Deutschland, you land of loyalty!
In honor of Adolf Hitler's birthday April 20th.
This song will be played during The Heretics' Hour program which willl be devoted to a celebration of his life and thought. Join us!
Adolf Hitler, Germany, National Socialism- 363 reads
I believe that translation didn't carry the essence and meaning of the song properly. My translation below might not be perfect, and sure anyone can correct it, but at least is somewhat singable. Cheers!
Deutschland home of the faithful
Oh you my dear Homeland
Cheerfully we pledge anew
Loyally heart and hand.
Thou glory riseth sooner,
Brighten the times of want
Rejoice you German brothers
Deutschland is now awake!
Swastika banners,
Black, White and Red
Greets and reminds us,
Be faithful unto death!
Germans, be brothers,
Extend your hand!
Hail to our leader,
Hail our fatherland!
Hail to thee German proud youth,
Heirs of the coming times,
Regard your manly virtue,
Stand prepared to fight,
Heed your forefather's wisdom,
Triumphant and proven,
Then will our domain endure,
Even when the storm raves.
Hail to thee German women,
Hail thee with hearts and hand
Fighters that are faith driven
You gave the Fatherland.
Loyalty, pride, and freedom,
Our women are our luck,
Give blessings to our struggle
Then there's no going back!
All Quiet On The Western Front
So far no published news of any celebration of the Fuhrer's birthday this year and little interest on the internet, but this is true for white nationalism as well. Are we at the beginning of the end or the end of the beginning? Is nationalism now dead or is this just the calm before the storm? My sense is that the Fuhrer who represented truth and gave us a path which can still be followed will outlive his detractors:
1945 Table Talk
hi carolyn. don't know if my message went through.
I was going to ask if you plan on reading the 1945 entries. They are powerful and profound, but gloomy.
They are fake
No, I will not be reading that. They are proven to be fake. You should be more discriminating in what you believe. But sometimes the fake stuff is the most interesting - haha.
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Concerning the recent final "Hitler's Table Talks" Study Hour episode, I wonder how in the first paragraph of what was read the first and last sentences could be so contradictory coming from someone like Hitler:"Jesus was most certainly not a Jew. The Jews would never have handed one of their own people to the Roman courts ; they would have condemned Him themselves. It is quite probable that a large number of the descendants of the Roman legionaries, mostly Gauls, were living in Galilee, and Jesus was probably one of them. His mother may well have been a Jewess."
Thanks for alerting me, Blut
I did it again ... when I convert a "newsletter" into a "story" I have to open the comments manually.
Well, I noticed that point too, and I am going to answer it on the HTT#56 post page.