The Heretics' Hour: The HoloCo$t as religion, fairy tale and abuse
Jan. 13, 2014
From the new “religion of the Holocaust” described in detail to more of Carlo Mattogno’s book on propaganda “fairy tales” from Auschwitz to Mark Weber’s character and Adolf Eichmann’s Aryanism, Carolyn continues to pound away at the unacceptable cost of the HoloCo$t. Some highlights:
- In France, with the largest Jewish population in Europe, the Shoah has become a sort of State religion as other religious faith has drastically declined;
- The animal slaughterhouse at Auschwitz had an apparatus for extracting grease from animal bones to enrich the diet of the inmates — this was transformed into the lie of the industrial use of human fat;
- Mark Weber and David Cole on the Montel Williams show many years ago reveals another instance in which Weber is not able to stand up to the Jewish holocaust narrative, but must largely agree with it;
- Sources for Adolf Eichmann being all or part Jew are: half-Jew Christopher Jon Bjerknes, imposter “Henneke Kardel,” and part-Polish Veronica Clark;
- Hadding Scott joins the program in the last half hour.
Click on image for enlarged view of Adolf Eichmann as an SS officer in 1942 and in Jewish captivity 20 years later.
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7 Responses
January 14, 2014 at 6:22 pm
Neal Bascomb’s recent book, Hunting Eichmann contains the claim that corpses the victims of gassings at Auschwitz were burned in large pits. “A channel running through the middle of the pit drained the fat exuding from the bodies. That fat was used to stoke the crematorium fires”.
The claim is derived from the testament of Ze’ev Sapir who gave evidence at Eichmann’s trial.
January 15, 2014 at 10:30 am
Yep, there are hundreds of books out there repeating the Big Lies. Hard to keep up with it all. As Carlos Porter was the first to point out, the holoCo$t “facts” determined at Nuremberg were nothing but Communist propaganda.
January 15, 2014 at 11:08 pm
David Cole now has his own website –
January 17, 2014 at 8:16 pm
Actually Paul Rassinier, I am sure long before Porter, says in one of his books that witnesses at Nuremberg claimed gassings at Buchenwald because it was the Communist line that there had been gassings at Buchenwald.
Professor Faurisson however would tell you adamantly that it is not a Communist lie or a British lie but a Jewish lie.
January 17, 2014 at 8:22 pm
That’s not exactly the same thing as saying the whole thing was made up of Communist Propaganda. That’s Porter’s claim: The Holoca$t – Made in Russia.
January 18, 2014 at 8:33 am
Regarding Mark Weber’s performance on the Montel show I think you are being overly critical of him there. I watched the video before listening to you and thought he did well. Sure, as you point out, he could have expressed things better or not gone off on tangents, like the stuff about death totals of other nationalities, etc., (although he did get some audience applause for that).
Your critical pecking away at Weber’s responses doesn’t really help the case against Weber’s current position. Weber, in that show, is the staid historian giving the Revisionist viewpoint to a wide audience, resulting in sounding like a bureaucrat counting bodies, to some. Cole on the other hand, homes in on the emotional side of the argument. Together, given the audience reactions, they made a good pair.
The black host, Montel, also did a good job overall. So much so that he would be fired on the spot today, no doubt.
All that said, the current Weber is useless to our cause and revisionism.
January 18, 2014 at 7:37 pm
Katana – thanks for your comment. I disagree with you except for your last two sentences. I stand by what I said about Weber’s performance on that show. He got no good response from the audience, unless it was in some later part after the survivors came on which I did not watch again (too sickening)– but more than that, he was not a good match to Cole. Cole would have been far more effective on his own. He was natural and likeable, yet sharp-minded, although his high-pitched voice comes as a shock and he needed to have braces as a youth. Wonder how that passed him by? What about Weber’s strange appearance with his Hitler moustache and lanky hair combed down the side? Does he not recognize what he sees in a mirror? Did the studio make-up people do that, hahaha? What do you think?
P.S. And you don’t mind it when revisionists put out all that sympathy for the Jews? It drives me batty. Jews, like the survivors on this show, have plenty enough sympathy for themselves; we don’t need to add to it.