The Heretics' Hour: How Extensive is "Holocaust" Photo-Fakery?
Jan. 7, 2013
VERY extensive is the answer given by Carolyn and her guest Christine Miller. They look at many of the most famous images that allegedly represent “atrocities” that “prove” the sadism of the Germans and their allies, and explain that they are obvious photo montages, drawings/paintings or combinations, while some are simply mislabeled to purposely blame the wrong party.
Of the images discussed, some are found on Wikipedia’s The Holocaust page; others in mainstream books by Jews, like propagandist Daniel Goldhagen’s Hitler’s Willing Executioners. A good source that debunks many of these photos is Udo Walendy‘s Forged War Crimes malign the German Nation. As Walendy says, anyone who uses falsified pictures in their work, without investigation, becomes suspect in all their statements.
Image shown above: Widely distributed “photograph” that purports to be evidence of medical experiments performed by Nazi doctors at Auschwitz is really a drawing with photographed heads put on the bodies. Note the absence of necks. See here. At right is a detail of seated girl on far left which shows plainly that it’s a painting.
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7 Responses
January 8, 2013 at 2:05 am
I enjoyed the read-along format. I followed for about six or seven of the pictures. It was splendid to hear from C Miller again!
January 8, 2013 at 11:24 am
I’m glad you were able to follow along, Carl. Having so many of the guilty pictures on Wikipedia made it possible for a radio show. Just as bad (maybe worse) are the lies they allow as far as sourcing goes, trying to make these pics seem officially sanctioned somehow, yet without any author (who took the picture, when, where, why).
One of the most instructive ways to use Wikipedia is to check all the sources given for what’s said in the text. Many, many times it leads nowhere or is found only in a not very credible book.
January 9, 2013 at 1:15 pm
CM mentioned that her donated books had been sent around via interlibrary loan. That’s very good. A possible way to verify that, for these or any other titles, is to go to the library website for the state in question, and look up the title(s) in the ILL section. Some databases allow you to see which libraries have physical copies and what the status of those copies is. This might then proe that the donated items are in circulation, rather than languishing in a recycling bin. The databases are a bit dodgy though. Once I wanted to read the book about psy-ops in post-war Germany. According to the database it should have been available, but the lending institution apparently didn’t want to part with their copy. But that’s different I guess. Regardless, the databases are not 100% predictable.
January 9, 2013 at 1:23 pm
I think that as screen resolutions become ever more detailed, it will be easier and easier to see that the photos are fraudulent. For example on this retina screen, the one posted above is just a total howler.
But, as you were commenting re the SH hoax, people just don’t want to look, investigate, question. Also the photos can be re-doctored for generations X, Y, and Z.
You mentioned that you find Walendy’s skeleton comparisons hard to make sense of. On this page, , where it says “Enlarged section of picture on p. 26 (“soldier” on the left) in comparison to a genuine human bone structure,” the two skeletons illustrate the impossibility of the larger man’s proportions in the photo to the left. Using the head size from the photo, the small skeleton shows the required size of the man, which is much smaller in overall stature than the one pictured. Using the overall body size from the photo, the larger skeleton shows the head size that would be required. So basically it’s a proof that the photo is a clumsy composite, using a tiny head on a large skeleton.
January 9, 2013 at 1:57 pm
Well, I’m not that dumb, Carl.
The one on the page that you point out is easy to notice without the skeleton. But many of the examples in the book where the skeleton is used, it doesn’t seem to be sufficient by itself to prove forgery. People do come in all shapes and sizes and don’t follow that one skeletal example … for instance, some people have long legs, some have short legs. I have a pretty good eye for proportions (which I realize not everyone does*) so the skeleton thing seems like too much of a crutch to me. Do you have access to the book? Christine sent me xeroxed pages of the whole thing, which are rather dark.
*Considering how many people today (some were in my high school art classes back when) see human proportions in terms of cartoons and cartoon-y “art”, it is no wonder they can’t see distortions in human anatomy! High school students still wanted to draw people with great big heads and great big eyes — it looked “cuter” to them. It was a real eye-opener for me that they didn’t want to learn about reality — that was boring to them and not “cute” enough. Think about that when you consider Sandy Hook.
P.S. Considering what I just said about the general mystification re human anatomy, you would be right that the skeletons are important to remind people what human proportions really are.
January 9, 2013 at 10:51 pm
I don’t have Walendy’s book but some copies appear to be available via ABE
January 17, 2013 at 11:53 am
Regarding misattributed photos, many real, unfaked ones are actually of German victims of the Allied bombing holocaust, or of the brutalities of the post war Soviet/Polish ethnic cleansing of Eastern Germany. These are then transposed and relabeled as “victims of the Nazis”. There are many pictures of the emaciated naked children of post war Germany in Victor Gollancz’s books. The books published by Dr. Gerhard Frey also carry numerous photos of adolescent victims. I recall photos of the starving, naked children of an orphanage in Danzig, during the Polish conducted expulsions in one of these documentaries. In addition, in one of Dr. Frey’s books there is a clear photo of a uniformed U.S. Army liaison officer assisting the Czechs as they entrained and de-populated the German parts of Bohemia & Moravia; proof positive of American participation in this repulsive crime.