Jan. 6, the Holocaust and the New Year
The huge crowd attending President Trump's speech gathered peacefully in front of the Capitol building as the House & Senate were in session. Some elements of the great throng urged participants to storm and enter the building, while the majority had no idea that was even happening.
by Carolyn Yeager
I HAD LOOKED FORWARD TO WRITNG A NEW YEAR POST on New Year's Day because I love the New Year time and the opportunity to make some “resolutions” (which I have every intention to follow, not just for fun). But on January 1st I felt what I had to say would not be of enough importance to readers, so I waited. Now the Jan. 6th anniversary has given me an opportunity to make some predictions.
I predict the continuing Jan. 6 "investigation" and trials, along with the midterm elections taking place in November, will be the top political stories this year. The Democrats will try to play up the first and play down the second, while the Republicans will do the opposite.
As I see it, the lying Left is trying to turn this Jan 6 'happening' [if any planning was involved, more of it came from the FBI] into no less than a modern version of the “Holocaust”! They want to use it to irreparably tarnish a rival political regime, it's popular and successful (therefore feared) leader, the main goal being to prevent his return to power. They're going all out on the lie, with full media backing, that the intent on last Jan. 6 was to “bring down” the entire US government, delegitimize the “will” of the American people, and install some fascist, one-party rule with the power-hungry Donald Trump family at its head.
Appearing on a panel discussion with Liz Cheney Thursday on MSNBC, history professor Douglas Brinkley noted that "we have film footage of [what] happened on January 6th, and we have proof. Dwight Eisenhower during World War II, made sure all the Holocaust camps were filmed. [Not historically accurate.-cy] So we've got the film footage, so we're combating the conspiracy theorists, deniers and some, you know, Trumpeteers."
Are you a January 6th denier? Or maybe a minimizer?
Brinkley said, “history will judge those who attempted to minimize the violence that took place during the peaceful transition of power” and praised Cheney as "brave" and a "true profile in courage" for bucking the rest of her party, even comparing her to "brave Republicans" like Abraham Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt and John McCain.
Can the Democrat party possibly have any success with that? I've thought not, but one has to admit it's been done before so could feasibly be done again.
I still support Trump as the best choice for Republican presidential nominee in 2024. I'm glad he's staying in the fight and holding to the truth. I think he realizes how crucial it is. The left will never stop in its campaign to totally destroy him and everything to do with him. It's exactly as they did and do to Adolf Hitler. There would never be the slightest crumb of acceptance again! Trump won't go so far as to compare and/or link together media censorship now with media censorship and bold-on-their-face lies that were every bit in evidence during and following all America's wars, including WWII. But then, neither will anyone else so it's a moot point for me. However, as I can identify the big-media lies throughout history, I would love to see some public voices begin to point a few out. Does anyone believe the Democrats have just begun to lie about history in 2021? I can always hope that a little more truth will come out, that a few more honest political figures will emerge in the midterms when the opportunity will certainly be there. [My candidate for most honest politician currently serving is Senator Ron Johnson of Wisconsin--'Mr. Blue Eyes'. And he's decided to run for a third term. In his case, that's good.]
In his Thursday morning speech, Biden urged Americans to
"remember together that we are one nation, under God, indivisible, and that today and tomorrow and forever, at our best, we are the United States of America."
Apart from the fact that the second sentence doesn't make complete sense to me, we are not “one nation under God, indivisible.” Those are only words, and perhaps aspirations. This nation has been divided ever since the Civil War, and on purpose since the 1965 immigration law was passed 100 years later. Under Democrats.
Biden also condemned Southern Confederates:
“The Bible tells us that we shall know the truth, and the truth shall make us free. We shall know the truth.
Well, here is the God's truth about January 6, 2021:
Close your eyes. Go back to that day. What do you see? Rioters rampaging, waving for the first time inside this Capitol a Confederate flag that symbolized the cause to destroy America, to rip us apart.
Even during the Civil War, that never, ever happened. But it happened here in 2021.”
So the appearance of a flag, born and flown only in America for a large segment of Americans who were not wanting to take over the rest of the country but only to assert their constitutional rights & interests, is considered a symbol of treason because those carrying it lost to the wealthier side. This is what Joe Biden is promoting. The media doesn't tell the truth about the Civil War either. According to them, every war was fought for reasons that suit their current political agenda, not for the real, usually economic, reasons.
Kamala Harris, in her speech, compared Jan. 6 to Pearl Harbor and 9/11 [both of which were encouraged or allowed by the Deep State, by the way]. Can delusion get any deeper?
Thus I think this year of 2022 will be devoted to these questions, and these answers. How will it end? I think I have a pretty good idea and will be surprised if I'm wrong. I'm looking for a happy ending. I think we all should. It would help. [Edited on 1-9-22]
Donald Trump, Holocaust Industry Exposed, US elections- 1040 reads
Veteran producer Tara Henley, who resigned from the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation this week after claiming the network abandoned journalistic integrity to embrace "a radical political agenda," has noticed similar problems at American news organizations. [...]
What does this have to do
What does this have to do with the Holocaust???
Well, that's the point.
Well, that's the point. Douglas Brinkley brings it up as though the two events are representative of something similar, but of course doesn't say what because there is nothing that connects them. I'm left to explain why he does this. Kamala Harris does the same with likening the day to 9/11 and Pearl Harbor. It's their attempt to give people a reason to accept it was a disastrous day for America.
I Should Point Out That....
