in FAZ, 08.05.2013, p. 2
The foreign joint plaintiffs could bring down the system's building of lies immediately, but they would probably opt for benefits, hush money and other advantages instead of demanding the truth.
The hatred of the lobby media is all the greater that Mrs Zschäpe's public defenders have so far refused to publicly declare that Mrs Zschäpe had participated in the crimes. A certain Georg M. Oswald, who trades as a writer and lawyer, could not calm down at all that Zschäpe's lawyers have not yet fallen over and are not yet marching with the system. "According to Oswald, "Geir Lippestad, the defender of Anders Breivik, knew how to draw a clear line between his client's views and his own in his public statements". Oswald complains that Mrs Zschäpe's lawyers did not convict her client before the trial began, as Geir Lippestad did with Breivik. Oswald, whipped by hatred, writes: "The faces of those depicted are serious, but by no means intimidated, but determined. "You look like a conspiratorial team that won't be intimidated by even the biggest cases." 16] This suggests that Beate Zschäpe is a mass murderer like Breivik.
Breivik was the murderer at the scene, that is known, confessed and proven. Mrs. Zschäpe had not been to any proven extent at any crime scene, quite contrary to the civil servants like the Bubis man Carsten Szczepanski, who was in possession of the murder weapon. So why should lawyers with honour and decency pronounce such a client guilty before the trial begins, as demanded of the "lawyer" Oswald? And so Oswald screamed literarily even louder. He accused the lawyers of being mentally foreign murderers because their names were like "key terms of Nazi propaganda". Namely "Army, Steel and Storm". Seriously, Oswald lied that Zschäpe had chosen the three lawyers for their last names: "The names army, storm and steel are no coincidence. With such tricks, rights mock democracy." And in the following sentence the system monster confesses without blushing that it only looks as if Mrs. Zschäpe had chosen the lawyers for her names, but by then the accusation was already made and internalized for the average citizen. Oswald: "The names of the three defenders, Army, Steel, Storm, read as if Mrs. Zschäpe had chosen them to provoke. Of course that can't be proven." 17] In Oswald's entire article it is constantly alleged that Ms Zschäpe chose the lawyers solely for their surnames, and the lawyers themselves would therefore have to resign from the defence because of their names.
Of course Mrs. Zschäpe had no influence on the selection of her public defenders, because public defenders are appointed by the court. "Beate Zschäpe's attorneys are appointed public defenders. Wolfgang Heer, Wolfgang Stahl and Anja Sturm." [18]
If these young lawyers take their office seriously and cannot be bought by the system, they will bring down this show trial. Finally, they can prove that the defendant was not involved in any crime scene or any crime planning. And they might as well prove that the policewoman Kiesewetter was shot dead with the NSU murder weapon by the Turkish Melvüt Kar, who works as a BND agent (DIA report). They can also prove that the secret agent T. of the Hessian Office for the Protection of the Constitution was on the Internet café of the murdered Turk Yozgat at the time of the crime, and also had traces of gun smoke from the murder weapon on his clothes. And they can prove that at the time of the nail-bomb explosion in Cologne only civil servants were at the scene of the crime, but not the accused: "Shredded files, V-men who were frighteningly close to the NSU - in the investigation of the right-wing extremist terror trio, breakdown follows breakdown. According to a media report, the security authorities must now face further serious accusations. Immediately after the nail bomb attack by the National Socialist Underground (NSU) in Cologne's Keupstraße nine years ago, two police officers were on the scene, according to a media report. This was confirmed by the North Rhine-Westphalian Ministry of the Interior on ZDF television. In a letter, the ministry even mentions the names of the two local officials." 19] The court will of course prohibit these facts as evidence, a corresponding instruction from Israel should already exist. But officially rejecting this evidence is just as good in the sense of the system's surface as admitting the evidence. Zschäpe will either morally confirm her innocence, or even legally if the lawyers file the petitions for evidence.
If the young lawyers can't keep up with their professional ethos and an innocent woman is locked away forever for a cruel political-educational system plan, they could actually shake the system. Perhaps they are also aware of the fate of the honourable Israeli lawyer Dov Eitan, who heroically defended the innocent John Demjanjuk in a bloodthirsty Jewish state. Demjanjuk was extradited to Israel by the USA because he was alleged to have murdered masses of Jews in Treblinka. As evidence of his perpetration, a forged ID was brought in. Dov Eitan exposed the ID as a forgery and Demjanjuk could not prove any crime even with the greatest efforts of the Israeli court. He was acquitted, and that in Israel. However, Dov Eitan did not survive his courage of his convictions, accompanied by the clarification of the case. "He jumped from a 15-storey skyscraper",[20] it was said succinctly in the media.
The same court, which is also conducting the NSU trial, reserved the right to convict Demjanjuk, who had previously been acquitted in Israel, as almost 90 years in life imprisonment. Since Jewish circles could not dare a new trial against Demjanjuk in Israel, but so-called Nazi criminals must be constantly produced for the psychological destruction of the Germans, the FRG had to do the legal-human dirty work against Demjanjuk as an Israeli branch. If this doesn't remind us of the current NSU process. An innocent woman should "hang", but the NSU accomplices built up by the Central Council of Jews and employed by Mossad are presented to the stultified world as "innocent" witnesses.
The seriously ill old Demjanjuk did not survive the horror imposed on him by the Munich court, whether Beate Zschäpe will survive the secret service spectacle in court form remains to be seen. In any case, they took Ms Zschäpe to the very court that had already destroyed the seriously ill 90-year-old Demjanjuk, the Munich Higher Regional Court. Will Mrs Zschäpe's lawyers stand up to the fate of her noble Israeli colleague Dov Eitan in Munich?
One thing is certain: Mrs. Zschäpe is no longer an accomplice after objective evidence, she had not been to any of the crime scenes. The secret service people of Mossad and the Office for the Protection of the Constitution, on the other hand, who were always at the crime scenes, must themselves have been the perpetrators, or they covered up for other perpetrators. Then they were at least the real accomplices, but not Beate Zschäpe.
1 See IMT: The Civilisation Break of Nuremberg, Concept Veritas
2 World, 15.11.2011, p. 5
3 World.de, 14.11.2011
4 World, 15.11.2011, 'p. 5
5 FAZ editor Udo Ulfkotte in his book Verschlußsache BND, Koehler & Amelang (FAZ)-Verlag, Munich 1997, p. 70 ff.
6 Focus - 28/2003, p. 46
7 World.com, 06.05.2013
8 World.com, 06.05.2013
9 The Mirror, 19/06.05.2013, p. 39
10 Hajo Funke, Professor of Political Science at the Otto Suhr Institute of Freie Universität Berlin, hajofunke.wordpress.com, 29.04.2013
11 Munich Mercury, 4/5 May 2013, p. 3
12 Munich Mercury, 4/5 May 2013, p. 3
13 FAZ, 08.05.2013, P. 31
14 radiobremen.de, April 6, 2013
15 Focus 28/09/07/2012, p. 47
16 World.com, 06.05.2013
17 World.com, 06.05.2013
18 FAZ.de, 05.05.2013
19 N-tv.de, 07.04.2013
20 AP, 29.11.1988
Source: <http://concept-veritas.com/nj/13de/verfolgungen/von_nuremberg_to_muenchen.htm>