The Heretics' Hour: A Revisionist Answer to Multiplying HoloCost Commemoration Days
Jan. 20, 2014
Germar Rudolf and Bradley Smith help Carolyn inaugurate a new website,, for the 1st International Day of Commemoration in Honor of the Revisionists Who Introduced Sanity to the Auschwitz “Death Camp” Narrative. This Revisionist commemoration counters the U.N. established commemoration played up every year on the date of the “liberation” of the Auschwitz-Birkenau. From there, the discussion goes off in several directions.
- United Nations Sec. Gen. Ban Ki-moon attended the first “Shoah Event” of the year at a New York Synagogue last Saturday and revealed that the featured speaker at the U.N. on Jan. 27 will be Stephen Spielberg;
- The Red Army raped and/or deported to Siberia the women they “liberated” at Auschwitz – a story that is never told;
- The Holocaust myths could go the way of the myths of the Catholic Church, which had similar power at one time;
- The ties between Christians and Jews are too strong, based on the Old Testament, so Christianity would do well to drop the OT;
- How much is Holocaust a problem of Jewish power and how much of European weakness;
- Fredrick Töben calls from Australia in the 2nd hour and joins the discussion.
Image: Hungarian Jews look perfectly okay as they unboard at Birkenau in 1944, in this photo used on the banner at the new website.
Euro zone, Germany, Heretics' Hour Podcast, Holocaust Revisionism- 1326 reads
Original comments on this program
14 Responses
Bob in DC
January 21, 2014 at 3:37 am
Fascinating, particularly the second hour.
The monosyllabic “God” is not enough. This concept deserves a bit more.
The old chestnut “keep on keepin’ on” leads to the simple yet more descriptive active priciple, “All Powerful Ongoing”.
Bill Krapek
January 22, 2014 at 4:48 am
Christianity is not a Jewish sect. Christianity is a fulfillment of Scripture. What we call “Judaism” is a heresy. God says many nasty things about those people in the Old Testament, and Jesus went to war with the Talmud (a.k.a. “the teachings of the elders”) and the Pharisees; who laid the foundations for modern Judaism. The prophet Jeremiah also slams Talmudic thinking.
Also: God telegraphed his intentions to pivot over to the Aryans throughout the Old Testament. See my comments in “Aryan Religions” on Voice of Albion.
Brigid Therese
January 22, 2014 at 5:53 am
Thank for this introduction to Jan27.0rg. What a wonderful idea and appropriate name. to honor indefatigable death-defying revisionists, and their scholarly work given from their hearts as well as their brains. TheWhiteNetwork is also such a grand website.
January 22, 2014 at 9:29 am
Bill – Those who said Christianity was rooted in Judaism (Bradley and Germar) do not believe in YOUR God. So your correction passes right by them, and others who think like them.
Don’t you realize how idiotic that sounds?
January 23, 2014 at 7:55 am
Lots of interesting discussion in the podcast. Some thoughts. …
The website was launched. Good to see such teamwork on short notice.
A important topic was brought up regarding “How much is the Holocaust a problem of Jewish power and how much of European weakness?”
Bradley was of the opinion that it’s largely us who are the problem and cited the fact the vast majority of academics who go along with the Holocaust narrative are not jewish. Fred Toben had a similar point of view. That we tolerate the situation.
Now I think that point of view does have some merit. It reminds me of what Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn once said. He recounts how in the Gulag camps the inmates would lament at how easy it would have been to have stopped the jewish run Cheka arresting them in their apartments. All they needed to do was to act as a group and, grabbing any kind of weapon to hand, smash them to pieces. But they didn’t hang together and consequently they all hung separately.
But I think our typical academics are not shaking in fear of speaking up against the current jewish rule, simply because they aren’t even aware of it. They genuinely think the “Holocaust” happened because they have been subjected to the same non-stop propaganda as everyone else. And besides, I’m sure they like their cushy jobs.
Look, let’s face the ‘ugly truth.’ Us holocaust heretics are a more thoughtful, questioning lot far from the herd. We’ve dared to challenge the Big Jewish Lie. Dared to look the bloated, sacred Jewish cow in the eye and call its bluff. We became heretics because of the solid information that our revisionists have provided. So I salute them all!
But one day in a better future our heretical viewpoint will be the norm. The holocaust lie will go through those three stages of truth acceptance. First …
It’s all a matter of getting the information out there. That starts up a virtuous cycle of more ‘heretics’ spreading the ‘word’.