I should point out that there were agreements made by both sides after the civil war ended that ALL Confederate soldiers would be given U.S. military veteran status, and be entitled to the same honor, dignity, widow benefits, etc. as any other veteran.
By making Confederates out to be the "Bad Guys," Joe Biden is not living up to the proper standard it was agreed they deserve, and that is putting it mildly without getting into a debate on whether he is a "Traitor" or not.
On a side note, I get a kick out of this whole Ray Epps thing. They want us to believe that Mr. Epps is not a Fed of some sort simply because he said so, ( Anyone remember Hal Turner? ) and was removed from the FBI most wanted list and never charged with anything because he committed no crime since even though he demanded others enter the Capitol, ( Protected Free Speech ) he did not himself enter. And yet, President Trump committed the crime of the century by telling people to go down there and "peacefully protest."
'Artist within the Warlord'
Hi Carolyn
My copy of 'Artist within the Warlord' arrived the other week and I've nearly finished it. I'll write a detailed review of it later, but for now I'll say that to judge by the photo you've included, Karl Brandt bears an amazing resemblance to actor Joseph Fiennes, LOL.
I downloaded a PDF copy of the book some time ago, skimmed it but didn't read it - I'm growing old, my eyes aren't what they used to be, and I don't enjoy reading books on a computer screen any more.
What was your intention in publishing the book - did you intend it to be something that would set people straight about Hitler and maybe 'redpill' the 'normies' (to use Alt Right parlance)? I suspect that you and Herr Kreissmann aimed at that, given the portions you both wrote on Suvorov, Guernica, etc. I once praised Wear's book (although you disagreed with my estimation!) for being a good introduction for 'normies', to instruct raw recruits; that is, one could give it to the average conservative or libertarian to read so as to give them an introduction to historical truth.
A lot of people at Unz.Org - that slum - could use 'Artist-' as they have so many half-baked notions about Hitler despite their being 'based' and 'red-pilled' (or believing that they are).
In Giesler, we meet with a pensive Hitler, not the jovial Hitler of Table Talk; as Bormann tells Giesler after the July 1944 bomb plot, Hitler now is 'permanently worrying'. Quite a lot of Giesler is devoted to the July 1944 plotters, and it's interesting to note (and this is something you've touched upon before) that the Bundeswehr looks to them as role models; the brilliant generals of WWI and WWII are considered to be untouchables and can't be learned from. What a sorry army the Bundeswehr is!
I found Giesler's comments on Russian expansionism interesting - and extremely relevant, see the present tensions in Ukraine.
Hi David
Always a pleasure to hear from you.
What was your intention in publishing the book?
The only intention was to make Hermann Giesler's honorable recounting of the time he spent with Adolf Hitler one-on-one available to the greatest number of interested people. We both agreed that Giesler is a reliable scribe, and Hitler clearly trusted him as a friend. I don't know if any “normies” will ever read the book, but I can certainly hope so. It's a nice thought.
The reason for our additional short articles was to give background information on some of what was referred to that readers were likely to not be terribly familiar with. In the magazine layouts, it added visual interest and increased the number of pages! Paul Angel was all for that. I think what we wrote was helpful, not a distraction. In the book, we tried to make that extra clear by shading the pages that were by us, as well as using our bylines.
Jovial Hitler
Do you consider Hitler “jovial” in Table Talk? I see him as always pretty serious, and had plenty to worry about. Naturally at meal time, there was a lighter mood and some jesting, that is true. And then he told stories too. I think there's truth to what you say because he did use Giesler as someone to confide in and to express his worries & difficulties to. Yes, you're right. Giesler accepted that role, proving what a good friend he really was.
Giesler was at headquarters for an especially long time after the July '44 assassination plot, and was given a lot of information from Bormann, at Hitler's express request. That's why he devoted so many pages to it. I'm glad he did, for my best knowledge/understanding about these Prussian aristocratic military officers & generals comes from him.
Some people think the book is mis-titled, but Willi and I chose that together after much deliberation because of our conviction that Hitler was deeply an artist in his nature, even though it's true Giesler doesn't spend too much time on that in the part we translated. The cover image depicts Hitler sketching an architectural detail for Albert Speer (we took Speer out of the picture). Of course, people don't know that; he could be just writing something so it's not very explanatory. But the designer in me liked the dramatic composition it created. I actually now wish we had used what Willi and I had originally decided on; it was plain, and not actually ideal, but more in keeping with the spirit of the title and with a translation.
It might have attracted more "normies" too. You'll find that image on the inside, facing the Preface.
Hitler Not a Jew
I was listening to youtuber BJ Grey of Bad Faith talk about the Whoopie Goldberg scandal that Jews are not a race. Jews are up the wall, claiming, they are a race.
I see this as the Jews trying to steal black thunder during Black History Month and make blacks think about Jews, while Whoopie-Cushion Goldberg has to sit in the corner for two weeks. Once she comes out of pergatory, she will take about it again for the rest of the month. That means black history month is, effectively, cancelled.
In any case, BJ Grey recycled the claim that Hitler was Jewish. It occurred to me that:
[1] The same faction that claims that Hitler was Jewish, also claims that Hitler had one testicle.
[2] If they know that Hitler had one testicle, they would certainly know whether Hitler was penis-maimed, since all Jews, crypto- or not, would be penis-maimed.
[3] No faction has ever claimed that Hitler was penis-maimed.
That is in Hitler's favor that he was always 100% pure German.