Happy New Year to my dear readers and listeners
It's here!
And we're back.
Tonight at 7pm Central on Blog Talk:
Hitler's Table Talk - Episode 40
See you then,
Carolyn & Ray
The pig is a symbol of luck to the Germans. Notice the four leaf clovers. They have an expression “ich habe Schwein gehabt” which translates as “I have had a pig”, culturally understood to mean, “I’ve been lucky”.
Here's the pig again, this time in better company.
Wishing you wealth, health and happiness in the new year 2015.
Pending- 595 reads
We love your shows & M.C. to U
We love you and Ray's readings and look forward to the New Year with the continuance of them. BTW, do you and he know about this site called "Justice for Germans"?? >> http://justice4germans.com/
Have a wonderul time off during this Season of Winter-Solstice
John R.
Thanks John
Yes, Ray and I are both familiar with Justice4Germans. This recent post, http://justice4germans.com/2014/12/17/86-year-old-german-woman-lays-char..., about Ursula Haverbeck, is a good one that I highly recommend.
But I just now got a shock by learning there that Hans Krampe has died. I was the first one to have Hans on a radio program. He was on several programs with me, which is how he became known by others. But he was a long-time friend and neighbor to Arthur Topham in B.C. Canada, and a partner/writer for Arthur's newspaper, The Radical.
Pegida Christmas song
Dresden Pegida sing Silent Night Holy Night, which was first published in Dresden in 1833 and has been translated into 300 languages and dialects, according to the speaker. The performance is uncoordinated, but it is grass roots and brought tears to my eyes.
The Christian Science Monitor (which I USED TO think of as less biased) has an article on it by Rachel Stern. http://news.yahoo.com/dresdens-anti-islam-protests-rooted-germanys-east-... No pictures. Just from this news story one can see that the multicultural, race-mixing agenda is total ... as in Total War. It's an all-out assault.
It says last night's crowd was 17,500 and then this:
Same old story - we're blaming migrants for our own insecurities. We are at fault, while migrants are somehow superior people.
Merkel has been repeating over and over that "Germany needs immigrants" ... seemingly from anywhere and of any type. It's just that East Germans were never as brainwashed along these lines as in the West. They were never put through the extreme guilt and shame trip that those in the West were. But the dirty jews are working on it.
Immigrants are getting scared?
I saw this in Aljazeera about last Monday's march:
YEA, that's what we want!
Immigration needs to stop period
People who make such remarks have no love for their land or their people! The fact that they write "desperately needs them" (immigrants) is so absolutely stupid and grotesque that it defies logic. These people are really weak to allow themselves to be brainwashed so deeply as to promote their own invasion and displacement. One useful idiot I particularly cannot stand is British "comedian" Russel Brand. In this clip on he uses his soft whiney "compassion voice" to try to convince the world how much he cares:
What is really pathetic is the environmental devastation that is following this huge influx of people. Russel Brand and immigration advocates feel absolutely nothing for the natural beauty and remaining wilderness of our lands let alone the native people. "Treason" is the only way to describe it.
Hitler on treason
Listen to what Hitler has to say about traitors and how to define treason tomorrow evening on "Hitler's Table Talk" Episode 40. You'll like it!
Thousands attend anti-immigrant rally in Dresden
Lutz Bachmann, PEGIDA leader: "Germany is not a land of immigration. Integration does not mean to live beside each other, but to live together on the basis of our Christian-Jewish merits of our constitution and our German culture with its Christian-Jewish roots, determined by Christianity, humanism and clarity."
Happy Yuletide!
Yule or Yuletide ("Yule time") is a religious festival observed by the historical Germanic peoples, later undergoing Christianised reformulation resulting in, the now better known, Christmastide. The earliest references to Yule are by way of indigenous Germanic month names Ærra Jéola (Before Yule) or Jiuli and Æftera Jéola (After Yule). Scholars have connected the celebration to the Wild Hunt,
Have a Merry Christmas Carolyn and a Happy New Year. God bless.
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year! My wish for the coming year is that you and Ray would devote a show to the historiey of Don Bell, George Deatheridge, Tyler Kent and the American anti-Communist patriot movement of the pre-Civil Rights era in America. I want to hear Ray's story about the disappearance of Tyler Kent's library (which included the George Deatheridge estate) again. That one is a humdinger!
Happy New Year Carolyn
Happy New Year to you Carolyn and also fellow readers.