But why bother, some may say? It all happened nearly 70 years ago.
As Orwell said, “He who controls the past controls the future. He who controls the present controls the past.”
The “holocaust’ lie is the result of jewish domination of White societies. Its aim is to saddle Whites with a massive indirect guilt complex about nationalism to the point that they willingly go along with their own racial dispossession and racial destruction leading to the Jew World Order.
If you don’t dread the JWO then start reading up on what the jews did when they took over Russia in 1917. It wasn’t pretty and made the alleged “Holocaust” a relative picnic.
The very simple reason you should care about knowing the truth about the fraud called the “Holocaust” is because you care about the well being of yourself and your family. That is, you care about self preservation.
Alexander (from Flanders)
February 3, 2014 at 12:16 am
Germar Rudolf, Bradley Smith and Frederick Töben are extremely interesting. I hope all of them will return more often to the White Network. I want to hear more from them.
Greg Gerdes
February 3, 2014 at 6:01 pm
Hello Carolyn,
I find it interesting that you would have Brad on your show while, at the same time, you do not participate on the CODOH forum anymore because of their blatant censorship.
Any comment on CODOH’s gross hypocrisy?
February 3, 2014 at 6:33 pm
Greg, Bradley has always been helpful and cooperative with me. He has absolutely nothing to do with the forum; at any rate, let’s the moderators run it the way they see fit. Otherwise, no one would run it at all, I’m sure. I don’t hold it against him.
Greg Gerdes
February 6, 2014 at 1:31 am
“Bradley was of the opinion that it’s largely us who are the problem…”
Yes Katana, he used the term “acquiescence.”
ac·qui·es·cence [ak-wee-es-uhns]
the act or condition of acquiescing or giving tacit assent; agreement or consent by silence or without objection
But what does he mean by “us?” Does he include himself?
Katana, can you think of anything that Smith himself tacitly agrees with via his silence / non objection?
February 7, 2014 at 12:10 am
Greg Gerdes
February 6, 2014 at 1:31 am
“Bradley was of the opinion that it’s largely us who are the problem…”
But what does he mean by “us?” Does he include himself?
Katana, can you think of anything that Smith himself tacitly agrees with via his silence / non objection?
By “us” he’s meaning all the academics who go along with the “Holocaust”. As such he doesn’t include himself in that group because he actively promotes Revisionism and has been doing so for many years (and besides he’s not an “real academic”, anyway).
I can also see that his stance is more of an exercise in shaming people in order to get those academics who suspect a hoax off their backsides.
As to your second question, are you referring to his hands off approach to CODOH forum “censorship”? Carolyn points out (above) an explanation for that. If you read the guidelines for posting at the forum, they are quite strict.
Overall, I think Bradley (like Fred Toben) has done a really great job over decades, for the cause of Revisionism. And as that saying goes; “Perfection is the enemy of the good!”
Greg Gerdes
February 7, 2014 at 11:03 pm
noun \hi-ˈpä-krə-sē also hī-\
:the behavior of people who do things that they tell other people not to do: behavior that does not agree with what someone claims to believe or feel
February 7, 2014 at 11:15 pm
Greg – You are trying to attack people you don’t like by using our comments pages, even though these people are not here. Please read our Comment Policy page where it says “no settling of personal scores.” This is what you are doing. If you continue writing comments like this [to the readers: not the one above, but some I have not posted], I will just block you from posting. Your choice.
Greg Gerdes
February 8, 2014 at 12:16 am
“Please read our Comment Policy page where it says “no settling of personal scores.””
Well Carolyn, since just about any unflattering comment made about someone could be interpreted as an attempt to “settle a personal score,” and you are preventing any unflattering remark about BS to be published by couching my comments as such, there’s not much I can say in response and still be in compliance with said comment policy.
Have a good night.
February 8, 2014 at 1:31 am
Well Greg, you’re not just criticizing, you’re calling revisionists “liars” and “hypocrites” because you disagree with them. And they’re not even here to respond. This isn’t the place for it. I realize you’re banned at CODOH Forum, but tWn cannot be a substitute. I’m also sorry that most of the posters I liked best always got kicked off of there. Including me. But the philosophy seems to be that the Forum is a place for beginners to come and learn, not a ring for veterans to fight it out. For you and me the latter is more interesting.